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From My Heart to YoursFrom my energy fields to yoursReaching Out to the WorldDivination De-MystifiedDvyalok WorkshopsEurekaINTRODUCTION


Opening up to wisdom and guidance from within .


Come beloveds, close your eyes and enter your higher frequency, come to that ‘space’ where you gather with us in every meditation, feel rested, relaxed, at peace, expanded, oneness. If you need, view the  fresh green grass...  deep red soil.... wild  flowers in a profusion of colours, trees laden with fruit.... a vast blue sky.... the  bright sun not too warm… and  rolling blue hills all around making you feel safe and secure in the very lap of Mother Earth.  Rest in this frequency and recognize that this is no outer space we have gotten you to – all that has happened is that you have shifted to you higher frequency...to that place of rest and peace within ... the move from self to Self.

Now look into the mirror of the pool and see reflecting in it your intent, to connect with your Higher Self/Guide; see your heart chakra pulsing - sending out this intent to the cosmos  …

And even as it does the pool transforms into a beautiful golden path stretching out ahead of you. Intent is a powerful energy signature and brings towards you that which you seek. So see the path glowing warmly, somehow beckoning you, and see yourself place your right foot on it. Automatically the left foot follows, and you start taking a few steps, because all you have to do is – begin. There is great power in beginnings. And even as you start treading the wondrous path, you become aware that it is now somehow gliding smoothly like a moving path way, yes become aware of this, because once your intent is strong and true, once you take action towards it, as you walk one step towards ‘God’, ‘God’ walks seven steps towards you - the path now takes you forward. Surrender to this path, its meandering, or ups and downs, different for each one, direct it not- knowing deep within that the path knows best

See yourself reaching the foot of those blue hills you have always seen in this space, the periphery of where you live energetically, and as you look up you see violet hills rising above the blue and white peaks above the violet. And again something, something beckons you, to go ‘higher’ …you see a flash of light from the peaks like sun on snow and you feel deep within you a call from Self to self. Even as you recognize or acknowledge that, there in front of you   is a beautiful glass elevator gilded with gold, the doors open silently and you step in. You can feel that you are already being guided to meet with your Guide. In the elevator there is only one button, which says GUIDE/HIGHER SELF – and you click on it and the elevator starts moving gently upwards. You are raising your frequency… literally going higher… well synchronized by your Guide. (some of you may see and use a golden stairway )

The elevator gently stops, the doors open and you step out into a vast beautiful place. Like a magical kingdom perhaps. It feels vast, beautiful, glowing, and very very very welcoming … and after a few moments, it feels familiar… it’s somewhere you know you have known or been often. You visit this in deep dream, you abide here as a soul, it is indeed your higher self abode. Your true home. You may become aware of beautiful beings of light, , beings of color, even loved ones who have passed on, or even now are alive but you meet them as their soul selves. Spend a few moments here, rest in this inner ‘space’ within you of which all these images are only symbolic aids…

Then see a doorway, welcoming and open. (If  it’s not open, observe the door and what it feels like - is it open is it shut, is it easy or hard to open or jammed , do you need a key or it slides  open, is it small or large etc – this If reflects an inner resistance, so drop the resistance, open the door.  ) As you enter this room, see how very comfortable it is, cozy, well worn as in used by you …so familiar is it all…feels like home somehow…and yes  this is your true home energetically where you reside as a soul in the higher frequency. You will feel a sense of comfort and deep relaxation as you do once you enter you physical homes after a long day. Look around you, look around you and let this now take a physical shape, see any kind of space that comes to your mind …don’t force it, let the images come that is the best symbol for this inner space that you require (some may see your physical home some or open air scene, or   a vision of beauty that you think that it cannot exist.)  Look around and become familiar so that you can then come here anytime you need to feel rested  - over time every time will become clearer and take a firmer shape so that you will be just able to enter at will and then you will not need the symbol of the room but move easily into this frequency) 

Become aware of a comfortable oft-used by you comfortable chair/couch/mat …and even as you sit… rest unto it you become aware of a beautiful presence… you become aware that you are not alone … you can actually see a glow of light behind you … a tingling feel good factor… you can feel this presence of love…far beyond what love has ever meant to you.  Your guide approaches you from behind, mingling his/her energies with you, making you comfortable, allowing your energy fields to raise their frequency to be able to see and connect with him/her.

