Using a symbol to abide as the still,
unchanging, neutral, and vastness that I Am and not the changes/momentum/ups
down and smallness that I appear to be.
–oneness harmony unity – acceptance of whatever is!
Greetings…You will ask us to greet you for the New
Year, but we take you to the changeless Self that you really are, so the years
may seemingly hurry by but you abide as the changeless Self.
So once again we bring you back to awareness, to the awareness that you are awareness
of the changing years, but you are awareness and not that which you are aware
of. You are changeless
Come beloveds abide as this awareness…see in front
of you the many years…the many eras…the many yugas drift by…but you are awareness… changeless…still…vast…vaster than those years and
yugas. You are awareness and not that which your aware of…every time and every
gathering we will bring you back to this till it becomes the very way you live-
I am awareness and not that which I am
aware of.
At the stroke of midnight this is what should have
come to you spontaneously…I am awareness… changeless Self…not
that which I am aware of - the so called changing year. I am awareness and not that which I am aware of.
So come and see planet
earth in front of you rotating…everything is in a state of momentum…changing
seasons…changing years…changing countries…changing people… its events…its
ups…its downs…its experiences but I am
awareness and not that which I am aware of…
See the globe spinning on its axis…see all the momentum of the universe itself…the
planets revolving and pinning…the stars whizzing by, universe being created… the
changing cosmic events… …the passing
era’s/yugas…everything…everything in a state of momentum…and yet I am awareness and not that which I am aware of...
So now symbolically, where you are see a tiny triangle…and in that tiny triangle a tiny circle is
ensconced /held … that is what you are looking through…so even while you
are the moving circle revolving…
spinning…changing … you are contained within that still triangle… …purely
symbolic…but you need this symbol…this holding factor so to say. So through the day look through this triangle
and its circle which is completely still…and look upon your changing world…your
changing day to day events and people and things…and while everything changes…
everything is in a state of momentum…I am
awareness not that which I am aware of…I am still…unchanging…neutral…vast…
It is because that you are still that you can be
aware of momentum! If you were not still…if there was no point
of stillness within you…you would get lost in the momentum…you do not even
realize this! It ’s that point of stillness that you always are which we are focusing on… and in your terms enlarging
within you… thereby helping you abide in that stillness…which allows you to
view the momentum…without getting caught in it. So look through that triangle…through
that circle…abide as awareness rather
than what your aware of….
Be aware I Am still…and because I am still can I be
aware of the momentum…be aware I am changeless…it’s because I am changeless
that I can be aware of the changes…if not I would be swept up in the changes. And
you do not even realize this…I am still therefore I can view the momentum…I am
changeless therefore I am aware of the changes…but I am not the momentum…I am not the changes…I am still…changeless…awareness...
And as the still changeless awareness I Am …I Am (in
your terms…in your words) neutral… abiding in perfect equanimity.… I am unaffected by up’s and downs …pain and pleasure… sorrow and joy do
not touch me. I am neutral - and because this neutrality exists within you-
are you aware of the ups and downs beloveds, or you would be lost in them! I am
still…changeless…neutral… I am not the changes…not the momentum…not the ups and
downs. I am awareness not that which I am
aware of…
I am awareness…still, changeless, neutral…and vast…!
Vastness indeed is my very nature. And because I
am vast…I can be aware of all the
smaller things and smaller points of existence …it’s my vastness that enables
me to see each and everything…if I was not
vast…how would be I aware of thee many many many points of being….! I am awareness not that which I am aware of…
seems so obvious when we say this to you…but if you ponder on
it…it is a profound sense of awareness
that we are bringing you into…because inherently deep within:
You are still so you can see the momentum…
You are changeless so you can experience the changes…
You are neutral therefore you see the ups and downs…
You are vast therefore you can see all those tiny tiny tiny situations and
events and people and things…
I am awareness not that which I am aware of.
So once again view the symbol that we are using with
you today for this state of awareness -
the triangle and circle
– and be aware how you are still, unchanging,
neutral and vast… even while everything around is in a state of momentum, changing up and down, and made up of a string
of many little things.
Now allow that
triangle… circle…the symbol (simply a symbol) of your state of awareness to
move right into the core of planet earth…the globe.
So you are in the very core of a circle (earth) that is spinning, rotating, revolving,
spinning… and yet you are still
You are in the very core of a hundred million
changes…yet you are changeless… You are in the very core of the drama…the
events…the ups and downs and joys and pains of planet earth…yet you are neutral….
