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From My Heart to YoursFrom my energy fields to yoursReaching Out to the WorldDivination De-MystifiedDvyalok WorkshopsEurekaINTRODUCTION





Just allow the ‘Om’ to permeate you, feel the fullness of the silence that you sit in.  Those of you, who are sensitive to Energy, feel the difference... already.  You can call it... Stillness, you can call it Expansion, you can call it Love, you can call it Joy, you can call it bliss... you can call it ‘Aah!’  But truly, truly beloveds these are only words... pointing to where words can’t go.  Sit in this for a few moments...


Filling my energy fields, all around me, is …a glow.  A glow of all the colours… iridescent, alive... multi-colours. Now every sound, every music, every symbol... is showing itself to me and disappearing somewhere into the Ethers.  It is rising and disappearing, and rising and disappearing, till I am centred in the centre, where there is...  nothing... but the chant Om Namo Narayana...


Om Namo Narayana

Om Namo Narayana

Om Namo Narayana


Om Narayan...  Narayan... Narayan


Greetings... from Narayan... Allow my chant to permeate your energy fields... 







And who or... what is Narayan? What is this energy field with you today? (Chuckle) It would take you not one life but every life from the beginning of your existence to the end... to understand ‘Narayan’. 

-It is when you have gone through every concept, every label, every understanding and experience thereof, of every conceivable angle and possibility and probability and nuance of what you call Existence;   

-When you have stood, face to face, eye to eye with whom you call Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva, Shakti, Prakriti, Ganesha, Laxmi, Saraswati, Kali; When you have stood eye to eye with each of them!

-When you have blended and merged and mated, yes ‘mated’ and become one with all your gods and deities and masters... then will you meet, Narayana... 

-And it is this Narayana...who is with you today... And yet we seek not you to understand us, but indeed see us today, glimpse us today, allow us to reflect in your Heart chakra. 


For we have come for you today on Akshaya triti, and Akshaye triti is not as it has been explained to youa day of infinite expansion... Akshaye is truly not expansion.  Akshaya truly means never diminishing and humanity thinks never diminishing means ever expanding!  But it is not truly so. Neti neti...  Never diminishing states of Pure Joy, Love, Abundance, Beauty, Bliss, never diminishing, always present, always...wholly complete and wholly afresh…never diminishing…


And that is why we have come to you on Akshaya triti, so that you may manifest for yourself never diminishing Joy, Abundance, Love, Beauty, Stillness, Expansion, peace of mind.  And yet as Narayana, I am beyond your mind, you cannot understand me through the mind and therefore leave the mind behind, beloveds;  seek not to understand me, seek not to understand my words, but bask in my energies-  that fills your time and space, that fills your personal energy fields, even as we speak. 


And yet, for all the beloveds gathered here in the name of creation, we will don for you a beautiful, charismatic... form… a lovable a affectionate easily accessible form; We show ourselves to you today... as Krishna...


View in your mind’s eye, somewhere in the distant, a huge, luminous, shining Krishna! One window beloveds, one window into Narayana but an easy one, for you to behold us through today.  And therefore view in your mind’s eye somewhere in the distant, a huge, glowing, beautiful Krishna!  So easy to fall in love with!


And yet, as you come closer to the Krishna or the Krishna comes closer to you, observe beloveds, observe... you cannot see his body, you cannot see his form, you can only see the glow, the effulgence, the brilliance, the dazzle...!   And somewhere, somewhere where within that dazzle... where you can not hold it in your eye any more…where it disappears, where it disappears am I Narayana!


And then you take your focus up, up, up to his head, to his crown, where he dons the beautiful feather, the peacock feather.  And your eyes traverse higher and higher… and higher up the feather, till the feather hairs become finer and finer and finer… and finer, almost teasing your senses, so fine that they disappear!  And where they disappear, am I, Narayana...!


And then I’m playing my flute, each melodious note, becoming softer and softer and sweeter and sweeter … and softer.  And they beckon you… like  a lover; and the notes are becoming softer and in the softness… sweeter;  and in the sweetness… softer; till you can almost almost not hear my flute.  And where that notes disappear, am I... Narayana!


And I blow my conch and where it resonates and blends and disappears into the sound of the sea and beyond, am I Narayana. 


And when you ring the bell and it echoes forth… and reverberates… on and on and on … and on… and on!  And when that sound of the bell... disappears, am I Narayana...the unstruck sound…anahata…






I permeate each one of you here present.  I permeate your energy fields, I permeate your homes, I permeate your environment, I permeate your world! For it is time for the world, to meet eye to eye with Narayana.   


