Welcome all to another momentous occasion for self and our world;
before we even start let us be in complete thankfulness to the many
wondrous opportunities we have received as a group or gathering- to anchor
universal energies -and to be in service
to earth humanity and all life forms on it- through the year
Groups & gatherings play a very special role- as -simply put- they
make a larger cup energetically to
receive and anchor universal energies; but especially now a days- its not
the time for sitting alone on mountain tops- but to gather in groups on pivotal
days-as humanity is being used en masse towards this change of consciousness;
And especially with 999 as it heralds- oneness-unity-humanity coming together
as one race towards moving away from separationist aspects. (Number 9 is about
global outlook, universal service, to humanity; one world) Thus 999 is a
cosmically coordinated event; called by various names- ‘earths ascension’ or
when the ‘new age’ officially comes into full swing…the beginning of the
‘golden age’… either way 9.9-9. is a pivotal moment for earth & all on it-
heralding a new consciousness being in
For our new comers- I would like to say group meditations are really
not about understanding things intellectually - they are not concerned with
your conscious mind but with your subconscious mind; and indeed the
concepts explained or information given is only to keep the conscious mind
somewhat entertained; for in that it
paradoxically rests- instead of getting bored or restless & allows
the subconscious mind to be addressed at
deeper & deeper levels as you go along
Symbols –images- colors are used to address this subconscious of yours
in ways far beyond what words can express- Symbols are forms that make us see
the formless! Allowing us to access the inaccessible, & make the
intangible, tangible; and the unknowable, known. They communicate richly &
directly to your sub conscious! This is akin to ancient dhyana techniques when
you used symbols to focus on, to imbibe its deeper abstract understandings,
beyond words. How many words would it take for me to describe-what I could with
picture or image of Christ or Laxmi or a heart symbol or white dove’s fluttering-or of a calm blue sky …
Now a little bit on 9.9.9… which is actually a process …or a
consciousness coming into place- and actually started in 9.9.2007 =999 - to
peak today (9.9.2009) ! Thus the 999 consciousness has 2 markers-
the more unconscious (9.9.2007=9) and today’s more conscious one (9.9.2009). Thus today is also the beginning of 11.11.11
(as 9.9.2009= 11) which will peak in 11.11.2011! However it is the more conscious
dates –which humanity easily recognizes- that are used as prompters from
the other side/universe/higher self to get your attention! And indeed 999 is
only a peak and turning point (as all
peaks must be) in a longer chain of special dates… of a phase we began at 111
(1.1.2001) and have been going through since
then … 222… 333 …and will continue to go through as 10.10.10 11.11.11 12.12.12! 999 is special as it is
vital peak…an important portal… allowing us into the next few years
Numbers like these are distinctive and get your attention; how many of
you notice it in clocks, car plates these days? Indeed these strangely eye
catching numbers are like road signs- guiding you-keeping you on track- but through
your subconscious mind- like inner clocks…. triggering off much …deep within!
