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From My Heart to YoursFrom my energy fields to yoursReaching Out to the WorldDivination De-MystifiedDvyalok WorkshopsEurekaINTRODUCTION

Come beloveds see two columns-pillars-luminescent black glowing granite; white glowing marble: black in white; white in black lotus-almost indiscernibl

 See self poised inside looking thru these columns-gates-11.11.11 portal… feeling the momentousness of the now  of the moment deep within…. there is something in the light… yes the glow (can’t describe) …but more in the air today (cant describe)  so see self about to walk towards them…hands outstretched in embrace & something at yr wrist catches yr eye – an exquisite   glowing  crystal watch  is showing 11.11.11  and something stirs in you & even as you see that  you recall the many times you have inadvertently seen 11.11.11 in yr physical clocks and watches  and even as that flashes you see yr home clocks all beautiful ones showing 11.11.11  & your heart fills with something you cant label and you see this beautiful tower clock in your city…11.1.111….and something is seeping from yr unconsc to subconscious…into consciousness…you don’t know what…and then there is this wondrous world clock…tall sacred glowing for every human to see….! Come beloveds  become aware of your self standing and feeling all of this… so you are not that self but the awareness of - feel that clearly…you are aware of you standing… aware of what that self is seeing …doing feeling… the wonder..

 In this expanded state of being… as awareness… you becomes aware you are not looking from outside the 11.11 gates to what’s within them but from within the 11.11 gates to all that outside that led here you are not looking from the old reality to the new reality but from new reality to old reality-you already within the new- you within the 11.11 portal already… within the gates. Call it critical mass light work; call it grace; call it yr steps towards god and this as god’s towards you; call it next stage inherent in prior

 And as awareness itself you become aware simultaneously of your many actions and thoughts in current self…you view the hands outstretched towards the columns… not in embrace of  11.11 but in embrace of all that went before it; in complete…complete acceptance of the journey; in homage…homage to the experience….not shutting it out as something less; and in that a closure that spontaneously arises rather than with effort; a transcendence into the new you-( cant try to transcend- contradiction in terms -transcend means a spontaneous happening) you simultaneously become aware you  not taking steps towards the gates but swirling around and the same arms are open to embrace the new you; its reality; beingness; experiences; exploration ; all-potential . And even as you twirl around to look inwards you simultaneously become aware that the pillars ‘behind’ you disappear…somewhere symbolically your subconscious mind understands its is not about a old or new you or reality…

-It’s a place that has no demarcation between old /new self; to an integrated self beyond seeming opposites; a wholeness that knows no opposites

-To place that knows not separation; not a state of merger/union as that implies a separation that has been forged- thus an inner schism- but to oneness that knows not of separation

-To a place of inner healing where it’s not about coming home but an awakening you never left; even whilst away

-Not about being safe at home; or out on an adventure…but encompassing both simultaneously like in play!

-A place where seeking/discovery exploration- exists together with its inherent completion/fulfillment- & yet with the potential &urge for more-where perfection is not a end –finished and stagnant but dynamic state of being...

And even as all this is seeping forth from yr unconscious to yr subconscious /conscious….you become aware of some radiance deep within /around you…you can’t describe ityou have no words no labels…nothing from yr past as a reference point…like when u see that scene of beauty; hear that song you love- feel tangibly-but cant describe –this the imp part not words…

-Because in 11.11 you step beyond all known & knowable boundaries, even blue prints…Into paradigm shifts; into all potential; into anything is possible…into a vastness & eternity… which don’t end….cosmic orgasms

-11 beyond the human physical-beyond its ten fingers ( you  carry the numbers on yr body) into a higher plane of existence-higher frequencies

-11 is a master number of unparallel spiritual awareness… Revelation visionary… in day to day ways

-11 is androgynous self- the whole; not left or right brained but operating more from full brain- twin strands of dna wholly activating

-11 in its highest avatar -as it comes today as a trinity- is physical & divine operating together- (that’s why we worked with youur light bodies)- 11 = individualized consciousness aware of itself as a spark of divinity-stands face to face with divinty

-11.11.11 =6= as above so below…

Many of us know this intellectually-but 11.11 frequency takes you beyond that into becoming yr subconscious energy signature increasingly-allow this energy to fill you…

But now we take you beyond words- thru symbols and energies which are present wholly already…feel it within and around….

