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From My Heart to YoursFrom my energy fields to yoursReaching Out to the WorldDivination De-MystifiedDvyalok WorkshopsEurekaINTRODUCTION



Come beloveds, shut your eyes and conjure yourself in this beautiful space ... fresh green grass...  deep red soil.... wild  flowers in a profusion of colours, trees laden with fruit.... a vast blue sky.... the  bright sun not too warm… and  rolling blue hills all around making you feel safe and secure in the very lap of Mother Earth. Come abide in this space, and you will become aware of a strange sense of peace… with nothing to do nowhere to go to.... all seems so perfect in this now. You feel completely relaxed....

Rest in this frequency and recognize that this is no outer space we have gotten you to – all that has happened is that you have shifted to you higher frequency...to that place of rest and peace within ... the move from self to Self.  Abide a few moments in this awareness...become familiar with it so you can return whenever you choose... use this ‘place’ as a symbol... to shift into your higher frequency. And then you become aware of a crystal clear pool in front of you in which you can see yourself... gaze upon yourself lightly... see yourself outside you ... (this works over time in helping you become a witness to yourself rather than operating as the self/identifying with the self as you do currently). Day to day thoughts maybe there… if they are... see them drifting by like clouds in the sky, you are the vast still sky not the clouds drifting by; see this in the pool… those thoughts are not yours…they simply skim the surface of the pool and keep drifting away … even as your reflection remains unchanged …become aware of this…you are not your thoughts…

Now become aware of your PHYSICAL BODY, your physical self… be aware of it through all the senses… touch, see, hear, inhale, taste… become aware of beauty of the physical body - the vehicle that the Divine uses for Its exploration  - in the mirror of the pool …know it to be the sacred altar to your divinity… honor the body for the role it plays... even as you see its reflection in the pool and become aware that  ‘you’ are  more than the physical body…

Now become aware of that energy sheath around the physical self that we call the ETEHERIC BODY. It is about an inch outwardly, like a silhouette around the shape of your physical body… a silvery grey color.  So become aware if it… tap into it energetically… feel it tangibly around you perhaps for the first time. View it in the mirror of the pool… this is the prana body, this is from where the vitality and life force flows into the physical body making it alive and responsive, otherwise the physical is inert like an object – this is the body where anesthesia is given to numb the physical –as  the physical by its own feels nothing.  This eteheric body is the physical bodies gateway to the cosmos…it is also the filter… indeed it is this body that reflects as your physical! The physical is just a reflection of whatever the eteheric body holds – all disease or health and vitality is in this body that then reflects in your physical. This is where true healing takes place. And even as you pay attention to the eteheric, as you honor the role it plays, see in the mirror of the pool how the grayish tone becomes a vibrant silver…see how the tightly wound mesh it was has now opened up allowing the cosmos to flow through it in deep cleansing… allowing divine light to stream through it into your physical… spend a few moments here … and see the etheric blossom like a flower blossoming… its grid now large and shimmering one with the universal grid… becoming healthy and cleansed and energized …into its optimal state ….spend a few moments here

Now shift your attention… become aware of what we call your EMOTIONAL BODY. It’s called by different names but that doesn’t matter once you become aware of it. It’s also called the astral body or desire body. Become aware this is vaster and larger, extends a few feet around you (different for each one based on your connection with Self) or more. This is that part of your personal energy field … that part of ‘you’ if you wish, where you feel and store your emotions.  Now become aware that even here, in this emotional body, there are two bodies, what we call the lower emotional body, and the higher emotional body.  

Focus first on the lower emotional body; see it… experience it… as rose pink. Energize it with your attention (remember energy follows thought, the universe flows to what you focus on).  This is where you feel and store your day to day emotions – yes the beautiful emotions of pleasure, happiness, harmony … and the e-motion you call love! This love, human love, is very different from the force of Love, Divine Love… yet it allows one to come close to the force of Love. Become aware of this body…feel the rose pink bright and expansive. But become aware that the lower emotional body also hold their     flip side of pain, lack, loneliness, sorrow ... and is thus often blocked, burdened , dis-eased…  so you may become aware the murkier shades in it perhaps see these blocks as spots . Let there arise no judgment, self recrimination or guilt, this is all part of the duality experience…just view in the pool in front of you.

Now focus on the higher emotional body view it a beautiful light turquoise or emerald green. Even as you become aware of this body, as you shift into this frequency, become aware, beloveds, become aware of the subtle  difference – a lighter more expanded state of being… of the feeling of oneness … Love. This is the body or that part of your energy field that is not affected by duality; it holds scared and intact your true essence as a divine soul. It is the body or that part of your personal energy field that holds the memory and vibrations of pure love. Not love the e- motion, not love the feeling with its pulls and ups and downs - but the force of Love with capital L which creates and sustains the universe and existence as you Know it! ( Shakti Divine Mother state of being)  That Love of Self which bursts into creation …to explore every nuance of Self! That Love which grants free will to each aspect of self choosing to explore all that It is. You may call this Divine love, Bhatia, devotion, unconditional Love and its qualities … acceptance, non judgment, surrender, oneness to describe just a few.