999 can be better appreciated if
you are aware of what numbers really are! Numerology is wide and
interesting subject- but in one line- each number is actually an energy field-
describing a certain range of qualities within consciousness. So while energy…consciousness
is one … its diff qualities & aspects were viewed by seers of ancient times
and described as different numbers! Thus each number actually describes a range
of qualities…a state of consciousness! Thus
double numbers-like 24 –describe the qualities and consciousness of 2 and 4 and
6! Double digits of the same number- 11,
22 33 etc are known as master numbers with amplified energies; and certainly
triple digits of the same number are tremendously powerful…
So simply put, you can view 999 as a combination of certain
energies, a state of consciousness- it describes the new consciousness that
earth is moving into! A new dimension or plane only means this- when critical mass humanity
adopt or operate from a new state of consciousness; a new dimension or plane is
not some new physical plane descending from the skies! We will not all be
different to look at or glowing with gold halo’s! A new consciousness only
means new ways of thinking and being; new belief systems; a new seeing and
So you can view the 9.9.9 as a significant date or marker; a wake up
call, encoded numerologically to activate humanity sub consciously towards this
shift; but at its deepest it is actually not a date but a portal opening with an unprecedented power surge ushering
in a pivotal shift for earth and all its beings; indeed activating a new
age! These dates or portals are used
(like festivals) to gather people to
receive this energy in huge amounts to touch critical mass humanity (So its not
like if you miss today you miss it all…!Its like celebrating a birthday- but a
birth date is only symbolic of all that you have been and will further be )
Today in meditation we will of course focus & activate or balance the
9 energy & qualities within each of us towards being best prepared for the 999 estate of consciousness we are
moving into- best described in few words as: a) A period of grace (all
of us have heard the saying: when you take a few steps towards god he takes the
rest towards you…and a period of grace ,simply put, means that humanity has
done a large part of whatever the human experience was about for/through each
one and now consciousness enables us towards our completion…like a fruit that
has ripened…now nature allows it ripen wholly..)This is one of the most
important aspects of 999 consciousness so be open to receiving grace; feeling
grace all around you in big ways and small ways… b) The second core quality of 999 consciousness is that it is a crucial phase of completion,
transformation, alchemy on triad levels- physical, mental and spiritual; earth,
humans & all life forms; earth, universe, cosmos… it is indeed the beginning
of the end of the game of complete separation & duality! We are moving into
a new phase of oneness, love & its remembrance; more in touch with our
divinity –our role in the cosmos- and thus what we choose to further create!
Thus 999 demands release and completions… and in that it gifts us magical
alchemy-like transformation and beingness!
We will now begin the meditation- the talk was like tilling and
creating a fertile soil -on which the symbolic seeds of the meditation can take
deeper root. The meditation is two fold- you are doing it for self and for
humanity/earth- keeping that intent deep in your mind- focus on self through
the meditation –this is very important- as only as you heal, aid and transform
self will humanity and earth automatically be aided through a you!
Come beloveds close you eyes…remember my words are not important as but
from where the words come… close your eyes; pay light yet rapt attention…
like to a flame in trataka… where you seek not to intellectually understand the
flame and thus it transfers its essence
to you; be open to what’s happening beyond my words; be open to where the words
are coming from rather than to the words themselves for the words are only a
carrier (my frequent meditators know my words are almost redundant) to carry
the requisite energies encased in them; be lightly aware of the subtle change
in energies…feel it…don’t take my word for it…and yes if you lose attention…
drift off… it is ok… the real work is being done within so be open to that- to
grace; to completions; to transformations!
Allow the chants to permeate you…relax your conscious minds and open
your subconscious awareness.
See swirling around you in a kaleidoscope…your life…all that you call
your life; like little cameo’s of its events, people, places… your homes
,places of work… relationships; your self…your many moods positive and
As you slip deeper into alpha become aware of a fine mist permeating
these scenes… its reality diluted…diffused… nothing seems so solid and
entrenched any more; nothing is so defined any more…its reality and forever
ness and hold on you weakens.. and you relax deeper…
As you relax deeper you become aware of a glow…a radiance…building even
as you become aware of it; a light so bright that you almost put your hands
