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If you are quick to take offense,
then you will be
under the control of those
who find you offensive

If you are easily angered,
then your
actions will be dictated by those
who anger you

If you are obsessed by what other people think,
you will be
imprisoned by their thoughts.

If you yearn for easy answers and quick solutions,
you'll fall prey to people
who offer you nothing but promises

If you find the truth too difficult to bear,
you will be enslaved to those
who tell you what you want to hear.

When you have the courage to think for yourself,
and the strength to accept what is,
and the commitment and discipline to make a difference...

Then you are free.
You are free to live with purpose, joy, and fulfillment

Let your life be defined, not by reactions to what others do, say,
or think but rather your own unique vision.

Raise your eyes above the pettiness and follow the path of the
greatness that is within you. Be free.

~ Naseeh Sharafudheen

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