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FEEDBACK FROM THOSE ON MY MAILING LIST (personal sessions feedback below)

Dearest Divyaa,
Your article was beautiful! Thank you so much, for I begin my day with such uplifting thoughts and truly assists me to open my inner windows to let in the light consistently, to use your description in the last writing you sent. I thank the universe for the beauty of You, your writing and the beauty of me with a mind, body and soul to receive it and to be able to enjoy it... a perfect circle. Have a lovely day and know you are in my prayers of thanks today and every day.

WOW!!! Ma Divyaaa , You have answered "the quintessential question", and You have put the mind of the readers of this email at ease, no more worrying for the time being for them.CheersManoj

Dear Divyaa,
As I was reading this latest favorite article of yours, Something literally speared the core of my being - I felt as if waves of some kind of energy were reaching out to me and creating a flow of streaming tears - And I'm wondering what the hell is going on here! Your article contained a wonderful understanding of the topics discussed - I perceived it as absolute Truth! Thanks for sharing your knowledge/wisdom.
Love & light, Poonam

Hi D
just want you to know, I have a lot of admiration for you......since the last 5/6 years i have known you, and your growth has been tremendous.....and I need to tell you that YOU WALK YOUR TALK… and I have experienced your enthusiasm & it has been heartfelt.....keep talking & walking......and emailing! Love Nadine.

Dear Divyaa,
Happy B'day! And How beautifully you explain birthdays is amazing. All your emails are amazing. Thanks for sending all these mails to me.
With Regards
Nikhel Nuwal

Dear Divyaa,
You have been a great influence in bringing in so much positivity and balance in my life. In your talks and emails I find so many of the answers my mind has been unknowingly seeking. I know there is nothing in my universe which will stop me from coming back to you. Nothing has really changed in my life since meeting you but really, so much has changed
Sincerely yours,

Dearest Divya,Your mails are beautiful,inspiring and provoke spontaneous meditation.Thankyou,thankyou,thankyou...Love Gayatri

Hi divya hows it going.?
Thanks for the articles and channelings you send me....... they really helped ... this reading is another level if you know what i mean. This is the next step. I seriously think you need to put all your stuff and publish a book. Believe me . Why im saying it is your writing is not what you usually get when you pick up a random book. Its intense . Its hard. i love it. Its literally like a slap on your face. A bang. Your perception of things immediately shifts. you feel that you have entered a new frontier. a new world. i feel that stuff like this must be more readily available. i know it might be litlle heavy , but its truth.it needs to be more readily available.Anything more you have please send it over. i find it very intriguing. I’m like glued on the comp for hrs at a stretch.
Thank you

Dear Divyaa,
I received all the e-mails you sent me today. It really feels good to be on your e-mail list. I hope to do justice to all your e-mails because each is a labor of your love for all.
Thanks a lot

Dear Divyaa,
Truly enjoying all of your emails...can't wait to see you on Tuesday!!!!! Thnx4 being in my life. Much love...hamsi

Dear Divyaa I thank you from the bottom of my heart and with tears of gratitude flowing for everything that you are that you reflect and have guided me to. Thank you thank you thank you........
With all my Love Hema

D! this article left me totally....breathless...upbeat…and very happy!!! loved it!
:-) anju

Dear Divya ,
your article is absolutely wonderful , congratulations , you write so well
and have presented the whole subject in a very lucid and concise manner .
Thank you .regards Dipak

Dear Divya ,
many thanks as usual the article was outstanding .your articles continue to stimulate , thank you so much . Regards Dipak

Hi Divya. Hope u had a good holiday. I called for an appointment .Your emails are so beautiful they bring tears to my eyes. P

Dearest Divyaa The life which i infuse within myself thru your class !Wish i can create more of these opport's. But yr mails keep me going! LOTS-N-LOTS OF LOVE VIRAAT.

Hi Divya,
Its been a few weeks since u entered my life, but nothing is the same anymore!! Honestly speaking it doesn’t feel "joyful" yet, (...was so very convenient to create people we could "blame" for all that’s not right), but i feel like iv been hung upside down...am now living life on a new dimension...i.e. inside out...and moving backwards in time too...future
happening before present!!! While i am trying to get my bearings living in this new dimension, something deep inside me knows that i will have a safe landing, or better still will Learn to fly, that too from peak to peak! After all, why else did i create u ?? ;-)))

Thank you for being you, and for the daily dose of emails!
Love and light ,

hi divya,
Thanks---i took just a peek but couldn’t stop! So much is becoming clearer! Carry on,
jeroo bhada

Hey Divya,
This is wonderful - you certainly know how to serve -up your learnings. Thanks and Bon Appetite to you too!

Dear Divya Thank you. You are a great communicator and can simplify complex issues.
Have learned from them and hopefully practice it.
Nargis Wadia

Hi Divya,
Wishing you a very happy new year, lots of channeling and spiritual progress the very best. thank you so very much your emails, I always look forward to hearing from you. I find your articles very enlightening and your insights make me look within and in the bargain I have been getting lots of insights about my self . After reading your email everything has become even more clear. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights with me. Please keep sending emails to me ,I look forward to hearing from you, love and lots of thanks,

Hi darling Divyaa,
Just to express how grateful I am for your very reassuring presence in my
life and the extent to which you care. Somehow this reaffirms my belief in
the fact that I am exactly where I should be at this stage of 'living' but
I'm not alone, God has sent me helpers to see me thru. Oh Divyaa, you
understand me so well. I love you for being so generous with yourself...it
helps enormously. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks so
much for keeping all the msgs coming.
Have a great holiday.
Lots of love,

