JOIN MY MAILING LIST-AND GO EUREKA IN THE MORNING! The real key to fulfillment lies in ONGOING transformation: building our awareness of daily opportunities to change our perceptions and raise our consciousness. Life is about dissolving the old and creating anew. The more we open to accepting and learning from every life experience, the more our lives transform Dearest all
I celebrate my mailing list going into its 5th year!!!
The mails encompass many topics- what we may call spiritual, self growth, mind expansion...Love...Energies …and spirit at its best: joy and fun!
They are sometimes articles I have written, sometimes a few lines on some aspect discussed at one of my discourses…sometimes jokes or quotes which make you go eureka instantly…. and often forwards received from spiritual websites across the world with added input from me! They range from the completely simple to highly abstract and complex, but the advantage of email is you can choose if it resonates … or hit delete!
The mails are frequent, sometimes everyday, or a couple a week! Many say it’s just what they wanted to hear that day! Many who cannot come for discourses etc travel the gamut of the journey from personal to universal consciousness via these mails! They ‘work’ so well due the daily input working its way in to you at deeper levels! Many of these mails are posted on sites across the world.
You may email me on to be on this mailing list. Once you acknowledge I can send you a gamut of emails from the last you may know if it interests you! Anytime you wish to be removed...perhaps you are traveling, perhaps you need a break...all you need to do is email me with that request! If you wish to only be informed about my workshops and activities, you may state that and I put you on a separate mailing list.
Love from my heart to yours Divyaa Kummar “To exist is to change; to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly” Henri Bergson
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