to your eyes…till you get accustomed to it; and can see it all …your
seeming life and its events again…the
same cameos; but something’s changed in this new vision; its all just the same…
reassuringly same… yet everything has changed subtly; its as though there is a
fine glitter of tinsel on each cameo; and as you look around your life in the
new consciousness you see some events have disappeared; some are anew; some
challenges have gone; some are still there but the way you address them is so
different and positive like joyful exploration and adventure; some dreams have
come true… ah; some are in the process…a bigger deeper ah….; and you see the cameo of self and become
aware that that’s what really changed; you have changed…your vision of
things have changed…you are deeply at rest yet empowered in exploration and
action….and so life is the same…. everything is the same… and yet everything
has changed…ah; for the regular meditators the meditation is complete already;
tap into this …and rest…feel the grace even as we continue…
Come beloveds, rest relax and
allow the music to permeate through you; feel the subtle change in energies
already; do not take my word for it…lightly become aware….allow the music to
help you relax, open your hearts and move into a state of receptivity…
View in front of you the easiest symbol for ‘nine’ energy- the
numerical 9 -a lovely calligraphically written nine - with a beautiful loop
and slightly inward curved tail or stem. See this huge lovely glowing 9
swirling in the centre of the room …becoming distinctly reddish gold… emanating
its energies unto you; See
it … feel its glow…be open to whatever you need from this nine energy in the
now –and allow it to release from you whatever is not in sync within you… with
the new consciousness
Now view the nine being joined by yet another 9…but a flip 9… like a mirror image facing it… standing face
to face …as they become a heart made up of 2 nines facing each other! Become
aware of the increase in potency yet
paradoxically softer energy of the double 9… as it becomes the energy of love! Indeed
divine or cosmic love enhanced through humanity…. being gifted back to the
cosmos! The reason love ventured out ….to experience itself tangibly…See
this double nine heart become gold …see
it … feel its glow…be open to whatever you need from this nine energy in the
now-direct it not…and allow it to release from you whatever is not in sync with
its love& compassion... and expand into Love…of self and ‘others’…into
service which is akin to serving self…
Now view this energy being joined by a third 9 ….view a nine with its looped tail; on its
tail see the other 9 attach itself- like the two loops of an Om….and in between
these two see the third 9 attach itself horizontally and view an Om made of
triple 9’s! Become aware a certain chemical reaction… feel the burst of
energy…in this trinity of trinities…. know 999 represents truth which cannot be
defined or labeled in anyway- tap into this cosmic energy without trying to
decipher it as it is beyond decoding; See this Om of 3 nines… sapphire blue
& emerald green & gold…see it … feel its glow…be open to whatever you
need from this nine energy in the now- direct it not…and allow it to release
from you whatever is not in sync with it’s sacred truth...its spiritual
Come beloveds see ‘you’… your body…and then your personal energy field
become the myriad energies & potencies of 9; see how there is no you
,physical you, where you sit…but a glorious swirling reddish gold 9 and its
qualities; then a silver gold double 9 heart & the love it
symbolizes; now a triple blue green triple 9 Om depicting the new consciousness
of divinity reclaimed; Nine
is the limit of all numbers- 0 to 9 is all one needs to make up an infinite amount
of numbers- and thus 9.9.9 contains the sum total of the energy you need from
the whole….
Allow all the 9’s and their essences to merge into the gold, sapphire blue
& emerald green color of new consciousness and see it enter every cell…
atom… molecule… see it fill your physical …etheric… emotion… mental bodies…
know this aids you…allow this to aid in you… in your
completion at every level; aids your transformation towards your
new enhanced roles &ways of being; towards the alchemy of turning
the denser aspects within you to spirit…
This was done in purely symbolic ways (without 9 being decoded- to work directly
with yr energy field …so you’re your conscious mind & its intellectual
understanding would not come in the way) to heighten your energies… to be able
to download & assimilate the new frequencies that 999 brings today &
over the next few months and years…
Fill…fill fill…see your energy field expand…and expand…higher, vaster,
finer… till you become one with all that is; till you become one with the new
consciousness ….become aware of a beautiful emerald or crystal glowing at
yr heart chakra….glowing… alive … and emanate this to friends… family…
home.. .places of work… humanity…earth…
And as you continue to fill and pour out; fill and emanate; you become
one with the blue blue… skies and the green green… grass of mother earth and nature….
