1-YOU ARE WORTHY! FROM DAILY GURU "A person's worth is contingent upon who he is, not upon what he does, or how much he has.” We cannot achieve more in life than what we believe in our heart of hearts we deserve to have.” James R. Ball If you doubt your self-worth, consciously or unconsciously, you will limit the good things you will allow into your life. As a human being, as spirit manifested in form, you are innately worthy. Your worthiness does not have to be strengthened or improved. However, you may not PERCEIVE yourself to be worthy. Do you consider yourself worthy? It may help to answer these questions: -Do you find it easier to give than to receive? -Do you have as much money as you would like? -Do you feel driven to improve yourself? -Do you value other people's time more highly than your own? -How would you feel if someone offered to pay you a salary of $1 million/year? If you find you lack self-worth, don't despair. Just being aware of your self-worth issues will help you let them go.
2-TUNE INTO THE ESSENCE Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into
What do you want money for? While you may want money to get out of debt or buy something special it is good to ask yourself what money really means to you. What will it get you, or do for you, or make you feel? Become aware of the essence you seek through money- and focus on that essence …where does it already exist? Through what other means can you experience that essence? By enjoying the abundance of its essence, you draw it in more material ways too…
3-What do you think of money? The law of abundance is that everything replicates after its own kind. Like is attracted to like. If you want more wealth, concentrate of wealth; think thoughts of abundance and wealth." -- Delfin Knowledge System Our beliefs create our reality. If money has been difficult chances are that you have limiting beliefs around money and prosperity? Do you think life is tough? Do you believe money doesn’t make anyone happy? Are you one of those who constantly says ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ thereby believing it is difficult to make? Do you view the rich as spoilt or greedy and the poor as humble and better people? Chances are you're carrying some such limiting beliefs. Free write what comes to you by starting sentences with: -Money is… -Wealth brings… -Prosperity comes to… -Success implies… -Material comforts and luxuries are…
And on a more personal level… do you feel you don’t deserve something? Do you feel it is impossible or unviable? Free write these sentences: -I deserve… (Catch yourself if somewhere you are saying I don’t deserve; it is not right to want….) -I can have… (Catch yourself if somewhere you are saying how I can have it all… I should not want…) -I want… (Catch yourself if somewhere you are saying I don’t really want it, cant have it…) How many of these limiting beliefs/ sentences do you identify with? -Money doesn’t grow on trees, life is tough -It isn’t good to have too much…there is not enough for all… -You can’t have your cake and eat it too! -money is the root of evil and misery… -money has no place in the real good qualities of life… -poor is spiritual… -It takes forever do achieve anything in this country/family/company… -I am too busy to do focus on what I want…. -I feel too drained, too tired to think about it … -God doesn’t really want me to have it! -Its ‘his/her’ fault… -Its easier for men or the rich or …..
Some positive statements: Ask and you shall receive Reality conspires tirelessly in my favor… It’s all working out perfectly…. Life is so good … I am blessed … I am looked after by the universe… Things somehow always work out for me… |