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From My Heart to YoursFrom my energy fields to yoursReaching Out to the WorldDivination De-MystifiedDvyalok WorkshopsEurekaINTRODUCTION

Begin the  Om cd... visualize a large beautiful golden Om swirling in front of  you.... Gaze upon it lightly.... and view how its vibrations are becoming one with you; you may visualize  little golden Om’s emit from the large om and enter you... see them streaming into you gently... till you are filled with these Om  vibrations....and there is less and less of you...only Om vibrations.....and then there is no you, you are only a large golden Om swirling gently...; sit in this frequency...or rather as the Om frequency  for a few moments...

Day to day thoughts may me there .. if they are... see them  drifting by like  clouds in the sky , you are the sky not the clouds drifting by ...

Now conjure yourself in this beautiful space ... green grass...  fresh soil .... , flowers in a profusion of colours, trees laden with fruit.... blue sky.... a bright sun not too warm, rolling blue hills around making you feel safe and secure in the very lap of Mother Earth. Look around, and you relax you will feel strangely  ... a sense of peace with nothing to do nowhere to go to.... all seems perfect in this now.... and then you become aware of a crystal clear pool in front of you in which you can see yourself... gaze upon yourself lightly... see yourself outside you ...( this works over time in helping you become a witness to yourself rather than operating as the self/identifying with the self  as you do currently)

You are feel completely relaxed.... and you recognize that this is no outer space we have gotten you to – all that has happened is that you have shifted to you higher frequency...to that place of rest and peace within ...; abide here a few moments in this awareness...become familiar with it so you can return whenever you choose...use this ‘place’ as a symbol...to shift into your higher frequency...

And then become aware of the suns reflection in the pool and see its light shining spilling onto you.... feel the golden light falling on your hair, its light warm on your shoulders, spilling down the back.... embracing you, caressing you... feel warm and nurtured and relaxed. The sun and its light are symbolic of divine energy, call it consciousness, the universe, fresh prana, love...oneness...joyfulness, peace, stillness ...whatever you like.

And then become aware that even as you relax into its embrace...  the beautiful golden light of the sun starts to enter you ...  it gradually permeates your skin, enters every pore, enters and fills up every Organ... each organ is now awash with this divine light...  filled with pure consciousness  itself ....view this in the pool in front you....

And the sun light, divine energy, prana.... continues to pour unto you ...  and now it enters every atom, every molecule, and every cell in your physical or energy body........you are filled with a billion little suns floating within.... view this in the pool in front you

And then as you relax and surrender further to this divine energy, all the atoms cells burst and your entire system is gushing with pure liquid gold.... your blood stream is now pure golden sunlight...there is nothing within you which is not pure Golden sunlight ... pure conscious ...divine energy...prana...love... joyfulness...peace... stillness... view this in the pool in front you....

Become aware ...how you are now a hollow tube/silhouette only... filled with pure golden prana... view this in the pool in front you....

You the separate you is almost not there...only divine energy fills  you.... and even then the sun continues to fill you... even when you think there is no more space... the sun continues to fill you ... every crevice... those areas called the subconscious mind.... view this in the pool in front you....

And then so filled with divine sun energy are you that it now bursts forth from you, through every pore...  the sun begins to pour out of every pore...even a sit fills you our out...like a fountain of pure golden light... it is   filling you and pouring out, and filling  and pouring , filling  and pouring... you are trying hard to retain your individual  self , retain your identity,  but you are slipping away, because you are filled with and becoming the formless self, becoming divine self... and then you see in the pool in front of you that there is no you as you  know it only a large glowing beautiful golden ball... view this in the pool in front you....

And then see the little of you that is left sitting crossed leg floating in the centre of this ball and command with your conscious mind to the subconscious that the separate you, dissolve completely....; if you feel resistance try and surrender in the awareness that you are not disappearing  you are becoming all that is!  You are not becoming powerless but one with Divinity/God Itself. See yourself fading...dissolving but not, not  existing- indeed you exist for the first time in a more expanded powerful way... view your divine form/light in the pool in front of you...

And somehow somewhere you become aware... that though there is only this ball sitting where every you were sitting ...  yet you know this ball is you...I; you become are I am this ball of divinity...i am this formless self. And even  as you acknowledge that the ball is you, without the restraining body form.... the ball that you are  becomes bigger and floats higher and becomes lighter... its light  can’t  be contained in the pool anymore.... and you feel yourSelf expand and float and become light...till the ball you are becomes bigger and floats higher and becomes lighter... bigger and higher, till there is no more bigger you  can become and no more higher you can go-  even the form of the ball bursts or becomes one with light itself.... you have moved from the body form to the ball to becoming light itself...boundary less...vast....

Become aware you have become one with all that is, you have become one with the light everywhere... you have become the source/sun Itself looking upon everything.... You have become one the sky...the air...with the mountains, flowers, every blade of grass... personal consciousness has dissolved into becoming universal consciousness... you have expanded your energy field to its maxim that you can in the Now...

Sit in this expanded state of being for as long as you can...; you may describe it as light, peace, vastness, love, oneness.... but no words can really do it justice...in this awareness allow the words to drop as there are no words for this state of being ...as its beyond duality and its language. .  This is your authentic state of being . So become aware of this state of being – you have heard about it, read it in books, but now you are actually experiencing it. Become familiar with it so you can move back here more easily...or recognize it so that when you slip into it randomly during the day and call it the feel good factor or I’m just feeling good- this is where you are!

Over time, it is best to just sit in this space- this is what mediation is, the rest was a tool we used to get you here. But yes, you may use this expanded state of being occasionally for:

1)      Manifestation: see what you desire as already having happened in your 3rd eye ( as you are expanded and abiding as the universe rather than limited self , manifestation becomes more powerful. Yet always manifest with the sentence that whatever is for my highest good)

2)      Guidance : just lightly place your query –whatever you need clarity on...in this energy and let it be. (You may get clarity over few days...through seemingly outer sources, perhaps through dreams. as you meditate more guidance may come in while you sit...more directly,... not as words/instructions but gentle subtle messages or feelings..a certain knowing  called direct knowing )

3)      Healing – Focus on the area or emotion you need healing for  ( Mediation is anyways a deeply healing process as your body/mind/energy field is flooded with light and higher frequencies; all that is not in sync with this starts to loosen, release-heal)

4)      Spiritual growth –You may make this intent! Yet this has already begun by the very intention of coming for meditation.  It will unravel in unique ways for each one. The right masters, books, paths, practices will come your way. Trust this processes

5)      To abide in this state of being increasingly till you remain in it unceasingly.  This is your authentic state of being - what or who you really are - already are – so there is nothing you have to do or gain for this state of being-only remove what comes in the way; only shift your attention ....so that you may abide here 24/7 rather than only in meditation.  Yes initially the gaps will be longer, you will move into this for shorter periods, fall out easily...but make that intent that over time you may abide unceasingly. In this you live life in equanimity, straddling your divine self and humanity... abiding as witness not engaged or thrown by the ups and downs.... what you call peace of mind

You may open your eyes gently  whenever ready... or ...  come back by the  contracting process... see the formless light that you are become the large universal ball...which becomes smaller and smaller...like earth.... then smaller till it’s now outside around your body...becomes smaller and smaller till it is a little circle in your heart chakra. This is ever present now, be aware of this glow, view it a s flame that you have re ignited...and see the flame glow steady and thick and bright!

 And so it is, so it is, so it is


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