Dear Divya,
This is to say to you how fantastic these messages are! I also often experience the synchronicity between my inner and outer worlds...I found myself nodding in agreement with so much you have said in this email. I want to thank you for sharing yourself in the way you do. I wish you the most wonderful year and hope that 2004 brings you joy, peace and above all, love. Take care Lots of love,

Divyaa ji-I am reading all the mails and spend time to analayze. The mails are helping me to keep calm and to think as to how I can improve my self. With
regards. S.S.Kapoor

Hi Divyaa, I am so blessed to get lovely lovely articles from you. Thank u so much for each one of themlots of Best wishes for your excellent good work-usHma khanna

Dear Divyya-Thank u so much for such lovely enlightening articles;I must say you are different in making people understanding the concept of life
I am so obliged to get connected to u .Being in delhi i do miss your tuesdays session but i know one day i will attend your sessions
may god bless all withh lot of happinessthanks a ton for making difference in so may lives-ushma KHANNA

Reflect, pour express....yessssss lovely D thanksss for your daily dose, its like a prashad u lovingly give, and is much valued and  recieved with much gratitude, from your heart to mine. Thankyou and Happy dussera D LOVE SABINA

Wonderfully written articles….Thankyou Amisha

Dearest Divyaa,That is one of the most beautiful and precise definitions of all that we do in our spiritual quests....Thank you Tunisha

Dearest d, Lovely!! You put it all in a great perspective!! I wish more and more people could listen, read your mails there would be many who would see a different side to spirituality and actually what you are talking about is what every single person wants, yearns and lives and breathes for but doesn't know what else to do to get there!! 24/7 joy, love, happiness and orgasm...attracting by being!! wow!! Aditi Makim

hi,Divyaakummar-here is bharat and mona, i love your all the mails and every day we are waiting yr mails.  like to know more on mind power,destiny or luck, crevative visulaition  and many more.thanks bharat shah

hi divya this was just something which really helped me today! i really look forward to ur articls-thanks a ton-love nita tanna

Hey Divyaa, Remember me, Chitra, Kiwi's friend.This is just profound - what many of us need to be reminded and helped with. Thank you so much.Looking forward to the continuations.Chitra

Hi Divyaa..My name\'s Amrita..just about done with college...came across ur article in the midday...just wanted to tell u tat i never really read stuff like this..but lately ive been reading ur stuff and i love it..ive actually started cuttin ur articles and read it as and wen i feel like..for some reason..i feel really happy and motivated about life...goodluck with all ur work..adn i hope tat all tat u wish for works out 4 u...love..amrita

My dear,this is true bible !!!love paola

Dearest Divyaa,The root chakra meditation was just wonderful.  I feel great after trying it.  Do you have meditations for the other chakras too ?Would you share these with our group ?  Much love to you,Pervin

Hey DD:) Welcome back! Missed the flavour, the essence of your emails permeating my day. Though you send enough to ponder upon. Each time I read or re-read you I find an unexpolred dimention.I'm so happy to see you:) in my in box!Have a beautiful day. love always Vrushali.

Hey DD, Just send you an email saying I find new dimentions in all you emails; but no! Cause as I was reading, this one hit the Target.The epicentre of it

all! I just realised that there are no dimentions, there are no facets there is JUST ONE SINGLE FOCAL POINT! ONE PATH, ONE STEP, TO JUST THE ONE, JUST ONE! It is exhilarating, so alive to realise that we are all ONE!I now SEE the mirror, the reflection of him, of me, of everyone around me is me! Its like suddenly walking into a room full of mirrors n looking around. I see only self. What more can I say........... Thank YOU. Love YOU. (I now understand what it means to really love yourself is to love the One n ALL! I'm sooooo giddy!! Things are just spinning around me like I've been put in a centrifugal machine to blend it all to perfection. Alignment! Temperance! AaaaaH!All through your mails!  vrushali

Hi Divyaa,glad your mails have restarted! missed all the motivational /Inspirational e-mails!! So nice hearing from you. Glad to know you had a good holiday. Will meet you soon! God bless.Mala.

Welcome back d!!!!!!!!!!!!  ...... simply beautiful ..... this is the key u turn near the stomach understanding d!!!!! love ... hAMSI

Wow D. difficult to even concentrate on the depth of what you have written at one shot - because it is not easy to absorb - but this is what we all have to strive for and to achieve it even for a moment -would be to experience a free flying or a free fall or a going beyond....SONAL

Hi-Just to wish you a very happy Teacher's Day...You have made a difference to my life,through your tarot, meditations, emails and personal sessions and just being who you are & I shall be grateful for that always :-)Love & RegardsMaheshwari

hi,hope all well. what ihavejust read has opened many areas for me which i think i needed to know about myself.thank you see you when i get back. Love to you and mayank -ruki

Divyaa, i have learnt a great deal from you is all i can say. I learnt how to be a student and perhaps to be a teacher.  To laugh and be serious. To be a sword when need be, even as i remain a cup!  Looooooooots of cups to you, always. Anahite

What a lovely message, Divyaa. The 3 pillars of the Zoroastrian religon are exactly this! "Manashni (good thoughts), Gavashni (good words), Kunashni (good actions)".Have a lovely day!Aranaz

Dearest Dee,Beautifully written. Hope you won’t think that I am being patronizing when I say that it is great to see the stupendous strides in your communication skills.I feel truly privileged to be in constant connection with you.Love,Nsurgis

