The recognition of the Natural
Great Completeness does not provide an escape from the experience of being
human. Rather, it brings an end to the restless desire for something more or
was discussing their fascination with extra-terrestrials and astral realms and
higher life forms and dimensions ...and a discussion arose on whether this
interest & exploration implies spiritual growth as it is often considered! Many
on the spiritual path develop a fascination for other realms and dimensions,
their games, their life forms....and somehow think that the exploration of
other worlds and dimensions and life forms implies spiritual growth.
And yet at
the deepest of levels it must be understood that the exploration of other
worlds and realties just another 'game' you are entering; another
illusion you are focusing on; another Maya you are getting yet into! Many
of those other worlds and realities maybe more expanded ... of higher
vibrations and thus closer 'home' ...but yet they are part of the illusion! And
no- there is nothing wrong if that aspect of 'All That Is'... fascinates you...but
be in awareness that it is just another aspect of self… a part of the game… a
different game and thus very fascinating… but part of The Illusion.
So enjoy, explore, and experience it in
that awareness! In the conscious knowing that just as different people are
drawn to different aspects of the physical/human game (and this is what
creation is all about…oneness exploring its different aspects) people are also
attracted to other games…astral realms… aliens…etc! In this awareness yes it
can be mind-expanding if viewed as another facet of self exploration. It can be
expanding if that game enables your own. But in getting too involved in it or
in imbuing it with a grander tag than your humanness and getting attached to
that beingness… by using it to escape from your humanness…in replacing physical
desires with these 'extra terrestrial's ones… in thinking it is the ultimate…it
can become another area to get stuck in! Then it
becomes more dangerous … as we think our engagement with the astral/higher
world is taking us out of maya ...that we are closer home or evolved.... but we
are indeed getting further entangled! The danger is not the alien/astral
world.... but our unawareness of it being part of maya...
This is
one of the reasons most Living Masters …Gurus… do not highly emphasize this
aspect; because it can so easily become another pull/bait/attraction to keep
you within the game… rather than moving beyond it! You swap the human game
and its desires, attachments and illusions ....with another set! Indeed some
stop focusing on the human game they came to play and master and use to move
beyond illusion …and make this seemingly larger alluring reality their main
focus! It is not that these Living Masters are not aware of these
dimensions…but they allude not much to it…they underplay it… because they want
to lead you out of the game…Maya…illusion itself…not merely into a seemingly
higher game ! They want to lead you to beyond self…not merely into fascinating
aspects thereof! They want to move you beyond Consciousness…not to merely a
finer expression of it! And knowing how humans love mystery (why they chose the
human game ;-)))…and how they love the seemingly 'higher'... they keep you away
from it till you are beyond getting enraptured…entangled; till you can see it
for what it is… another aspect of Maya/illusion to take a peek into…but not get
attached to that experience....and indeed to not mistake it for The Absolute.
So stand not apart from it; if it beckons
Embrace its experiences if they come your way...
Dwell in it not however
Know it for what it is
Mistake it not what it isn't
Ultimately it will not beckon
Not because it is 'less' meaningful or more
But because nothing will.
And no you will not be bored
but complete
You will just Be
In every NOW!
Wherever it currently is!