You are in the very core of so many countries and
people and events and things but you are vaster than them all…
I am awareness not that which I am aware of.
am still…unchanging…neutral…vast…
this beloveds every day for the week, take the work out in your life:
When you see a car whizzing by…I am
When you see the sun setting…I am changeless…
When you see the ups and downs…I am neutral…
When you see whatever it is you see that you call your day to day life…
I am vaster than that…
Moment to moment…I am awareness and not that which I
am aware of.
this you deny not…you suppress not…you refute not the existence of the momentum…the changes….the ups and downs…and the smaller …but you
remain established as awareness…I am
awareness not that which I am aware of. You are having a very busy hectic
day…so much of momentum…I am stillness…
Something is changing…some relationship…some situation…I am changeless…
Some pain and joy is troubling I am neutral…
Whatever is happening I am vaster than all of that…
I am awareness rather than what I am aware of….
And as awareness I am still…unchanging…neutral…(we
use the word neutral instead of the word bliss because all of you have
different connotations of the word bliss…but truly this neutrality where you
don’t go up and down is the much spoken about bliss)
and vast…vaster than anything…anything
that is…how can it trouble you…how can you get caught up in it…I am awareness and not that which I am aware
Look through the triangle…the circle…be the triangle…the
circle…purely symbolic of course to help you abide firmly as awareness.
See this embedded into the very core of the spinning earth…the spinning globe…the
universe. I remain still unchanging
neutral vast…vaster than all that is…practice
this beloveds…bring it into your day to day life… there is nowhere else
for us to take you but to help you establish in this… to establish as awareness rather than what I am aware of.
All our gatherings are simply different… different
exercises to help you. In our last
gathering we made you aware that you are awareness and not what your senses
you see or smell or hear or taste. That which you are aware of through your
senses is always changing…in a state of momentum… good and bad…little little
situations…see the changing seasons…inhale the changing smells…perhaps in your
very home or the streets…the different things you hear or touch Practice this with your different
senses- fragrance passes by…a foul smell passes by… but I am awareness, still, unchanging, neutral, vaster than all that I
smell or taste or touch or hear. I am awareness not that which I am aware of…
In your last gathering with us we made you aware
that you are awareness and not your events and experiences.
Events are always changing…always in a state of momentum…up and down…small
small things and events…but I am awareness…still…unchanging…neutral and vast…
and not that which I am aware of. Whatever
may be the experiences and events …you abide as awareness not only during the
painful events but even the joyful events. I
am awareness and not that which I am aware of…
Once again from your last gathering with us…I am
awareness and not my thoughts and feelings…
so many thoughts and feelings…always changing…always in a state of momentum…taking
you up and down…little little little thoughts and feelings…but I am awareness…still…unchanging…neutral or blissful and vast….
And once again from your last gathering…you are
awareness and not this self that you are aware of…I
Am not x (put your own name here)… she
is always in a state of momentum…there is always some change…she I always going up and down…but I Am still… unchanging…neutral
and vast…not that little changing self hat you so identify with…I am Awareness
not who I am aware of…
Use these four ‘words’ for this week …I Am still,
unchanging, neutral and vast …of course these are not the only words which would point to this
state of awareness…but for this week use
these four words.
I am awareness…still…in the midst of all
momentum…it’s because of my stillness that I can be aware of the momentum…
I am changeless in the phase of all changes…because I am changeless that I can
be aware of the changes…
I am neutral in the midst of the ups and downs…it’s because I am neutral that I
can be aware of the ups and downs…
I am vast…much vaster than everything that is is because am vaster than I can
be aware of each little thing…
I am still…unchanging…neutral…blissful…vast… I am Awareness not who I am aware of
as this - I
am awareness – in every opportunity you get… moment to moment: I am awareness not that which I am aware of
you awake…you are not that waking self - if you were how you would be aware of
yourself waking Ahh!
-In times of turmoil… that headache…that fight…the unpalatable
situation…the traffic…whatever is your core issue today…right here now with us…see
that as spinning past the globe in front of you.
-Whatever it is…relationship with your child…the marriage
of your daughter…the weight…the physical…the husband…whatever is the chronic
issue…see that spinning by in the globe in front of you…how small…I am vast…I
am still…I am unchanging… I am neutral...