Outstanding D....outstanding...wow !!! You are my Guru..God alone knows from where you have brought me and where I am taking myself thru You....brilliant D...brilliant ...aah !!! Shruti

hello divyaa:thank you for your daily/weekly e-mails.i am thoroughly enjoying all of the wisdom that you pass along!i am so pleased to have met your daughter by synchronistic chance at a Step Up event.thank you again, for the insightful e-mails, which somehow seem to be talking directly to me and affect what i am currently 'experiencing' in my life and on my path right now.blessings,kim halizak

Hi Divya,I never cease to wonder at the lovely articles you come up with - I learn more and more through your notes and articles.A million thanks is yet to Little.love Khush Dubash

Dear Divyaa,I love the “surrender” analogy!The words “so it is and so it is”……has such calming effects in surrendering,It brings the wondering mind Into balance automatically!I so enjoy the journey……….I thank you with joy!Love Sheila Kapur

 Many thanks Divyaa for this transcript today. I needed to read that.No words to express my gratitude.Regards Nitinn

Hi Divyaa.Your mail on Love was wonderful. Just too beautiful I have sent it to all people I knew. It was a very touching mail. Very meaningful indeed. Thanks , Thanks a ton for such beautiful and meaningful words. Thay instantly refresh the person who receives them. Rajiv

Dearest Divyaa I Have read this several times...simply mind blowing!!! your shakti, energies, conciousness are expressed sooooo beautifully through this poem, its like reading rumi , you feel your conciousness exxxxpand to allllll its glory as u read......am overwhelmed.......u amaze me more and more each day Divyaa !in consciousness do all these coming and goings disappear..".......such an honour and grace to have a teacher like you. Though not in touch through tuesd class  i feel so connected as a student cos though i have become mostly self reliant i constantly RECIEVE AND RECIEVE AND RECIEVE from you. And paradoxically the more complete i feel within myself,the more the universe keeps giving through the energy of teachers like you. This one line for me is worth more than a life time of classes...it gives me allllll that i need in the NOW. love flows through your words and the student drowns....such a sweet drowning....love u.Sabina

Wonderful article D. Clears so many things.lots of love Neeru

Hello Ma'am,Liked your article in The Sacred Space, TOI [Delhi  edition] today! As a rational thinker with no religious leanings, I liked your take on the concept of God, which is akin to my personal beliefs! Although I am biased towards my scientific temper, and consider spirituality as another human process of evolved thinking, (rather than believing in something supernatural), I took a liking to your column; and would like to read a few more of your articles to get a better picture!Kindly consider adding me to your mailing list!Warm Regards,Ravi Sreenivasan

Dearest Divyaa, I truely loved this! The three beautiful messages, bring out for me, the truth of I AM, more accurately and clearly, than anything I have read or heard or learnt-- I AM the creator and the creation, I AM the lover and the beloved, I AM the seeker and the sought, I AM the teacher and the taught, the list could go on endlessly--no beginning and no end!Thank you, my dear, what a wonderful revelation, brought out with such simplicity and lucidity!Lots of love always, Piloo.

D,Your emails are a part of my daily sustanence.M

hey d-YEAH ! TOTALLY ! OH! MY ! GOD!  message ......................SO PERFECT AND SIMPLE ! Kavita

Fantastic words so well written. Thank you.Love Archu

Dearest divyaa-Thank You and deeeeeepesssst gratitude to God and You - that we(the rest of us) are fortunate to be in the same time and space as you!I don't think we can even gauge where all and how far your teachings, guidiance and love has reached / spread / permeated.Thank You, Thank You, Thank YOU.  (now I realised in those transcripts why you keep saying Thank You..... :)) )Lotsssssssssssss of Love Sweety

Thank you so much for all your analogies and thoughts and mails..they really help live life more beautifully...Thank You Divyaa, for thevery valuable lessons.Meera.T Best RegardsMeera

Dear Divyaa,I saw you first in the Mumbai spiritual festival. Its going to be a year now. Its been a fantastic year for me in all spheres of my life. I fondly remember ur inspiring words on self empowerment & creating ur destiny. Today its part of me and im willing to flow & glide with the rhythm of life. I have returned to myself & the tarot cards are my constant companion. Thanks for all ur mails, they always fill me with awe, warmth & love. Thank U my teacher. From Sai & Mannu lots of blessings & love for the coming year Sai

Dear Divyaaji,All love and warm wishes this new year.May your words offer solace and your thought love, your presence the healing touch to all who are known to you. This year may many more meet you and be inspired by your simplicity and your words just as I have. Love,Rema

d,Just loved, loved and loved today's email. It was soo helpful and so lovely and such a wonderful capsule.thanks thanks thanks loveNeeru

hi divyaa,if theres truly one person i can think of who has made a beautiful change in my life it's you...and for this i can never be grateful enough...just couldnt but think of you on reading the mail you sent..thank you..divya khanna

Hey Divyaa,thank you !  to the person who has made a difference in my life! your mail was like you-just so straight to the pointLove Naina

dearest dearest d !!!!!! my thankfulness to you is just endless .... pinging non stop as i read this wondrously msg!!!! big hug d .... love ... h

Dearest DD,I draw energy for the day from your emails. So please keep me posted. Love warmth gratitude Vrushali.

hi divyaa,this is just to connect with u & to say hello & how much i enjoy reading yr articles!all of us v much appreciate all yr help & input.lots of love,jeroo

