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Dearest all
Some of my quotes on DIVINATION ... from writings through the years.
Read, digest and imbibe each one
so that your experiences with divination- whether you go for tarot, astrology,numerology, runes, psychic readings etc -is enhanced ...
and you get the most from them....


Divinations 'accuracy' is not about seeing precisely into the future, but into all that makes up the present moment-for this is where you impact the future in meaningful ways!
And in this awareness a ‘reading’ comes back full circle to you! For it is up to you, to use the information in empowering ways!
The task of divination is over after it has helped you see areas and aspects that you may be unable to through the usual processes- and now the responsibility is yours! 


Bridge the gap between universal & current self through the many divinatory tools that ‘You’ in your higher wisdom have created just for this! 
Seek not to know it all, but to know how to enjoy it all!
Imagine playing a game where you knew every throw of the dice & every move of your opponents -surely you would not enjoy such a game!
Use divination for what ‘You’ created it as – a guide book to enhance your life experiences! To enhance the play! Not to fix the play ahead of time! 


Authentic divination never leaves you wringing your hands in despair
for it  only uses the a) present b) to point to probabilities ahead c) which in this current clearer seeing d) you can enhance, alter, change or embrace and  better deal with!


Divination deals more with causes, rather that its effects – thus more with what leads to future events more than the events themselves!
Based on the seed can you tell about the tree;
 based on where the river emerges from can you understand its waters and flow;
 based on the buildings foundation can you envision its ensuing structure!
Certain systems of divination, like tarot, runes and the like specialize in ‘divining’ your current thoughts, feelings and energy signatures and in that do they help you view what their effect could be in the so called future! 
Other systems like astrology and numerology specialize in helping you understand your soul plans and purposes; the timings you have set into motion, the strengths and challenges you have elected to expand or disempower; indeed their centre of attention is on the very root causes, and in this do they thus point to what effects are probable or possible!


Probability’ is a better word then prediction; indeed  it is best to keep away from the word (or need for) predictions.
Predictions indeed limit and lock you into an outcome, whereas the word possibility- frees you into a field of options with you at the helm.
And that is the whole point of doing any such reading!
So that you may in this awareness: move towards and enhance a probability which is positive; or change, alter or better deal with what is yet only an unappealing possibility!
Yes some possibilities are stronger, indeed this is when most diviners call it a 'prediction' , but  you do your work a great disservice if you convey a probable outcome as a prediction- for in that you may rob your querent of any endeavor on his part! 

Love from my heart to yours
Divyaa Kummar
"It is not action or effort that we must surrender; it is self-will, and this is terribly difficult. You must do your best constantly, yet never allow yourself to become involved in whether things work out the way you want."  Eknath Easwaran

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