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Hi ...am pasting a transcript of the talk before the Sounds Of Water Meditation we gathered for on Akshaye Triti day! It is quite a fascinating read! Will send the transcript of the actual mediation tomorrow... you may read it, or actually do it ...!


Dearest all, welcome to a very beautiful and auspicious occasion- for each one personally, and for mother earth. Nothing I can say, no words, now or in the meditation, can express to you the real reason for our gathering… and so just be open to it at subtle levels - beyond the words – through your energy fields… indeed be like water- receptive; know that like drops of water we collect here to form a larger body of water or energy field…a sea of consciousness… towards enabling a vital happening…

I will begin with what this meditation is really about…how it developed… because this ‘background’ captures that inexpressible… indefinable essence of today- Rumi calls it essence of essence; so listen meditatively... which means pay full attention, yet lightly… not seeking so much ‘to understand’ but to listen…not grappling with questions but allowing my images to flit across the surface of your still pool… allowing my words to drop into the pool one by one… so that they will settle somewhere deep within. Closing eyes will help – as the conscious analyzing mind rests in that, and the subconscious accepting mind translates ‘words’ into their essence within you:

Since a few weeks I kept hearing…receiving… the words “coming of the waters”… “2nd coming of the waters” and alongside… I would see images of Shiva (and alternately myself) sitting cross legged -receiving a flow of water- the Ganga river -on our head. I did not think too much of all of this as I receive realms of seeming words and images  day to day … I have learnt to let them come… pool within me…and come out through my writings, classes, meditations, discourses. At some point I started ‘hearing’... tuning into… sounds of water; again as  I hear lots of inner sounds… the universal Om (by the way it doesn’t sound exactly like the word Om!) … another sound I call Shiva’s drums etc… I only observed this was different… sounds of water yes, but not exactly physical water. I am speaking in linear time but it was all happening simultaneously…I was also being urged to do a group meditation based on sounds of water; at some level it was all building up… and I was sort of wondering when to hold it as I already had two medit groups going on. I have learnt not to ‘plan’ … to let things ‘happen’… and at some point  I spontaneously wrote out the email to announce it…looked for a suitable day… as Monday was my only free day in the week I sort of honed into that and discovered it was Akshaye Triti …and though oh wow… good day… even though seemingly not connected to all these words, images sounds I was supposed to conduct… but anyways as it seemed an ideal date…I sent out the mail…and even as I did…I relaxed! The sounds, images, urgings within me…went into a sort of soft focus … I wondered a little about why Akshaye triti… but even as I left the questioning… over the week… amazing…amazing input came in …both from within… and the outer world… linking it all up in such amazing manner that this is what I need to share before we start the meditation-as that all important background within each of you …on which the meditation will make a deeper significant impact:

Now... to understand the 2nd Coming of waters that we are gathered today for- we must be aware of the 1st coming of waters! And simply put (because we could go into this for hours…) the first coming of the waters refers to that happening… when Source/Void/Shakti/Supreme Yin… poured Itself/Herself out to enable the human experience…

Mythologically (When we refer to mythology we refer to a time line or dimension different than ours, whereas history refers to our time and space coordinate) planet Earth initially had no water; this according to me refers to the initial human phase – which was a tangible but not yet physical experience (big difference in the two- tangible is when something exists in energy terms and physical is its denser projection/reflection). Again we can speak on this endlessly, so in brief and in reference to today’s meditation … this phase when there were no waters refers to that stage when the human experience was more mental… abstract… in the finer subtler realms… somewhat like our dream state… not 3D… not ‘real’ as in physical… which only occurred after the first coming of the waters- as water bought ‘life’ as we know it; water added the substance to make this experience physical… and thus is water so important for life in the physical realm. It was a phase when we knew we were Gods, playing a game or having a beautiful tangible experience of Self … The veils had not wholly developed. it was spirit exploring itself tangibly as the primordial  human known esoterically as ‘Adam Kadmon’… who remained connected with his Godself yet explored Self through a new realm and experience! Adam Kadmon in the language of Kabbalah literally means God-Man; it is the term for the original template or design for the human race… when ‘man’ was not male and female but a perfect blend of both!