Divya...this was just superb!ALL say the same, but very well put by you-IT STAYS WITH YOU! vivek

Loved it ! keep us going GURU.Love Archu

My dear Divyajiji,Many thanks for your wonderful articles.  You not only write well but also the contents is amazing and simple.Shortly you should compile your writings into a book as you keep writing regularly.  With love & affection

Dear Divyaa,I have always felt that sometimes when we ask questions the answers come...and your mail...It was a balm  to my soul to read you..So lovely. Perhaps when God cannot speak to us or we cannot hear that universal voice it is the voice of those whom we know, who are dear to us that is used.With love Rema

 Hey Divyaa,Though not a member of your class...I would like to thank you for these wonderful words and the guidance rendered.They help me ever so much even though i live  thousands of miles from home.I wll come and see you when in india! I thank the coincidence that led to me calling you and then landing up on yr mailing list.regards,gouri

HiI am blessed to receive such beautiful articles; can i please be informed about Tuesday satsang venue and timeI am in Janakpuri New delhi Please let me know.I am so happy to be in contact with u .I have been seeking right path to happinessand I think i have reached right placeTake care god blessUshma

Truly wonderful Divyaa, phenomenal stuff. Thank you sooooo much.Lots and lots of love,Meher

hi Divyaa,thank you so much for all this wonderful, different, excelent, deep meanings and understandings of spiritual conciousness.the more one reads, the more one understands.need to keep reading and re reading your mails.thank you so  much for it all, and i am glad to be a part of your mails.best regards,meera.

Hello once again Ma'am!A big thank you for adding me to your mailing list! Browsing through all the mails as of now! Very captivating indeed.....These shall make for many interesting enriching discussions indeed!srinavasan

Interesting. I hold the same view.Myths are a vast and complex area of  study. I am presently engaging myself, trying to intrpret Mahabharat. One of my version  "Kunti personifies planet Earth" appeared in TOI, which  I purposely wrote to draw attention to the environmental crisis gripping our planet. I shall be interested in sharing these thoughts and ideas.I have also gone to your website and found it very interesting and authentic. Wishing you all the success.S.M.Bhasker

Dear Divyaaji,Thank you so much for your mails.Every word is read ,every thought sinks in and every idea is the seed of change.What can I say?For all your lovely words of wisdom.Thank you once again. Rema

Hi Divyaa,love all your forwards, especially  resonate with this one.Just wanted to say thankyou for making a difference, love your energy!!!Take care,Iove Fizz

Hey Divya Aunty....Just read your email on the liitle things. Before i could finish it i was all smiles.. Thanks alot for all the lovely emails you keep sending.Take care Shweta

Dear Divyaa,Truly wonderful. Thanks for sending it. Please keep sending such jewels.Navin Shah

Dear Dee,Have been reading this over and over again, and every time I read it,i feel there is some more i have learnt from it.Actually most of what youwrite, the second third reading and then ... Wowbut this one....(Love is  a state of allowing, non-judgment, and acceptance.) So simply said but I feel the vibrations of it as the feeling gathers foundation within me....the realization is absolutely beautiful in breathtaking.and (Love is truly honoring the choices that each one around you has made, however different and however difficult it might appear to you). Hmmmm..........getting there............ slow and steady but getting there.thank you rita agarwal

"simple"y terrific..vivek

Dearest Divyaa,Thanks once again for openning new windows and also wedging a few doors open in my mind with the this information. Thanks again. It is really saddening to see how we limit ourselves with the beliefs. When I used to teach computer graphics, I used to tell all my students to reach the stars and that even sky is not the limit go beyond. But only recently I have started realising what the meaning behind the words were. I got reminded about it with this message. Thanks again.Lots of love & light sunita rao

This is sooo cool my lovely one... and so lucid...glad to understand that one works on self so effortlessly and there's never a dull moment.... so much more to look fwd to, every moment,in total awareness,,,all the more easy flowing...  i love all that you send and fwd it so many more people and they love it too...so thanx always! Keep Shining! Hugggs! tashi

hi divya, thanks for your email,i really appreciate that.my session with you has changed my perspective about myself and now i truly feel i am on my way no more doubts,and confidence in self has grown.cant thank you enough.lots of love ruki
Thanks!  You have a knack of timing things fabulous.... needed that just now!Love...Mudit

This is beautiful Divvya,sittingin Delhi i can experience the POWER of OM-SAWAH.Thank you for your mails Divvya,thanx for being around - spreading good word.

Dearest Divyaa,Hi!Hope you had a fantastic Christmas. I have to say that you have been a pillar of support for me during a bit of a rough patch that I have been going through. Even though you are so far away its like I just need to open my mail box and you are there with a keen message and mail for me.Even though you are over 4500 miles away just the fact that you are there for me means a lot. And I want you to know that I will always be there for you if ever you need me.Have a faboulous year ending and a wish you all that you want in the new year.Much love,A

D,Are you still in town? Read today's paper with your article. Gosh. I could hear you speak. All the things we have been talking about. It was packed.love

Hi Divyaa,So what if you are enjoying your Summer Holidays !!!If I don't hear that 'drone' from Divya, my day is not complete.So roll it on !!!RegardsBakul

D,just reading this, brought  a smile to my being!how lovely to wake up to this every morning..thank YOU:-)anju

What an absolutely thrilling revelation!.... started, trying to absorb your 'writing' , thinking that I would not be able to go through it with due attention (or, consciously), in the middle of the day, what with "so much work to do".... and now I feel that the day's worth is already received... wonderful..Thanks, thanks, thanks!Love...Mudit