Come beloveds see yourself in this beautiful place …heaven on earth if
you like…the star card for tarot lovers; the spot that regular meditators often
visit…yet see how even whilst being the same… something has subtly changed; it
has an almost surreal feel; become aware of this… the glow…the electric
colors of the trees and hills and sky and pool… the almost neon vibrancy of the flowers in colors you cannot describe…
see the trees laden with fruit larger than life…
See the sapphire blue emerald green pool stirring …coming alive almost…
as the 999 vibrations bring forth from deep within it… the 9 energy … its
qualities and potencies …to your conscious awareness… what ‘9’ is about;
see it bring to the surface from deep
within this pool of unconsciousness… 9
in symbolic ways to permeate your subconscious- become aware of the images as they float to the top and flit across the surface … for
you to lightly become aware of…
See the pool throw up to the surface…the numbers…in sequence… numbers
made of shining crystal … sapphires and emeralds fashioned as 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6…7…
8… 9 ; see them rise and as they reach nine and can go no further see them
dissolve to arise fresh once again….but
bigger, bolder, shinier indeed… 1..2…3…4…5…6…7..8…9; and again they
dissolve at nine…to appear again and dissolve again and appear again …each time
bolder shinier…again and again…. till yr subconscious mind becomes aware that
as the end/last digit of the sequence…
-9 is an end & thus heralds a
new beginning
-9 is the peak… pinnacle… and attainment
of all that went before it; & its collapse into the new range of
-Deep within embrace the
awareness that peaks, pinnacles, attainments, completions are indeed pivotal
points of change & transformation…towards higher finer states of being.
Remain here for a while allowing this to prepare your energy field for
completions & beginnings…required in upcoming months and year…
Come first embrace 9’s energy of completion, attainment, pinnacles
peaks & summits reached- be ready for the reaping of your
harvests; the sweet rewards accumulated; the development of all
that you harnessed along the way; the learning & wisdom gained; Remain
here for a while allowing this to prepare your energy field to expand and hold
all your accumulated rewards… the joys that 999 will enable…
See yourself joyful as the gloriously joyous 9 … authentic joy… which
is both an inner stillness & the passion/momentum of creativity; See yourself doing what brings you deep inner
sweetness in simple ways; see yourself sharing your special gifts with
your world… (be it cooking ,teaching, home maker, business….whatever it maybe) expand
this to sharing something you have always dreamt of wanting to do… expand this
to sharing something symbolically- giving the other a lotus or a golden
ball -for the new ways - that will be yr unique role and gift ; don’t try and imagine this for you
only limit it.. thus use a symbolic exchange; now expand that to the world
and see all of you exchanging your unique talents as gifts joyously; each a
unique being appreciating another unique being- and in that see humanity
dancing with nines as partners …symbolic of their joyful state of being; tap
into this passion- not only creative passion-but the passion found in higher
states of being… see this…feel this joy in yr emotional…mental
bodies…in every cell of your body…know that 999 brings it to you….in ways big
and small…
Yet know…999…heralds …is …the end of a cycle; a completion; a final
stage; the last chance to reflect & deal with the unfinished; to effect
changes; to release what’s not required for the new phase of existence; thus
did we fill you first; as in fulfilling states, release is always easier and
natural…come release all denser
vibrations not compatible with the 999 consciousness… from your
physical etheric emotional & mental bodies; from all your cells
…from your genetic memory…from past
selves over time and space...whatever
needs to be let go of…
Use the 999 energy to release old core belief systems, thought forms, your
ideas on health, wealth, relationships, self, life… You will not be able to
navigate this new level of existence in light the same way as you have …even in
recent times… Allow this consciousness to aid you let go of the old rules of
the game…allow the old game board to be folded up; release your ideas on what
abundance is; how you can create wealth; your ability to do so; release old
images of what success means…or love; or how it can be touched; move from set
ways of thinking about health and your body…as bodies too transform in sacred
come release from your physical etheric emotional & mental bodies; from all your cells
…from your genetic memory…from past
selves over time and
space...whatever needs to be let go of…
Now use the 999 energy to release knowledge that is redundant- not
useless as its done its work to bring you so far- but to be open to new fields
of knowledge that are part of this new phase; and even more important is
release those subconscious states of thinking ‘you know it all’ …especially
those who feel they have spiritually arrived… indeed to best usher in 999 you
need to be like a child open to the new…seeing everything for the first time… with
a beginner's mind. Know you carry within yourself this capability, as surely
as you carry the surety of wisdom gained through the 1-9 become lightly aware of
you feel light or your head feels light and almost woozy…and know that old
wires of set path ways in your brain are being disconnected and new synapses
being formed …come release from your physical
etheric emotional & mental bodies; from all your cells
…from your genetic memory…from past
selves over time and
space...whatever needs to be let go of…