And we make it even easier for you... we make it even easier for you; you have seen us and understood us as Narayana, as the abstract.  You’ve understood us as Krishna...more tangibly.  And now look into Krishna’s eyes, they’re twinkling like diamonds and its many shimmering colours and facets; disappear …disappear into the shimmering, into the colours, into the facets, like you would into... the dazzle of a diamond.   Because now, today, for you, Narayana presents itself as ‘Colour’ – our most easy and identifiable form for you beloveds today.


View around you, view above you, view below you, view everywhere a burst of colour!  Every colour known to Earth; and not known to Earth.  And yet every colour alive, vital, glowing with its own Life-force.  View above in the sky a rainbow, if you choose, of many, many more colours than the seven colours you know.  And allow them to BURST... into your energy fields.  See the colour playing with your hair.  See the colours... shape your physical body.  See it clothe your physical body, your Etheric body, your Emotional body, your Mental body, your Spiritual body, with the colour that you require, in the now!


And see the colours travel up your chakras, up from chakra 1 to… 2 to… 3 to… 4 to… 5 to… 6 to… 7! Literally colouring each chakra- Doorways of the mind each- to forget itself and go beyond...


Allow the colours, Narayana, That which is beyond words... to embrace you, soak you, permeate you, drench you... Allow it to drench you, soak you, permeate you, and enter your physical bodies.  Become one with the colour, let there be no You... and no different colour, just become one with colour, with Narayana, with Joy, with Bliss, with Abundance, with fulfilment...


And yet, understand that we have come today on Akshaya triti, the new moon in Taurus – the zodiac sign of the tangible, material, physical... world.  And we come today in honour of Gaia, who chose to experience All That Is.... all aspects… and all qualities through the physical experience and its five senses …as the physical world.  And we wish for you today to experience All That Is… through your material, physical, tangible experience…And therefore now beloveds do not see colours merely in their ‘abstract’ form but in tangible ways! 


Find yourself sitting somewhere in a beautiful, beautiful place – heaven on Earth, an idyllic spot… open air, mountains... a pool, grass, flowers... the Star card for the students of Tarot.  And see this colour in physical ways, in tangible ways all around you…


Become tangibly familiar with the colours –

-        See the Red rich soil,

-        See the fresh Green grass,

-        See the multi-coloured flowers of every conceivable colour!

-        See the Blue sky and a deeper Blue pool of water. 

-        See the Yellow Sun. 


See beloveds; see the colours in tangible ways so that I can become one with you tangibly, in honour of Gaia! And in honour of the new moon in Taurus.  In honour... of humanity and mankind who chooses to explore Me... through the five essences…senses.


And do not merely see... all my colours; but hear the colours.  Hear the birds chirping, hear the water rustling, hear the trees and the leaves swaying... Hear the colours, the autumn leaves falling, gently gently on the ground...


Smell the colours...  every flower... inhale each and every colour.  The rich soil, wet with rain…the fresh cut grass…


Touch the colours; touch the softness of the flowers, the richness of the soil, the springiness of the grass, the coolness of the water...


And taste the colours, taste Narayana, taste Joy and Bliss... and abundance and Love.  Take a sip from the pool in front of you, and taste the very sweetness... so that I can bring that to you.


Stay a while in this place.  Allow the colours to become one with you, in tangible physical ways through all... your senses. And though it all know…be…All That I Am…That I Am…That I Am…


And then find yourself sitting in that place again – the beautiful, idyllic spot – Heaven on Earth. In front of you, is a blue, blue, crystal clear pool of water.  And become familiar with how you are feeling rested and fulfilled, in Gaia’s embrace.  Because truly where you are sitting is in the embrace of Gaia and all her elements. 


Become one with all her elements

-        Earth itself, the soil you sit on

-        Air in the cool breeze that is blowing

-        Water in the pool in front of you and

-        Fire in the Sun that is shining out.

Become one with all the elements, become one with Gaia. 


And allow the Sun ... to flood and fill your hair …to pour down your shoulders… to caress your neck.  To enter your bodies, to enter every atom, every molecule, every... cell.  Fill, fill, FILL with this pure Sunlight… Consciousness. Fill till you feel you can fill no more and yet fill some more! And fill, fill, fill till this liquid golden Sunlight, bursts out of every atom, every molecule, every cell… and spills into every organ; Lights up every organ…it becomes your very blood stream, there is no thing in you but pure sunlight, golden consciousness, prana.  And then as filled with you are- it pours out of every pore of your body.  And you’re filling and you’re pouring; and you’re filling and you’re pouring; and you’re filling and you’re pouring... till you’re sitting encased in a gold ball of Pure Sunlight, Consciousness, Abundance, Love, Joy, Bliss!