Dear Divyaa,Thank you so much for remembering me for your special day. :) It would be an absolute pleasure to share the Joy.I also want to give special thanks for all the WONDERFUL mails that you take an effort to send us. The last few articles on death and desires have really shaken me up, inside-out ! Its been mind-opening. These mails must have changed countless lives, and mine is one more!Thanks and Love,Pavneeta

Hi Aunty, How are you? Hope everything is going well. I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for all your wonderful emails. They truly brighten my day. The daily pressures of work and life can really build up sometimes. Opening your emails really help remind me of my true path an purpose here. They help keep me on track the days I need it the most! Love,Nish

Superr timing... Just as i finish with my morning prayers to get to your writings(equivalent 2 sugar in my mng 'cuppa' tea)..... Addicted to - hooked on to - look 4ward to each mng- Thnx d. love pooja


Hi...Divyaa not recieving your  e-mails anymore so got worried.........have begun working at The Soma store in colaba so will not be able to attend tuesday classes and your e-mails now remain a life line........ really look forward to them everyday.....thank you love Taru

divyaa hia small note to convey that your e.mails are very inspiring and motivate me enough to try and have a more meaningful life.hope you doing well.
lots of love vimal

wow - this  is so  beautiful - the profoundness is articulated so simplistically - so beautifully - this one really is a  masterpiece ...
...thanks for sharing it .... :)anuva

WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! am speechless...thanks for sending this one. manish

Divya words as you always say are merely that --- words ----, but at times have to be used to express gratitude towards a source of inspiration such as yourself... for sending us such uplifting wisdom...In gratitude,Dipika

Darling Dee,I so hear you where words can't go. Thank you very sincerely for reaching out to us like this. So much of me depends on it.Loads of love,When do I see you,Gopi

Dear Divyaa,Excellent insights…keep it coming...Affection,Ishan

hi Ms Divyaa,I do believe in what has been mentioned below but again and again, its our strong will that comes from within us that has to take charge in order to change our story and our life.  I believe u do know that, its easily said than done  :-)) I just would like to add another matter here.  I find that the articles u send does help me during such appropriate time when the Words of Wisdom has to reach me.  To me its a miracle!  Sorry that I couldn't inform this to you earlier.  Its only now that i've found the time to reply.Have a glorious and blessed day ahead....luv-vicgnesh-

hi Ms DivyAA Greetings to you... Well, yr mail mentioned happens to coincide wt the feelings that arose in me today.  It kind of brought my memories to surface.....that i should be thankful....Thanks alot....  for sending it at the right time.... (like u always do..... :-))  )luv,vicgnesh

Thanks so much Divyaa, this is extremely good information and I do my best to put is into practice day and night and things are looking up for me. I love your notes/ teachings.
Thanks so much again.Lots of love Khush

heY D just last nt was talkg to my aunt abt why we dont enjoy buddhim talks or relate to the reasonings anymore...tried putting it in words, but u know how thats of no use..i always imagine what i wd say to another who wants to understand what we "do"..and it never does justice.you have soooo beautifully,correctly,just gone into that very area that is so difficult to explain.am goin to print this one n give it to whoever im unable to explain it to...kudos d !!!love nIKUNTHA AHUJA

 hi Divyaa (Hi kavita, i know you will really like what divyaa has written below on the Masters and also enjoy our sharing here, so, including you in this.)u have described it so beautifully. its like a  zen teacher or osho describing it.... this phenomenon of transmission - of the lamp, like buddha called it, also the title of one of osho's books....... and the most important ingredient for this transmission is the opening of the heart and bowing down in surrender to the master - or master energy.Thanks for bringing in these sacred seeds of sweetness..... it takes me back to the times i have spent so closely with Osho, and then i start to miss it again, but most importantly, it makes me stop still for a few moments and thats even nicer.Zia.

WOW!!! Ma Divyaaa , You have answered "the quintessential question", and You have put the mind of the readers of this email at ease, no more worrying for the time being for them.CheersManoj

So beautifully put Divyaa, I read and reread again and again.Thankyou, and much love,Fizz

Ur calender it just super my dear..i hv no words each word each page is fab..god bl u..u r a divine soul 2 guide us. Meera

just fantastic D,thanks and keep 'em coming.lots of love,girish.

d,just want to share...ur heart & experience is in your writing..& also i experience your dedication.....I REALLY GET THAT.....from my I AM to Your I AM...love nandinie

Hi Divyaa,
Greetings and love to you also from the depth of my heart. YES, I would very much like to be on your mailing list, to learn, to read, to share all that we have and can. I can already feel such a strong awakening within myself............ the feeling is difficult to express, yet simply put, its AWESOME.
Stay well and blessed,


I am allowed preferences, right?Then a forever physical presence of my Divya is what I CHOOSE. In al moments and the journey of my expansion.   Beyond Weyond, I don't understand Love Roopa

A thought occured to me! In whose blue print it is to grow, will be the fortunate ones to come in contact with you.With all my best wishes, and lots of love.jo

Dear divyaa, please add me to your mailing list. A few thoughts i wanted to share with you. I had reached a stage of total stagnation in my life and in my spiritual growth. i had stopped meditating (something i really enjoyed earlier) as i felt if i cant solve my day to day problems of life what was the point of it all. And after listening to you suddenly so many doors have opened and my whole perspective of looking at things has changed i am  feeling charged with an inexplicable enthusiasm  for everything i do.  love and light, nisha