This according to me…is the Vedic Satya Yuga! When man lived as an ideal! The phase of truth and empowered beingness! Naturally- because mankind was at this point ‘God’ experiencing itself through a unique dimension! And at some point in this experience… exploration… we as gods or gods as man chose to play a bigger game … explore Self in a deeper manner… experience Self through a richer realm…we chose to wear the veils and play the game of separation! The game of duality-adharma! But do glimpse the complete confidence of a Self that willfully enters into such an experience; do view the complete establishment in All That it Is that allows self to seemingly go so ‘far’ from it all to enhance it further ;  do glimpse the unison that permits the individuations and separation this deeper experience or game required…

Thus did Source/Void/Shakti/Supreme Yin… known to us as ‘water’… symbolic of the essence ... not the physical really… symbolic of the unconscious … symbolic of the motion/momentum …. symbolic of the very source of all that is… pour down in the first coming of the waters- as the veils yes; but as e-motion (I in motion) too(Before this the experience was in the stillness of awareness realm) as Love indeed… in its tangible physical experience towards a richer deeper experience of Self. Indeed towards that experience of Itself that comes ‘closest’ to its Absolute Truth -its Pure Beingness- to the void w/o the veils experience that this was only a prelude to … a setting of the stage… round one if you like; so that in round ‘two’ we could move back into that original Adam Kadmon experience … of the Satya yuga in Vedic terms…but this time physically… a true reflection of Void/Isness! Heaven on earth indeed! Richness even other higher finer realms don’t have… What today’s gathering/meditation is a harbinger to!

Thus ‘water’ enabled the tangible experience to become physical- the closet reflection of the void/supreme yin beingness-thus is earth ¾ water… as are our bodies… thus is water  life force on the physical planet! If you are with me so far...then simply put…the Satya yuga-Adam Kadmon –the initial human experience had of course some aspect of water –as nothing can be w/o void presence… but was more fire (water and fire create mist/air = universal mind = Brahma) a Shiva realm experience… of awareness … more mental… abstract; and only after the first coming of the waters did it become humanity as we know it now- physical! (Of course as earth experience is a blend do fire, water, air, earth, ether … all elements are required to sustain us)

So if we view this through the YUGA’S- the initial mental realm experience was SATYA Yuga and after the first coming of the waters did it go into TRETA Yuga!  In terms of the western view- the genesis- fall from Eden-or Grace- the Adam and eve story…. for we then donned the veils… became physical beings with spirit intact in us only as kundalini…we divided from the one yin-yang humans to separate males and females! The ‘serpent’ was none other than void/unconsciousness/Source choosing to take the game deeper and thus urging the feminine aspect of Self! And thus promising to remain intact within, as the game unraveled… source placing itself in each individuation! Eve tempts ‘Adam’… as the feminine yin aspect of the whole ‘tempts’ the masculine abstract aspect of the whole … as thus far they had played the game on the mental (Shiva) realm of awareness! With an ‘apple’- because it is symbolic of the material plane as apples have a five pointed star embedded in them and a five pointed star is the yantra –template - of the higher material plane!  And if you understand this as a Self chosen exploration… you will understand that the seemingly declining Yugas thereafter- Dwarpa Yuga – Kali Yuga- are not really humanity descending or becoming evil or worse as usually seen… but spirit entering deeper into the game- its seeming trials and tribulations and learning … indeed stages of the game picking up … till it turns back towards ‘home’ or goal achieved… like every game does …. And that’s what today is about…this point of turning back home… back to the golden age yes, but this time - with the expertise harnessed through this phase-  in material ways! On the physical realm!  Not experiencing Self as the perfect human only in the abstract/mental realm … but here and now!   And that’s why the second coming of waters!

Thus the “2nd coming of waters” that I kept hearing…thus the Ganga pouring onto Shiva’s head that I kept seeing… thus  this ‘second coming of the waters’ meditation that today is about… is Source again, Void again, Shakti again- Supreme yin again… the return of the Divine Feminine! And this time not as veils- not as separation- not towards density… but towards the end of this stage of the game to take us back into the finer vibrations that we were and have further enhanced through the denser experience. . . into oneness and wholeness that we were and have enhanced through separation from the whole and as male and female selves…(that’s why male and females ‘roles’ are getting more and more neutral … in balance… uniting… now; initially we had to explore self as very male and very female through those era’s where the roles were demarcated )  indeed into the higher and finer expression of source- its abundance and beauty and love and fulfillment! Indeed not moving away from the physical but towards its exalted state … higher plane… finer vibrations- paradise indeed! 

At this point also understand that the floods were not the coming of the waters in this sense - they came - yes source poured- dharma poured itself whenever the game was moving too much away from the divine game plan…! So Atlantis…Noah’s flood etc… came in correction… to set the game back on divine track! This is why the gods proclaim in the Vedas- “jab jab adhrama badhega main aaoonga” (I will come whenever the equation tilts too far away from That I am)… this is why the treta  yuga had so many avatars- Pashuram, Krishna, Rama etc…(all avatars of Vishnu-source- void indeed * ) This is why so many texts, scriptures belong to that era - as the game had begin and we (as individuated gods separated from their all knowingness)  needed the guidelines, the coaching, the game plan! The Buddha’s, Mahavir, Jesus etc were those individuated aspects- humans- who finished the game and realized their true beingness- to aid others still playing the game! They were the perfected humans in physical ways!

