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How do we grow spiritually?

How do we move from intellectual understanding to it being our experience?


The conscious mind sets the goals; has good intentions; dreams the dreams...
but it is the subconscious mind that enables or deters!

The conscious mind is more you’re intellectual knowledge on self, life, the other & ‘God’
The subconscious is where you hold your real views on self, life, the other and ‘God’.

 In simpler terms, your subconscious mind is your belief system - it holds your truths. Your core beliefs (negative or positive) and thus your energy signature on any issue.

Neuroscience says your conscious mind is 5 % compared to 95 percent of the subconscious mind.
And that the conscious mind processes 40 bits of information per second as compared to 40 million bits per second of the subconscious.

Thus the 'trick' is to expand the subconscious mind!
All spiritual endeavor is indeed truly only this expansion of your subconscious...
Aligning your very belief system with the highest potentials of the universe...
Expanding your very sense of self…
Moving beyond the intellectual understandings of the conscious mind.

The conscious mind plays a very important role however for it is the conscious mind that directs the subconscious!
It must first know... be aware of... whatever we want our subconscious mind to be permeated with!

The trick is to not get stuck in the awareness of the conscious mind!
For we intellectually know and feel it all, and then wonder why life and its experiences don't change!

Allow the conscious mind to play the role of the teacher and the subconscious mind to be the student.
Use the active principle of the conscious mind... allow it to be open to and receive new knowledge... to constantly update its awareness,
and in that allow the seemingly passive subconscious mind to transform itself over time!

Let the conscious mind be the informed farmer who sows the right seeds.
Let the subconscious mind be the soil that is rhythmically enriched to yield enhanced crops.

Tap into the empowerment of the conscious mind and surrender the subconscious to it!

Think of the power of the subconscious and conscious aligned… in tandem… in day-to-day terms with what you wish to manifest and experience!
And in deeper terms... with the highest potentials and awareness of the universe!
5% + 95% = ...!

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