Dear Divya,I am Surbhimami's niece and came for two of sessions that greatly impacted my life and my consciousness...life has shifted in a powerful way...would love to continue it but timing is not workable because of work. There are many others who would also be interested in a class if you would consider creating one for 7pm or such a time suitable for working women. I am keen on participating in any way possible because I see what you mean by "automatic" and it becoming a "natural" way of being after consistent and continuous practice and being in the company of people of expanded consciousness and tuned in to a higher frequency...also the fact the when I raise myself to a higher consciousness...another's anger, bitterness or negativity cannot touch me...that was a phenomenal experience. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Love,Aditi

Outstanding D....outstanding...wow !!! You are my Guru..God alone knows from where you have brought me and where I am taking myself thru You....brilliant D...brilliant ...aah !!! shruti

Dear Divyaa,I want to thank you for the wealth of knowledge that you are imparting to us through your classes.It is indeed a blessing to meet a wonderful person like you.Thanks once again for your loving guidance.With warm regards,Shillpa A Singh

Dear Divyaa,I am writing to you this mail as I am touched like so many others from You and The Learnings.I was going through the transcription of your ‘Diwali Abundance Meditation’ and one day i heard it thru a cd . I was suddenly catapulted in the meditation ‘as if’ I am part of it. I started following everything as advised by you and at the end was in a deep sense of trance. This was truly an Anubhuti/Learning for me that energies work for you irrespective of time and space. All one needs is one’s focus & belief. I remember distinctly the one-on-one session I had with you and how the energies had worked on me on my stomach chakra and the same happened for me on my throat chakra in this meditation. I had severe throat irritation followed by cold & cough which was the best thing that could happen as ‘The Cleansing’ was/is taking place. We, may not be physically present on Tuesdays but your teachings and learnings that we have had have become our day-to-day energy signatures. I would like to say we can’t help but THINK like that now.A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU & The Group.Warm Regards,Nitinn

This is truly beautiful divyaa...i honestly go back every tuesday feeling so confident and yet often enough forget to assimilate all the wisdom you impart... but the awareness has set in and i am able to correct myself,a little late most of the times but i guess better late than never..i honestlycan never thank you enough for bringing this shift in my life .you helped put me together when i needed it the most...thank you always...divya khanna

Hey d your Enthusiasm really comes thru....wen u talk, your passion for your subject really touches the hearts of people......love & luck.....nandinie

hi  divyaa, thank-u  for everything  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!coming in touch with you has completely uplifted me  i feel so rich as a person ,  has  given me confidence  , groomed me  into a fine human-being ,life is much more fun now  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thank-u    lots  of love  harsha

Dear Divyaa,Your talk at the Rotary meeting today was indeed very inspiring, informative and enlightening. I would certainly call you up one of these days to take your professional advices.Yours sincerely,Navin Shah

Hi Divyaa, Something uncovered in me yesterday.Wow Tuesdays.... well i wanna call our sessions food for my soul.Thankyou. You know Divyaa,i have been with Sri Sri that was the start of my journey,i was blown,fantastic,then inspite of all telling me to be a teacher my soul was not resonating to it,(still do my sudarshan kriya)Then went for vipassana had a wonderful experience,along with reading osho going for his meditations,(still read him).Did Pranic healing ,learned from it,though did not want to do that heeling,enjoyed the meditation. I thank all for all. Now nature has yet again got me to you,i had been just thinking...something more larger more reachable..Wow what a fantastic life I could relate to you Divyaa,and i knew i have come.Thankyou.Divyaa, have been hearing since long there is no other,yesterday you spoke of universal love(a thankyou to Anju for bringing it up)and when you said 'when there is other there are conditions when there is no other there cant be conditions,that is unconditional love'...wow Divyaa i just went in silence (as much as possible)Today morning i experienced it i saw trees from my window... felt it... no became it...  I am filled with gratitude for this.Yesterday i was asking you what book i should start reading,but As of now i am overfilled with those writings shared by you,thankyou,but i know i wanna read more.Please guide me.Luv...... Seema

Dear Divyaa,Wanted to share with you how much I enjoyed our discussion today, and in that 3 minute exercise .... thinking of  what we really want, and will to happen.When I picked up my pen to write down, what I really wanted, or thought I wanted(at that moment).I could nt put that thought down, absolutely just could not,but another wish/ thought, flashed through my head.Which gave me clarity, which surprised me, that subconsciously i actually wished for something else,not my thought of the moment.Like this ray of sunshine, parting this cloudbut left me with a lot of calm in its wake. Thank you so so much.thank you once againlots of love Rita

HI Divyaa, On this day, just wanted to thank you for the  changes (tilts)small and big that you have brought around for me!your emails, classes, experiences and all that you share.. thank you!!Love Naina

Dearest ...my journey since i've been ur student d.....is truly amazing!!!! thank u d fr constantly showing me different aspects...big hug.....hamsi
Hi Divyaa,I enjoyed reading your mail even thru a hectic but great trip. Thank you for all the beautiful thoughts which I enjoyed sharing with many. But I especially love this one.  What better way to lift your spirits at the end of each day?  Yesterday I thanked god I met you.....Prerna

Arey  what Divyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa          !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have been waiting so eagerly to get back to the  class. Need the recharging.roopa

dearest di can already feel the soul food mingling in my blood stream ...in every atom  , cell , organs of my body...you would ask me how i know the taste before! i have tasted the soul food you prepare...looking forward to getting intoxicated on tues class....raising a toast to you...happy birthdaylove , su.

