GROUP MEDITATIONS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS- GURU PURNIMA, WESAK, DIVALI, SPECIAL NUMEROLOGICAL ALLIGNMENTS ETC Auspicious occasions and days aid - be it a festival or cultural occasion of any culture... is not arrived at random! Certain universal alignments and planetary positions are in place, a certain sacred geometry is playing out, certain portals are open, and the universe floods us with certain energies to partake in. Through the year, different energies, essences, it what you may... are gifted to us by our Universal Self, through all of this, to make use of and play the human game better! Consciousness enables consciousness! And seers of ancient days, tuned into these, and described them to the larger people through story, symbol and anthropomorphism … to make it easier for early mankind to understand these abstract truths and thereby be willing to partake in them! Thus they developed over time into festivals, religious occasions and public holidays and different countries, peoples, cultures would translate these in cultural ways. These days are thus optimal to meditate or focus in day to day ways on what essence they ‘celebrate’! This not helps more of us avail these energies, but as critical mass focus on them, more is available for mankind! Think how beautiful a plan- we as consciousness gift ourselves different essences and qualities through the year, and indeed ensure that the universal order functions accordingly to make that available! Do check the website before such occasions for an announcement on an upcoming meditation- be it Divali, Christmas, The new year, Shivratri, Holi, Akshaye triti, Buddha Purnima ,Guru Purnima, 8.8.8.; 26/11 to name a few group meditations we have done over the last few years. Transcripts of some of these meditations are up in the FROM MY ENERGY FIELDS TO YOURS section. To organize one or join in it is best to email me on |