-You may do this work with your core issue…see that
core issue as the scene and the globe…and practice being awareness rather than
what I am aware of. I am still and vast and unchanging and neutral…where is
that issue? Where is it? It’s gone…it doesn’t even exist…I am awareness not
that which I am aware of
-Do it in little little other ways…you are walking
on the treadmill…you are driving fast…you can see the momentum…you can feel the
momentum…but I am stillness…I am not that which I am aware of…
-See the clock ticking by…minute to minute…second to
second…but I am changeless…not the changes of the clock…
-See a roller coaster…up and down and up and down…but
I am neutral…not the up and down.
- See the very universe coming into being…planets
and planets and stars and clouds…but I am vaster than it all…I am awareness…automatically
no thoughts…no feelings…I am awareness…
-See yourselves as that triangle…that circle…see the
globe circling…rotating… revolving…countries
changing…people changing…events and
experience changing…the clock ticking…but I am awareness…still… unchanging…neutral…blissful…vast.
And as you abide as awareness rather than what your
aware of…still, unchanging, neutral and vast…you become aware of your state of
being…you call it love, you call it
oneness, you call it unity, you call it harmony…you cannot describe it…it is harmony…it is
oneness…it is unity…but with what?
With whatever is… harmony… oneness… unity… with
whatever is…! Complete Cooperation with the now.
As I abide in this state experience a sense of oneness…a sense of harmony…with
what? You never ask that with what? You stop at feeling one and union and
harmony…what are you in oneness with? What are you in harmony with?
are in harmony with whatever is…(Divyaa
chuckles)…so simple…yes…! You will call experience
it a love… because there is no opposition or resistance to anything!
You will call it love…because what is love but unconditional acceptance…!
You’ll call it bliss…because what is bliss but unconditional acceptance of
whatever is.
You’ll call it silence because what is silence but this… acceptance of whatever
is ! You’ll call it peace…you’ll call it freedom… you’ll call it so many other
words… all which arise from acceptance of whatever is…
All these words will disappear as you sit in this
state of being…I Am…I am That…I am This. This
is your true state of being…this is who or what you truly are…you can call this
awareness…you can call it the witness…you can call it your center…and you asked
why creation? (Divyaa chuckles).
And this is why meditation is important…beloveds…because
you experience it (we have to use the
word experience for something that cannot be experienced…but you experience it…) there is a direct knowing…it’s not
academic knowledge… that something have you read…you have touched it…entered
it…experienced…and therefore…beloveds…therefore can you quickly move into it. The
gaps become lesser and lesser and smaller
and smaller…in times of troubl ea nd times of joy…in day to day things…moment
to moment…and you can move back into
this…only because you have directly known it… not read about it…not understood
So yes
initially it’s a ‘practice’ to move back into this which is your natural state
of being : abiding in awareness when I get up and something is happening; when
I am angry; whatever it may be; when am joyful…! It’s called the practice… and
then will come a time when the practice will not be to get into this but to
stop yourselves from falling out of it…then the gaps will become longer and
longer and you will be able to retain this state firmer and longer.
The second stage of the practice…till you will abide
as awareness rather than what you are aware of…witness…Self…seeing
the cosmic play…till yes there will come another stage you can call it turya or you can call it
Samadhi…where you will not be engaged with the cosmic play…you will simply be
aware…a state of being…Impersonal Consciousness.
Own this experience…know it beyond the shadow of a
doubt…let a hundred masters come and debate that ‘you’ have not touched it…moved
into it.. experienced it……but know you have; practice. moving into it…gaps will
become smaller ; then you will practice staying in it…the gaps will become
longer; then you will simply abide as awareness…witnessing the cosmic play…till
even that doesn’t hold your attention…you are lost in the SatChitAnanda of
simply being.
blessed beings.
from the Self of each one…Greetings…Greetings… Greetings…Greetings…Greetings…Greetings…Greetings…Greetings…
So It Is…And So It Is…And So It Is.
the point of opening your eyes…be aware that you are awareness… the still
unchanging neutral vast Self…not the self who was in meditation…or is out of
meditation…who is sitting or is standing…! Know I am awareness…still…unchanging…neutral…and
vast…oneness with whatever is…call it love…call it bliss…call it silence…call
it peace…call it freedom.
So yes wishing you a happy new year…but you are
awareness and not the changing years…love and blessings…use
the symbol if it’s required… the triangle…just a symbol |