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From My Heart to YoursFrom my energy fields to yoursReaching Out to the WorldDivination De-MystifiedDvyalok WorkshopsEurekaINTRODUCTION


TAROT- guidance through the cards can be done with or without leading to energy work. Yet energies are always present to help you reach your highest potentials in regard to whatever you came for a reading for! And all sessions start with tarot as they are often merely triggers to take me deeper into your energy fields…

I use the cards as a trigger to take me into your energy fields - into your conscious & subconscious mind - to thereby help you understand what you are creating for self in the now ... or as 'future' probabilities. Sometimes the readings are about understanding your self, sometimes about understanding why and how you have created the people and events in your life and how to best address the issue you have come for. Sometimes they give you a startling clarity as to what to do next...and sometimes what not to do! Sometimes they reach back into the past cause within you (of this life or another) and sometimes they help you focus on the future you choose to manifest.

Either way the guidance that comes through empowers you to view your life - its people and events - with you at the helm and not as a passive observer. Readings can be about day -to -day or deeper issues and areas, and often they pick up on aspects you may not even ask about but are what needs to be really addressed in the now of the reading. Each session is done in a field of potent energies that work with you through the reading for your highest good; and the ‘tarot’ reading that you seemingly came for often becomes a tool the universe uses to permeate you with its energies!

ENERGY SESSIONS –Including healing (Inner and thus outer) is explained below

Dearest all, this is an attempt to put into words what really cannot be explained! It is for those first timers who come –a little wonderingly-as to what these personal sessions are about, what 'happens’ in these sessions... or what do I ‘do’...! To answer the last question first- I don’t do anything- you do- and I am literally the medium! Consciousness heals consciousness And each session is different—working according to the energies and needs of the person present… So what really ‘happens’ is that you draw (through me) a finely tuned, highly honed field of universal energy- tailor made for you in the present. And this field of energy creates a potently beautiful resonance around you

-Be it for healing…. (This implies inner and thus outer healing)
-Be it to touch issues, embrace and release them; perhaps through touching the ‘past’ of this life or another...
-Be it to inculcate or empower qualities and strengths and self-expression - your inner love, joy and abundance...
-Or perhaps to receive clarity, and empower self and hone that all important ‘intent’...which is truly the inner action being creator…
-Be it to balance or expand your energy fields: often called kundalini work- chakra work-yin and yang..
-Or to connect to higher aspects of Self - personalized meditations for you ...
-Be it simply to rest, relax and revive your energy fields and beingness. Often my regular clients come for such a session when they are finding it difficult to deal with inner self in the face of outer conditions; this works like an energy shower, enabling you to switch your focus back to the empowered expanded self that YOU are! It is only one more tool, and use it in this awareness.

Or…Whatever your inner requirement may be as perceived by this universal force- yes sometimes different from what you think you came to the session for! These energies often identify themselves to you as your divine aspects in name or form or image, only so that you may consciously recognize the essence or force that you have drawn forth from the universe! Sometimes this is not required and the field of energy conducts its work while you and I engage in conversation… what might appear a Tarot session or 'just' a talking out your issues…

What ‘transpires’ within each session varies- sometimes we just speak about your personal issues…and guidance comes through a blend of the Tarot and the Energies at work. Sometimes past lives are touched.... and more often than not you are taken into theta states for work on your energy fields (pathways within your mind; conscious, subconscious and unconscious brains, Master Cell and DNA and chakras, etc) through what we may call for lack of better words: guided meditations. These are a powerful tool the universe uses to keep your conscious mind abreast of what is happening at deeper levels …

But I am told time and again that this overt communication between us- whatever form it might take, is not the real focus of the session- as the real work is being done energy wise- at deeper/higher levels- and all other communication is a platform to keep us together for that period of time… so that you may best draw from the universe what is required by your Higher Self in the now. Often I ‘know’ when that moment transpires….and I ‘know’ what the real reason for your coming to me was…what message you needed…and I share that with you.

You may specify while taking the appointment what you wish to come for, or leave it open to see what transpires! sessions are only by prior appointment - usually a waiting period of 10 days. Each session lasts for approx 30 minutes; and punctuality is very important. Energy exchange towards Dvyalok. Contact me via email or sms or call me on 9821180556 best between 8 -10 am or 1-2 pm or 5 to 8 pm please.

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