See yourself sitting cross-legged in this golden ball.  And command with your Conscious mind to your Sub-conscious mind that ‘you’ the separate ‘you’, the form, the body, dissolve into the golden ball! 


See yourself dissolve beloveds, see yourself dissolve. And even as you dissolve and become one with the ball, recognise that where you are sitting now, there is only a golden ball. And yet, and yet you know that this ball is ME. And in this recognition the ball becomes bigger...  and floats higher…and becomes finer; and bigger and higher and finer and bigger and higher and bigger and higher and finer and bigger and higher... till there is no more bigger for it to become, till there is no more higher for it to go and no more finer for it to be!


You are one... with ‘All That Is’; you are one with consciousness itself. You’re in the trees, you’re in the flowers, you’re in the rocks.  You are one with everybody in your life, you are one with ‘All That Is’. 


And in this expanded state of energy fields see in your 3rd eye, where you would wear a bindi, that which you wish to manifest today.  See it clearly in your 3rd eye, because what is within your 3rd eye is what reflects outside. (Pause) And know that So It Is... So It Is... and So It Is...


And rest a few moments in That beautiful place. Recline in the grass, bask in the knowing know... that it is...it already is… and in that joy, in that Joy, in that rest, in that fulfilment, throw your hands back and rest... into the grass... (Pause)


And even as you do that, you suddenly feel the wind picking up, the sun shining again, almost beckoning you, ‘Come beloved, come beloved, let me take you higher!  Let me take you wider, let me take you deeper!’  And you feel ‘Oh no, I’ve reached, I have touched I have expanded as high as wide as deep as I can… There can be no more further to go...’  But Narayana beckons you, and so you sit up again in that place.


And as Sun is now joined by the new moon light and both pour into you, you see this glow fill up your bodies, also aspects of your energy field- starting with your physical body. 

-        See it fill up your physical body. 

-        See the sunlight and moonlight fill into your Etheric body (approximately an inch around your physical body) …see it ‘plump’ up with this glow…

-        See it spill into your Emotional body (around the Etheric body) 

-        See it spill into... your Mental body (around the Emotional body) 

-        See it fill into your Spiritual body, what you can call your Soul or your Monad, where your individuation ends…and you will merge with consciousness itself… 


See each of your bodies, your Physical, your Etheric, your Emotional, your Mental, your Spiritual, like five circles around you; each completely permeated, by the energies present today.  And merge into Consciousness again, where there is no separate ‘you’.  You have become one with ‘All That Is’. And understand and remember how you are physically, tangibly connected to source itself, through your bodies from moment to moment to momentYou are not in separation, you never have been!  You are always connected to Me, in tangible ways.  And how more tangibly can I be connected to you but through your bodies!  And allow this Consciousness to flood through… permeate through… your Spiritual body, your Mental body, your Emotional body back into into your Etheric body and retain it in your Etheric body. 


Because your Etheric body... is where... you will again today see what you wish to manifest, because the Etheric body is the real body and your physical body only the reflection! All that you see outside is actually held for you in the Etheric bodies.  Therefore see in your Etheric body that what you wish to manifest or be. And know that like a negative of a photograph, it already holds the picture... and becomes, what you call the ‘positive of your life’. See it clearly beloveds in your Etheric body... and know that so it is and so it is... and so it is.


And rest... rest for a few moments... You have stretched your energy fields far beyond what each of you know.  Take a rest, take a breather... Lie down in that grass... feeling more fulfilled, if that were possible.  Feeling in surrender...  And once again even as you relax, even as... you’re lying down and even as you are fulfilled, the wind picks up, the Sun shines brighter!  Narayana beckons you for more... and more and more. 


And you sit up almost lazily... and you look into that pool and you see a new ‘you’, a fulfilled ‘you’, a ‘you’ you have never seen before; that ‘you’, which is experiencing that which you wish … that you have manifested… the fulfilled, happy, joyous you!


And  even as you see that, the energies permeate you again, and this time they are going to work their way up your Chakric system.  They are going to work their way up what you call your Kundalini.


View the energies enter what you will call your 1st chakra - the Root chakra. See the buzz, feel the pulsation! 

-        See it rise into the 2nd!

-        See it rise into the 3rd!

-        See it rise into the 4th at the Heart

-        And 5th at the Throat

-        And 6th at the 3rd Eye!