D,It feels like the penny has dropped. loads of love and again a big thank you Hugs Neeru

Hi Divya,I have really been enjoying the class and and trying to digest all the new info.t is the time in my life when I needed to find myself and coming across your class can be no coincidence ! Love Bela

Dearest Divyaa,I thank you for all the wonderful,meaningful and deep drops of wisdom that you slowly but surely pour into our lives each day and I pray that your life too is filled with everything that your heart desires.Lots of love and God Bless,Jasmine Mevawala

thnx to u & tuesdays....the shift has begun.....h

Dear Divyaa,I have only attended two Tuesday session and feel so relaxed , waiting for next turn.I am going to enjoy the journey with you 100 %Surbhi Jhaveri

Dear Divya,You would not remember me i was  in ur 30th Jan.class.And that was also the beginning of a new journey called SELF wherein u have STARTED the act of TRANSFORMATION in a dorment me.Thanks for the BEGINNING.Warm Rgds.Mamta

hi, i just wanted to tell u that u did a great job today... ur talk was highly effective and well composed!u may have fear of public speaking but trust be it was not translated in any way to the audience. i got an aunt along who was also very impressed with the entire program.u did great and best of luck for other talks to come!rachna.

thnx divya  with you around yesssssssssss we are always on a peak to peak journey-neelu
hi divyaa, I just want to tell you its a great experience comingfor every class , reading your mails . In the past twomonths that i have been coming am begining to seethings differently - the last few classes i have come for have been a growing experience. Just want to say thank youand that i am liking the experience very much.i am writing this to you to say thank you and i am growing.Love Bijal

Dearest Divyaa, uuu my dear were my wake up call !! i couldnt make it to class again yesterday as my dog was unwell but its okkk the way i feel right now EVERYTHING is just fine the way it is, life has never been better , the inner music more beautifull the heart dances for no reason, i think im in love with myself....U WERE MY WAKE UP CALL.....wonder if my inner thankyous reach u?...also strangely, i feel so very connected to u, your e mails have a sequence that somehome coincides with my thoughts feelings...for the past few weeks ....it is it is ...has been replaced by I AM IAM... ...and sure enough your mails ALWAYS match with what im feeling...THANK YOU LOVE U...and will see you on tuesday loving light sabina.


Dear Divyaa, I am writing to thank you for the session we did last week.I have often gone back to my notes to savor some of the things you revealed during the session.  I think the biggest gift of that session was the re-affirmation of the presence of the Master in my life and how much her grace supports and protects me, that i am not even comprehending completely.  I have become more aware of my auto-responses, and catch myself in the act, even more now since i have better understanding of where the patterns come from. Thank you for your generosity and coming in my life.With love and respect, Amit Singh

Hi Divya,Thanks for seeing qualities in me which i didn't know existed.I feel too shy to express myself verbally.All i can say is that you've given me a new lease of life and made me realise how truly beautiful our world is and how fascinating this game we're playing.I know you'l believe nothing is gifted but it has to be manifested by ourselves.But i feel i've been gifted 'a new sight' to see the world and my 'self'.Those two days you channeled for me are the most beautiful and precious moments of my life.And yes, you don't need to channel anymore because Divine Consciousness is now your Being 'I'm sharing one of my favourite poems wt you.hope you like it.sapan

Hi Divyaa, Its been more than an hour,and I have still not got over it, I just cant think, its like my mind's fuse is completely  off. My heart charkra is so full with glow. [ I am sure you can see it and feel it ] I have spoken non stop with my daugther - name Roopali, I call her Chinu. And when I explained to her , she was like, I am reeling under this, my GOD, miracles do happen in this universe !! - dont they, and I am still feeling that aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh !!.  The emotion that I am going thru right now  is like all that I was holding close to my chest was released today, and that made me feels so much fuller so much richer. And I cant thank you enough Divyaa - thankyou once again. Love Neena

First of all, Divyaa, thank you! The reading was superb!  As always, i could genuinely feel a different energy taking over.. i connected to the universe through Divyaa and boy, it helped!   JUST WOW.  Thank you from my heart. anahite.

Thank you so much for reaching out. We are  so filled with hope and joy since meeting with you.You have no idea how powerful your work is and how blessed we all are to know you..Much love,Abha

Divyaa It is always a great pleasure to have a session with you Thank you so much for your fantastic work jf

Good Evening Dearest DD (Dearest Divyaa)I felt the connection the first time I came to see you. Cause though I was there for a Tarot reading, I didnt look at the cards. I was just there that day cause I had to meet you, again! The energy exchange that took place was beyond words. I hugged you n felt I was holding nothing, it was like hugging myself. And when I went back home, I was Glowing! And that was the first thing hubby said to me when he opened the door! "Why are you Glowing? You look so fresh and happy! Where were you? You went to the parlor or to meet Divyaa?" he said. ;) Cool, I went to rejuvinate, cleanse my aura, meet my self! I said.Good Night :)love always always...V.