And then, before you can turn around, the presence is in front of you, your guide, your guide is standing in front of you each one of you, wait a few moment allow form to take place, it can be a human form, it can be an animal guide, it can be an nature spirit, tarot card, it can be an angel, or a physical form known or unknown…maybe only a swirl of colors or light.  Allow it to take shape ... do not direct it or reject it… do not think oh but this is my mind making it up…oh this can’t be my guide…  and if no form develops just be aware of the light presence .

Now shift your focus from form to the feel… feel this presence, know it to be there, know you have made contact…feel the connection… love beyond what you have known love to be, complete and utter acceptance…. Look into a pair of eyes, the most loving eyes you have ever encountered …feel the love our out and fill fill fill with it…feel the embrace of your guide/master/higher self…become familiar with his/he presence so you can tune into them again …

Then your guide starts speaking,  but don’t try to hear what’s being said, let this be a pure energy transmission being received by you …know it’s being received deep within for it to unravel as  and when it may

And then as you are more energetically tuned to the vibrations of your guide/master/higher self … you take the hand of your guide or he/she takes yours and sits beside you… and you can now ask whatever you need guidance on. So see yourself, hear yourself asking whatever you need guidance for or sharing whatever it is you wish to share –be it a personal day to day situation or a spiritual understanding ….and ‘hear’ your master/guides response...; don’t force it, after asking sit in silence… and you will receive some message, some guidance.   Yes it might sound like your words, (of course as your master is using your brain to communicate) so don’t reject the message; it might be seething very obvious to you but trust that this is the guides response. (The clue here is: whatever first came to your mind, whatever you first thought was your masters words - that is the message  - anything you change or try and impose on that initial feeling can be your mind coming in the way.) See yourself writing down this message/guidance… on a piece of parchment - this inner action impresses the message into your subconscious mind for you to retain…so tuck that message away into your heart chakra.  (You may actually  keep paper and pen ready and start writing down the response- this is called free writing- you don’t think what you need to write…the pen just writes whatever comes into you from your guide/cosmos. As you practice this it becomes easier, the flow becomes smoother.)

You nay now ask your guide for a name - some of you may receive the name of a God or Master or angel or just another name simple or exotic…or you may see a picture of something which is the interpretation of the name...  just go with this ; if not it is fine as and when ready a name will be revealed to you. You may fix a time- that is for you the power of your intent as when you would next like this meeting to occur.

Rest awhile, knowing you have made a connection with your master/guide/higher self…honor the sacred moment… know that forever this connection is forged – but yes the more you shift into this frequency, the more you make this connection, the stronger will it become till over time you will not need this whole symbolic process and will be in direct touch with inner guidance …

As your master/guide prepares to leave, he/she presses a gift into your palms. Allow your palms to close over it, and feel, actually feel the difference in the energy around you as your master leaves. Then open your palms and see the gift..  it might be a day to day object or shape ...a word may come to  you....  whatever it is know it’s a symbolic gift to you... it might make sense right away, it might not, but either way it’s a gift from them to you.

Then just sit back and let inner communion happen with the master/guide/higher self…beyond words. Just see energies vibrations notes leaving your guide  and coming into your chakras … do not at this time try to  hear/interpret them ,  just know the  purest of  vibrations are entering you and going into your entire energy fields and they will began to pop up as messages , as sentences you may see somewhere, words from a book that may jump up at you, something you may overhear and know it’s for you…or through friends beloveds …or in your dream states so you will awaken with the guidance deep within and  with increasing clarity. Trust the process; surrender unto it…unto your connection with Higher Self…

Now see yourself back in that beautiful space you gather with us for mediation, and see the crystal pool in front of you. See how after having expanded your energy fields, having worked with your energy bodies and aura and having cleared the sushumna canal through the chakra work in the previous mediations    ... and connecting to your higher Self consciously now … you have opened a direct channel/connection to your Higher Self. See the whole sushumna canal – this goes from your root to your crown chakra - like a beautiful hollow golden tube with nothing blocking it… see this beautiful golden tube/ column of light/pulsating strand of energy    extend out and upwards …all the way till it connects with Higher Self-  it maybe a light/ rainbow colored presence/  a radiant light form .  A direct connection/path call it what you may …to receive and send ///to communicate with…Higher Self. See this clearly, see it every day, use it, to strengthen it till the symbol is not required and the connection is forever forged.

And so it is ,so it is , so it is


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