-        And 7th like a fountain, see it gushing out of your crown and pouring around you like a fountain, pooling at your feet and entering you again from your Root chakra… and going up, up, up, up, up, up… up and bursting out like a fountain pouring around you, pooling at your feet and entering you again…


(A DYNAMIC CHANT IS PLAYED TO ENABLE THIS) Keep your focus only on this action.  The energies are going up your Chakric system, pouring out of your Crown chakra and pooling around you, entering you…


Allow it to do its work, in silence, while we play the music for you...


(Music continues)


Feel the gush!  Feel it... flood your Root chakra, your sacral, your Solar, your Heart, your Throat, your 3rd eye – burst out like a fountain; pour and  pool... and rise again.


See it play with each chakra-  balancing and aligning each chakra to what you have asked to manifest.  Removing whatever is not required in each chakra and enhancing each chakra for whatever is required.


(Music continues)


Allow it to go on... rising up your Chakric system... pouring out like a fountain, pooling at your feet and know... that the Universe aids you in every conceivable way... to manifest that which you have chosen...


(Music stopped)


And now expereince at your Root chakra, the 1st chakra – you’re enjoying that which you asked to manifest.  You’re enjoying it, materially, tangibly, you’re experiencing it.


At your 2nd chakra know... that so it is, so it is, so it is


At your 3rd chakra, feel the empowerment of being Creator and manifesting what you choose!


At the Heart chakra, feel the Love! The Love... of Creation, of playing the game, of experiencing, of manifesting of revelling in itself…


At the 5 chakra, see yourself expressing, speaking, talking...being that which you have manifested.


At the 6th chakra, in your 3rd Eye see... very, very clearly... that it already is... 


And at the 7th chakra that experience flows out through the Crown pooling around you, permeating you, embracing you, drenching you.  And so it is and so it is and so it is...


And rest for a few moments... in that idyllic spot near the pool, look at your refection, in the mirror of the pool, of that self which has already experienced what you’ve asked to manifest. How you’re glowing, how rested you’re looking and feeling; see that self in the mirror of the pool. Feel its joy! Feel the emotions you will as you are experiencing that which you ‘manifested.


And lie down and relax, because you have done much work on your energy fields...( Longer pause) And now we take you even deeper and even wider.  We will expand each one’s energy field today, right into Universal Consciousness


And therefore see this already expanded self of yours... walking down a passage.  See your most glorious, beautiful, happy, fulfilled self, walking down a passage...  And there at the end of this passage, is this beautiful angel, god, deity... Higher Self, glowing, glowing, glowing. 


And even as you come closer to your Higher Self…your feet are almost flying; and yet even as you get closer… the Higher Self is coming closer to you and bridging the gap, you have to do nothing!  You have to do nothing!  You meet and you embrace and you become one, you become one, and there is no separate ‘you’ and no separate Higher-self – you are... your Higher-self, you are Soul, you are... your Spiritual self. Feel this new, glorious you.  See yourself shining and luminescent, see yourselves with wings if you like, see yourself in whichever way, it is symbolic of you! To know that you are in merger with your Highest Self.


And then as this Higher self... walk into a room, there is a door and you walk into that room.  It’s a vast room with windows wide open.  It feels so right, it feels so right, it is so sparse, so empty, it is so vast, so big; you feel so comfortable, because you have entered time and space itself.


And even as you look around and even as you understand, you disappear!  The Higher Self, the higher ‘you’ disappears and becomes one with the room.  You’ve become one with the room; we’ve become so wide, so expanded that you have become one with Time and Space itself, you’ve become one with Consciousness.


And then ‘you’ cannot being contained in the room, you do not feel like being contained in the room, you are spilling out of the windows, you are spilling out of the windows, (Divyaa snapping her hands) and then the walls burst open! 


And you cannot be contained at all, you’ve become one with ‘All That Is’, you’ve moved out of your personal energy field, you are one with Consciousness itself!


And view that which you wanted to manifest everywhere, in consciousness itself.  In every dimension, see the stones and the minerals enjoying your manifestation.  See the plants, see the birds, see the animals, see the Masters, see every realm in every dimension.  See Consciousness itself celebrate, rejoice, experience, in that which you wish to manifest!


See it beloveds, see it.  Consciousness itself holds your dream, because you are one with Consciousness...




Feel your heart’s thudding...  




See your dream everywhere, see it cradle in Consciousness itself


See it’s reflection on that stone, see its reflection on the plant, see the bird carrying it to you... See the animals rejoice, see humanity rejoice, see Consciousness rejoice in your dream and know that so it is... so it is... so it is...


And lie down in that space, in the grass, hands thrown back, eyes closed completely, completely at rest, knowing... that so it is... so it is... so it is... is resonating  everywhere.