Come beloveds use the power of symbols: your sub conscious has been seeded with the numerical  triggers through the last few  months & today is an activation which will then play out in the coming days months years; in individual ways- so feel the 11.11.11 encodements –crystalline- pouring into the room- bursting within you with gnosis beyond words; in you’re bodies- yr energy field- -cellular- emotional- mental -divine presence

-Into the Left –right brain- into being increasingly whole brain…

-Into yr pineal…. Medulla…  into to the master gland the pituitary …lighting up as a diamond …see it become a diamond...the diamond cell within you; call it the god self; the non separated self…and experiences henceforth…

And now see you self standing within this 11.11 space.. vastness, - action in non action ; doing w/o doing…all momentum/rest ; now allow this consciousness to seed you deeper w/o erudite understanding -be engaged with the energies like with  a lover-divine lover- THROUGH ALL YR SENSES

So look around-see- the  all that we have spoken about- the new consciousness  -as light- glow-silvery gold…not the gold u were working with for these weeks! But a color you have  no word for- as till now you have seen things in parts-as this or that-gold or silver blend of gold and silver yet 2 parts-but this glow is neither gold or silver or a blend but a the whole…so no words-see it as aglow…more silver y as u need a color…crystalline glow.. Allow it to come close- wrap you like the lover… feel safe….feel exuberant…. feel loved….feel beautiful …. feel divinity wooing you -understand why you exist…allow it permeate you….. fill with a  glow….surrender to its  light …….

Now inhale it like that sweetest of fragrances; filling with a fullness & u have no words for… direct recall of yr reason to be as an individualized spark…  Inhale the subtle fragrance like the flowers gifted by a lover…like rain on soil… allow it permeate you- fill you the glow-surrender to the fragrance …

Now taste it’s sweetness …sacredness as That becomes THIS- no words…..

Now hear it through its inner sounds bells-conch – om- taking you into it higher notes….back to THAT which has no words: like following  a lovers voice; like the gopis & Krishna’s flute ….the flute symbolic of the sound of beingness… beyond even light…this is taking you to the finest of energies for today

And now Become consciously aware through the touch of the gust of breeze - touching you …a  tangible feel of ‘That” or ‘This” which you cant describe or name or label…  feel the breeze come close… caress you…and go through you; even as you touch that wholeness within- it comes again –stronger and wraps around you…and you fill again with this integrated whole self; and in that it comes one last time and fills you, you swirl in it…you don’t know which is you where is the breeze...it unravels all your identities  …your separated sense of self…layer after layer…after layer…till you become the breeze…so light …so free…so vast…so empty…so fine… even beyond light & sound…you become one with ether…that in which light and sound exists…. You become that which is immanent in all…no personal ‘you’…just pure beingness.. Drift…dissolve…become one with space….no thoughts…. no knowledge…just pure being….no words

And now as air…space itself…become the space within your homes…your life… you are just the space in your house/office/city. Be that…. then you become the momentum the breeze …and then the NEW 11.11 breeze that you are starts to unfurl and swirl and take shape….diaphanous at first…and becomes you… current you again-but anew-11.11 you!

The 11.11 has been activated deeply within you…do not try to understand… let it play out in individual ways... it will get integrated within each of you to pour out as and when required…as you need in yr highest good in any now…

Now view a three lotuses…silver, gold and a glow…settle at yr root chakra….all three merge into one …and  fill self… the integrated self…the whole…at all your chakras till chakra six….see this at each chakra…so you are once again seeded to be

Operating from not left or right brain but the full brain; not lower& higher mind- but beyond; not conscious or unconscious but supra consciousness; passion and focus and surrender; doing without doing…. safe at home yet having an adventure…having it all-yet enjoying the exploration! Dwell in this beauty…grace…beyond the words in the gnosis of ‘why creation’… ‘why the cosmic game’ and see at the 7th chakra …a lotus lotus opening…unfurling …..and allow is essence to permeate your energy field! Enlightenment is finding that there is nothing to find.  Nowhere to go. The understanding that this is all that this is perfect, that this is it. Enlightenment is not an achievement, it is an understanding that there is nothing to achieve, state of overflow… overflow…

Come beloveds become a chalice…. Ace of cups… full and  flowing into your bodies, chakras…energy field; into your beloveds; unto earth; and yet the cup remains full…from the full flows the full remains the full …

Come beloveds see a column of light: gold and silver and the new glow; black and white and the new crystalline ; the 11.11.11 merged into the trinity of 33 (11+11+11) …Christ consciousness …Krishna consciousness…-Love… and become a flame…your integrated 11 self…the individuated spark yet whole…see it… feel it…divinity …!

As you go about your day…see the 11.11 flame in self…in all…. in humanity-…

Once again see the wrist watch…the clocks.. the 11.11.11 moment…  and see those very flames brighten …take anew spark….blink on stronger…and strands  from one to another to another to another like fine grid…..! Notice each flame is a diff color or shade or blend- yet together the grid is  one glow silvery gold…crystalline glow..! And this grid expands- glows brighter deeper...till the glow is all around earth…and this glow is not the sun…no no beloveds…not some divine light from the skies….its divine light of us all…of humanity…




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