Dearest Divya,You are truly a channel. I thank you from my seat of my soul. A The Universe guided me to you, to let me know who I am and what my journey here is about. Love aditi

Dear Divyaa,Thank you for just being who you are and a fantastic session. Ur the best and have brought out the best in all around you. Love Archu

Deaerst Divyaa I  thank you from the bottom of my heart and with tears of gratitude flowing ...... for eveything that you are taht you reflect and have guided me to. Thank you thankyou  thankyou...............my life has truly changed with all my Love Hema

Hey Dee! That was beautiful.Thank you for all that you do,seen and unseen..abha

Hi Divyaa,I hope you are keeping well.Just wanted to thank you.Thanks for lifting up my spirit  which was slowly fading.I don't know how,but you for sure have shown me the way to get out of the whirlpool.Don't mean to exalt you for the heck of it,but I really mean this.Yesterday,I was feeling low again (worrying about my application to the US universitites).But after a while I just shunned it,closed my eyes to imagine my session with you and the sun..though could not really concentrate for a long time.....it made me feel better.I want to thank God,since you attending my mail spontaneously was  something  good in store for me.believe me you are like my mentor  and I would like you to be my mentor always.(Hope ,I am not asking for too much too soon).regards,Gouri

Dearest divyaa ji, even with a phone session i can sense an extremely healing whiff of air from Divyaa, so I have opened all my doors and windows to allow an easy flow of the air. Let the air blow in full into my being, pass through each and every corner of my being and allow me to understand what all I have not. She is God sent and I am confident I have lots to gain from her.God bless.rajiv

Hi Divya,Wanted to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart as after our reading session we got a very clear direction on wot needs to be done next and how to take things forward.It was simply superb.I just hope we are able to implement it well,as we intend to follow your advice.You were so fantastic and magnetic,i just felt so many things but cant express you in words.Also i got lot of clarity on cards and was observing you how u reading cards and understood menaings of cards more!I almost got HYPTONISED for few minutes,I am sure u are aware about it,you were mesmerising.Lokking forward to meet you soon and hear from you.
Tons and Tons of love Deepa C Dave

Hi Divyaa I just want to thank you SO MUCH for doing my reading yesterday. I really enjoyed it, even long distance on phone! i enjoyed talking to you, and feel much more calm and ready for the universe to work it ways. I am so glad you met mum! All three of us have received guidance from you and feel so much better as a result of it. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Love, Perinaz

you have made such a difference in my life d...truly....big hug....u truly r an amazing guide in my life....this tues session(both)...has flipped me around in an amazing way!!!!! thank you for my gorgeous present d .... much love...hamsi

hi  divyaa it has started  working  i'm  feeling very very alive the more i 'm embracing the physical  world  i'm getting more and more space  thank-u learning to enjoy the  world  and feeling great  thank-u bye

hey Dee...how r u doing......miss u alot........by the way i want to tell u tht my energies of my anger have suddenly become less..i do get angry but then there is sudden drop.......i cant shout...sounds funny doesn't it.......miss talking to u...ilike sharing with u because......u made me take action....u knw......and i luv u for tht........ miss u load love kunjan.......

Thank youuuuuu dear Divyaa, you are one of my most beautifull mirrors....you mirrored for me the  infinite possibilities of my own power....will  always always be gratefull and love u for that...i say this from an overflowing heart.....no greater compliment to a teacher, if a student stands tall and complete in her own power.THANK YOU.Sabina.

dearest  Divyaa,How beautifully you put my 'joyous life' into perspective a whilst back. Things are so clear now... A bit daunting tho for to change from this mousy serious woman into a joyful light hearted soul. Seems more like a WHAT? than an absolute improbable. Yet i am also amazed at the wonder of this whole JOY aspect that i've put in. THANK YOU! Such a mundane word but so explosive in depth.Much Love,Dipika
Hi Divya!I wanted to thank you for a truely empowering one on one this morning.I am feeling so restful and joyous and other emotions that are hard to describe.There are little bliss bubbles bursting in my heart :-) Love,Abha

Dearest Divyaa,After yesterday's session with you it seems rather repetitive to say "wow i feel so empowered with all the explorarion and understanding" of my situation. But, no i'll say it once again that your insight is always so powerful that right now i feel like an ammunition tank waiting, no bursting, to release my new found independence and assertive will. Hey, i am the Magician after all and unknowingly have been one all along! THANK YOU! Of course, now i can't wait for the conclusion in our impending one on one energy blast (sorry) session. You are a darling! There i've said what i would not say up-front even if i were at the pointed end of my above mentioned tank.Looking forward  what time can i call to take an appointment? The wait until Friday is tooooo long and am afraid your diary will get full up.Much Love,Dipika

Hi Divyaa,I must tell you that a lot of changes have been incorporated in my life after i met you for the tarrot reading on thursday,15th of feb.and it has helped a lot.A real big thank you for all your help and suggestions.The Tuesday class was also very nice, and one of the things that stuck me most was that we are actually creating our own lives every single moment.The depth is amazing, and its great.Thank you so much for this...I am very glad to be a part of your group.Thanks once again..Best regards,Meera:)

hi divya i want to thank u for the session u had with me an dmy father it has been uplifting and hope giving for me and him! i have never seen him happy about this kind of stuff but he wants to come back to you! lovebijal

Brilliant....am vibrating with much more joy...thank you, loads of love Vimal

Divyaa, i owe you my new life,and am very conscious of it and the gratitude i have for you is beyond words. You are such a powerful energy worker. Each session is a class by itself. JF 2009

Dear Divyaa,I deeply appreciate all the wonderful work you have been doing through these times. Sometimes when I open my mailbox, I think my God doesnt she ever get tired of sending these mails.Yet, your mails have given me solace, understanding, inspiration and encouragement when I found no one to share my thoughts. May God bless you abundantly and keep you happy always.With love and respect,Sai 2009

Dear Divvya,Your lessons  are beautiful and so..............., i can actually feel them HAPPENNING......Thank You once again.Luv,Mamta JULY 2009


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