In summation… the first coming of the waters refers to the deepening of the human game- the veils- the separation etc; and the second coming of the waters that we celebrate today refers to this stage coming to a close towards its more exalted stage….round two if you like!


Now I will speak about how this all connects with Akshaye triti! Why this meditation could take place on no other day than this! How it all pieced together within a few days…from eureka’s I received from within and random lines spoken by others or from news paper clippings… triggering each other… till the larger picture of today’s mediation unfurled.

Firstly, AKSHAYE TRITI is about material abundance and fulfillment! And indeed both the fist and second coming of waters is about this material experience of Self and the exploration of its abundance in tangible ways! Also of course … by invoking ‘water’ through its sounds (vibrations are the purest ‘form’ of anything with form) we are invoking ,getting in touch with  Source/Void/Shakti/… the womb…the pool… the source of all abundance! We are bringing it alive within us.

Secondly, today is known as Ma Akshaye = Ma symbolizing this Yin bounteous source; and Akshaye literally meaning infinite expansion; thus today, Akshaye triti, symbolizes the infinite expansion of abundant source; today symbolizes the infinitely expanding experience of ‘That’ abundance, which source chooses to explore in tangible material ways; thus every year this day celebrates abundance and its tangible and physical expression …and this year… today… Akshaye triti and this sounds of water mediation celebrates the move towards its richer deeper finer expression and fulfillment!

The third thing to strike me was that Akshaye triti is when the Sun and Moon are supposedly both shining at their peak! And but of course- because this symbolizes the conscious awareness (Shiva- sun) of all that he/it is (Shakti moon); or Shakti (pure beingness/unconscious) becoming aware of all that she/it is in the eyes of Shiva-in the medium of awareness! And thus they both shine in full glory today on earth! The physical planet! In awareness of this bounty …and abundant beingness!

Even as all of this was unraveling within me…a friend told me that traditionally they pour water on their shivaling’s from Shivratri upto Akshaye triti! This sort of brought together for me, in subtle ways, all that I was receiving …and then hey presto I read a discarded newspaper few days later than its published date… and it mentions that Akshaye triti is when the Ganga poured on Shiva and the start of the Treta yuga! More so, it’s the birthday of Parsuram, a Vishnu (Void/source*) avatar … who (amongst other things) had saved the earth from drowning in the waters! Immediately I connected this as symbolizing that as the first waters (void/source) had ‘poured’… and humanity (or gods playing the abstract human game) were flung into the game (willfully) of separation/veils…Vishnu (source itself) had to step into bring its/his game into a playable balance… to save it from  drowning… being ‘rained’ out!

I found it amazing that while I had known of Akshaye triti for quite a few years now, also done Akshaye triti meditation …all of this information… came only now! Indeed last year we celebrated Akshaye triti with an out of the blue Narayana session… and always wondered why!  While I knew Narayana symbolized the Whole … Brahman…ever expanding and that seemed to fit- it is only this year that Akshaye triti and Narayna’s  link appear everywhere in front of me -even a pandal  outside a friends house showing this scenario! I now understood that Narayana also symbolized this awareness of ‘his’ abundant beingness in different forms and thus is he remembered today! Krishna’s (again Vishnu avatar *) butter from the pot actually has the same connotation… the sweet… rich taste of the physical experience of sources abundance and bounty! Akha teej was being celebrated on a T.V show called balika badhu… and again I got the same eureka- ‘girls’ celebrating their physicality through dress, jewels, gifts and food!

Thus is Aksyaye triti a good day to buy jewels and gold! Thus is it a great day for anything physical… shifting into homes, marriages etc! For it actually celebrates the physical experience of divine abundance! And this year, today… it celebrates more... it heralds  the beginning of a new phase of this physical experience- towards a  deeper, richer, finer expression… we have done with round one and its learning… and are readying for round 2… heaven on earth…paradise indeed. And this is what we have gathered here for today….to enable that for self and humanity…to create a sea of consciousness here akin to Shiva and receive the second coming of the waters!  So with all of this somewhere deep within you beyond the details… close your eyes… tap into its essence; into the essence of water… its second coming… the deeper or higher/finer experience of the material plane… in yr personal life, and the lives of friends, family …others in your city your country …indeed for all on earth..

Note: The reason for the * every time I mentioned Vishnu as Void/Shakti is because to me, and I later discovered that this is also mentioned in some of the Vedic interpretations- Vishnu is actually the Supreme yin force/Void… depicted as male in an era when God couldn’t feminine! To me, in brief, Shiva represents the yang awareness God aspect; and Vishnu the Yin beingness void aspect.


Meditation transcript is the  next post after this!


Love from my heart to yours
Divyaa Kummar
Email; Divyaakummar@Divyaakummar.com
You do not define the truth. You simply enter into it-  Mumonkon 18


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