Now use 999 to release all past & present hurt …pain …anger…feelings
of betrayal and guilt …all judgment towards self or others…as you know more
than intellectually how everything…every event person however challenging it
might have seemed was but a step to reach here…to merger with self and your
godliness; how indeed every thing pays its own unique role in the larger
picture… come release from your from current self; past selves,
all soul extensions,… across space time and dimension, from all chakras…any energy
not in sync with love & thank fullness …
Now use 999 to release all stress… fear…comparisons…inadequacies; tap
into the unique individuation that you are; tap into the knowing that the Whole
chose to experience itself through you; that you are perfect at every step in
the larger view… come release from current self; past selves, all soul
extensions across
space time space; from all chakras…all
feeling of inferiority …lack of worth or confidence
Now release all limiting
vows …redundant agreements… patterns… past chords that keep you bound … release
your hang up with ‘karma’… which make no sense in the new game…its like trying
to live with the rules of monopoly and its partnerships forged…after the game
is over! Do not worry that present relationships will severe; indeed released
from old limitations they can only enhance! See chords attaching you to your
old self release in this eureka; and thus automatically all attachments
and chords and events and karma of that old self in one stroke! If
there is no you…where ‘your’ karma’? Come release from current
self; past selves, all soul extensions across space time space …from all chakras…notions
of personal self and its bindings…
Now release all ‘should’s’ and programs of trying to be ‘this’ ‘that’
or the other …trying to fit into labels of what is ‘good’ or ‘spiritual’ or
‘successful’…or ‘safe’ or…..; see old tapes of conditioning being deleted by
this new consciousness; actually see this… Come release from current self; past selves,
all soul
extensions across
space time space –from all your chakras old voices from the past…
Now…. release all illusions of time & space…itself; age & gender…
‘separation and ignorance’ and move into divine being and its cosmic play… Come
release from current self; past selves, all soul extensions
across space time space – from
all your chakras the veils of Maya… towards a experience more in sync with who
you really are…
In this release ….are you more ready for the new ‘consciousness’ …&
its new missions which will be activated within each. New dreams
& purposes, enhanced roles- god presence- your divinity…a
whole new consciousness - the paradoxical states of simultaneous rest and
action; surrender & empowerment. In this fulfillment & completion are your more ready towards the new phase that
people of earth… Gaia …humanity enter into;
so rest awhile in all that you have
released…let it go…let it be…tune into the magic of let it be…let it be; and
allow the inner states of fulfillment be gently felt…
Come beloveds, see yourselves, once again at that beautiful
grove…heaven one earth…its almost surreal beauty and wonder….its and its
sapphire blue emerald green pool of unconscious as it reveals further secrets
of the 9 energy to your subconscious mind… and this time see the 9 surface from
deep below…like a ball of fire…like its ruling planet mars…see it bursting into
you …as you become one with its passion… grit … drive… determination ; become
aware somewhere deep within that it is 9
that has the grit drive determination and
passion that allows the energy of 1 &
beginnings- to reach their end; it is the drive of nine that holds together the
entire exploration; it is the passion 9
which holds goals to their accomplishment; the desired to its fulfillment; the
seeker to the sought; your will as creator to experience all that is- to the
glorious penultimate experience! So
allow 9 to unfurl it strength… resilience & passion unto you… both for
the completion of current goals and to know that new dreams will also start to
develop in this new consciousness…perhaps seemingly impossible …and yet know
this aspect of nine will allow dreams to become real…the impossible to be
possible…so be open to those seemingly impossible dreams! Come beloveds rest in this for a
while…allowing your subconscious to be permeated…empowering your new visions…
Now…once again… see yourself at
that beautiful grove…heaven one earth…its almost surreal beauty and wonder….its
and its sapphire blue emerald green pool of unconscious as it reveals further
secrets of the 9 energy to your subconscious mind… and this time see the 9 surface from deep below like a beautiful divine being… arising from
the pool…angelic in form if you like…large wings symbolic of having broken free of all known limits; blend with this 9’s ability to go beyond all
limits… its energy of autonomy & freedom…. so that you become a new empowered
1 again; an enhanced creator than the one that began the game…to create an
enhanced experience… and rest in this for a while…allowing your subconscious to be
permeated…as you glow in the glory that 9 is…
Now…once again… see yourself at
that beautiful grove…heaven one earth…its almost surreal beauty and wonder….its
and its sapphire blue emerald green pool of unconscious as it reveals further
secrets of the 9 energy to your subconscious mind… and this time see the 9 surface from deep below …in multiplications
which always result in 9! See…. when nine is multiplied to any number it
reaches a sum digit of nine again…
nines always return to themselves so tap into this self reliance… ability to be
authentic self through it all…to always emerge as glorious self… and
rest in this for a while…allowing your subconscious to be permeated by this
sacred truth beyond words..