Feel this in your Heart chakra, a complete Surrender, a complete trust.


(d Music stopped)


And now beloveds, lets come into the tangible world, let’s view all of this more tangiblyView yourself as where you are, in the now, in this room having expanded your energy fields and become one with Consciousness itself and become Creator and enjoyed it. 


And yet, view how your dream... brings happiness to another and another and another and another, widen the circle of the fulfilment that comes through your dream.

-        If you choose to win a court case, see how it helps the other; and the families and those concerned…

-        If you wish for a home, see how it helps you and the builder and the children and the neighbourhood….

-        If you wish to publish a book, see how it helps you and the publisher and all those who read the book and the world; make it wider in personal ways….See your dream in tangible ways, as your fulfilment and yet how it benefits the world at large. (Pause) This is very, very important.


And now see all of you who are gathered here, in the name of creation making a circle. And dancing together in the joy, in the revellery, in the knowing of being creators, of celebrating – not your own dreams but each other’s dreams.  Each of you is giving a gift to another; each of you is sharing your dream of fulfilment with the other…of the other!  Each of you is rejoicing as one circle, as one group here and now.  You have almost forgotten your dream, you’re so excited by the others.  Each one is sharing how their dream is come true and you’re so happy, you’re so joyous, tears... are pouring out of your eyes!  


And now this circle of humans… makes them into shadows… into silhouettes, into souls, into angels, so that a more deeper merger can take place that cannot take place of physical bodies.  Let all of you who are combined here, merge, let your silhouettes merge... into One glorious being, in the centre of the room!  I – Creator – Narayana and say your own name…. And through these eyes, as this One self…see not only your dreams coming true but that of Consciousness itself, and of every individual. And just bask in this knowing...


Yes beloveds... there is only one being present in the room now...




See yourself dancing, see yourself celebrating, see yourself excited about all dreams coming true! For they all belong to you- Consciousness! See yourself sharing your own dream, how it came true, how magically, how miraculously! Know that there is only One... Know there is only the Now... never diminishing…full of the joy… abundance… love… always complete always afresh…And know that so it is... so it is... and so it is...


(Music is stopped)


And one last step before you open your eyes, the most important, the most vital. As Current self sitting in this room, having merged with each one’s dream, knowing each one’s dream has come through in miraculous, magical ways…and  how each of you have shared it, and partaken in the others joy... as you shared how it happened to you…and heard how it happened for them…


In this know the most important stage is Surrender.  Surrender to the process you have gone through today.  Surrender to Consciousness.  Know that it is... do not ask how, do not ask when, do not ask for a time frameIt is. Allow the unknown factors to play out.


Like a child who goes to a shop and buys a jig-saw puzzle, and sees the picture on the box.  Buy a jigsaw puzzle… but on the box cover see your dream.  The picture is already there, it’s already happened and yet as a child you take out the pieces and you fit the puzzles together.  You know every piece of your picture puzzle is there and all you need to do is click, click, click, click, click.  You don’t want it already done in the box…for what fun then beloveds, what fun?  In the same manner, enjoy the journey towards your goals, enjoy the process... have fun.  And yet know that you have bought the box with the picture, it already is wholly intact, never diminishing, it already is! And in that surrender. View every piece of the puzzle fitting into place, knowing that in the right time and in the right way, will the picture be complete. And so it is and so it is and so it is...


Keep your eyes closed for a few moments... See in front of you Earth herself – Gaia, individually in front of each one of you- giving you a gift in your hand, do not try and see the gift.  Hold it tangibly between your palms and know that she has given you that input, that guidance, that miracle, that... which it requires... in the now.  Put that into your Heart chakra where there are never any questions… Look at your energy fields; see how you’re glowing, how you’re radiant, how you’re anew. 


And very slowly, very slowly will you open your eyes and at that moment of opening your eyes, you will know... that it has already happened.  You bought the box with the picture that already is.


(Music starts to enable this- A BEAUTIFUL DAY AND I AM FEELING SO GOOD)


And in this excitement will you open your eyes and look around and share your excitement with everybody...


Good... just feel good...


Smile everyone, smile... feel good.  Know that you’ve manifested your dreams and of every other, see it happeningin that how can you NOT smile…not feel like dancing...


(Divyaa laughing) Laugh...! laugh... laugh with your head thrown back... feel good, make it real, don’t make it a meditation, make it real


Come on all (joyously speaking) come on... come on... I’m not a dancer and yet I cant help but move with the joy…...! Come on … (people clapping they’re hands) And what are we celebrating? Each others dreams come true!


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