Now…once again… see yourself at
that beautiful grove…heaven one earth…its almost surreal beauty and wonder….its
and its sapphire blue emerald green pool of unconscious as it reveals further
secrets of the 9 energy to your subconscious mind… and this time see rise from it a lotus…a crystalline lotus with nine
petals- for the nine phases you have completed and… its composite wisdom…its
unconscious knowing deep within you…the petals unfolding automatically now; tarot
students see the hermit… moon… 9 of
wands cups pentacles & reversed swords…to work wordlessly within you
Now that your personal energies are
heightened… more in sync with all that 999 has to offer… you will better
download , assimilate, anchor and emanate the new frequencies ….as well as what
will be coming in the next few months …years
So come beloveds become a empty chalice ….see yourself
as a beautiful bowl or goblet…and allow the 999 power surge…. to descend unto
you; you may symbolically see number
9’s…the double nines as hearts…the triple 9 as om’s…pouring unto the chalice
your cleansed and expanded personal energy field has become; you may see mars
and nine petal led lotuses, divine angelic
beings….tarot cards…the 9 planets …9 pointed stars ….all symbols only…fill
you up in unknown ways…you may just feel this surge fill and permeate you…
Feel blessed … feel grace… feel the grace tangibly
around and within you; know it’s
always there in the deepest core of you to feel day to day… moment to moment...
And in this grace… see the cup that you are …your
personal energy field automatically become a circle; with the new you …a dot
within it; now see descending into the circle 5 downward pointing triangles…shakti
…the divine feminine principle; and then see ascending…4 upward triangles …Shiva
the divine masculine principle being release; and know somewhere deep in your
heart that your energy field is the sacred geometry of a Shri Yantra… of 9
interlocking triangles…making nine circuits or circles around you; view the
shri yantra at every chakra; Each of the 9 circuits of the sri yantra, from
the outer plane, to the bindu or dot or centre
corresponds to the different stages of your spiritual journey from its material
experience to its return back to spirit… enlightenment; they correspond to your
divine pilgrimage as mankind… in which every step is an ascent; every step
enables you beyond the limited existence
of that stage; every level is nearer to the goal of realizing the cosmic play
as spirit; yantra’s are sacred geometries- consciousness in original form or
design- and by contemplating …or indeed in becoming a sri yantra you activate
its power in you…readying you for its new consciousness in day to day ways;
Come beloveds, now rest…just rest; be still; in a
state of allowance & receptivity; know you download this for earth, and all on
it, to usher us into a new glorious phase; know 999 is a pivotal turning point to 12.12.12.&
you are well within it!
Each of you will begin to vibrate at higher and finer
levels; this energy will build exponentially…and grow in power upon the Earth… as each of you
add your Light to it each day; a
great vision is needed at this pivotal point; at this last thrust; and those
who can envision the new human experience…the new earth…sprit in cosmic play in
tangible physical ways…must hold it for all..
Be in thankfulness of all that you have received…and
emanated and shared and been in service… through this glorious gathering…
Be in thankfulness for the grace around you moment to
moment …feel it, touch it, know it…
And so it is; so it is; so it is.
Come everyone smile…laugh…don’t be so serious…dance
deep within