See this beautiful body/energy filed in the mirror of the pool in front of you… bask in it…spend a few moments in this vastness. And then allow the higher emerald green body/vibrations- color –Love - to flow into and permeate your lower emotional body. Indeed view in the mirror of the pool as you allow the lower pink body to be fully infused with the higher emotional. Even as this happens, the lower emotional body ‘automatically’ releases what is not compatible with these higher frequencies - with Love – wherever there is light there can be no darkness- where there is Love the force there can be no opposites as it has no opposites…. So become aware that deep deep deep healing takes place in your lower emotional body.  Whatever is redundant, whatever doesn’t serve you any more, whatever weighs you down and holds you back is released, cleansed, healed… see in the pool nib front of you your new emotional body, a beautiful blend of aqua and rose pink…over time as you operate fom Love, as you meditate… it will become emerald green . Come beloveds rest unto this state of being, feel the thankfulness of being - Love…and spend a few moments here.

Now shift your attention… become aware of what we call your MENTAL BODY. It’s called by different names… the Light body, the Shiva body, Awareness… but that doesn’t matter once you become aware of it. Become aware this is even vaster and larger, extends a more than a few feet around you (different for each one based on your connection with Self) or more. This is that part of your personal energy field … that part of ‘you’ if you wish, where you hold your thoughts and ideas, and wisdom and awareness of self, the others, the world and God. Now become aware that even here, in this mental body, there are two bodies, what we call the lower mental body, and the higher mental body. 

Focus first on the lower mental body; see it… experience it… as sky blue. Energize it with your attention (remember energy follows thought, the universe flows to what you focus on).  The lower mental body corresponds to, the lower mind – the  manas- the  day to day thinking mind;  it’s the seat of all worry and confusion and inadequacy.  This is where you operate from the limiting beliefs of the ego-notion/personal consciousness rather than the expanded vision of Soul/Impersonal consciousness…   this operating from incomplete knowledge of self. It is an important aspect of your being however to navigate the day to day world/life you live in… and by bringing it into balance with the higher mind can you live a more expanded life. See the light blue vast mental body in the pool in front of you….

Then become aware of the higher mental body, deep indigo blue. Even as you become aware of this body, as you shift into this frequency, become aware, beloveds, become aware of the subtle difference – a certain stillness enters you.  This is the body or that part of your energy field that is not affected by duality; it holds scared and intact your true essence as Pure Awareness (Shiva, Divine Father state of being). It is the body or that part of your personal energy field that holds the memory and vibrations of the Higher Self and Its vision and knowing; it holds   the highest potentials of what you already are and in linear terms ‘can be’; it uses the  larger soul vision and thus operates from  complete knowledge of self and its role and divine plans; its where you know you are Creator, never separated from source; thus its    where you store the knowledge/ archetypes of the universe as they really are rather than the limiting beliefs of a separate self …

See this beautiful body/energy field in the mirror of the pool in front of you… bask in it…spend a few moments in this vastness and stillness. And then allow the higher body/frequencies...indigo blue to flow into and permeate your lower mental body. Indeed view in the mirror of the pool as you allow the lower light blue body to be fully infused with the higher mental indigo. Even as this happens, the lower mental  body ‘automatically’ releases what is not compatible with these higher frequencies , whatever is not in sync with with Stillness, equanimity, witnessing, the larger vision and its deep wisdom and guidance .  Wherever there is light there can be no darkness- where there is Awareness there can be no duality/ignorance and its ups and downs… see the dissolution  of limiting  beliefs, worry and confusion…  and  become aware that deep deep deep healing takes place in your lower mental body.  Whatever is redundant, whatever doesn’t serve you any more, whatever weighs you down and holds you back is released, cleansed, healed. And then see in the pool in front of you your new mental body, a beautiful blend of indigo and sky blue.   Over time as you operate from Awareness, as you abide in meditative states … it will become sapphire blue . Come beloveds rest unto this state of being … as Stillness, as Shiva…as Awareness…. and spend a few moments here.

Now shift your attention… become aware of one more body, one more sheath, what we call the SPIRITUAL BODY. It’s called by different names, the bliss body or causal body but that doesn’t matter once you become aware of it. Become aware this very vast boundary less body…violet in color… that part of your energy field that merges with … the impersonal… with the universe…God…call it what you may. Where there is the least of ‘you’ as you know you to be. Yes as you abide here you will a sense of vastness, eternity, oneness, peace, love….. This is your I Am presence. Indeed do not try to label, define, describe it because any label or any definition will only limit Its experience….as it is beyond the images and words of duality. Just view in the pool in front of you….and spend a few moments here

And then become aware …see in the mirror of the pool… each body merging with the next and thus how you are literally connected to God/Soul/Higher Self… call it what you may! Become aware beloveds, that  you are always connected -  literally- tangibly - moment to moment  to the Source/ Creator … see how the universe merges  with your spiritual body, which merges  with  the mental, which merges with  the emotional, which flows into the eteheric into the physical… you are connected …held in close embrace …never apart… from Source/God…! See this…feel this …and spend a few moments here in this profound realization… that you were never separate… always connected… always one with God … held close in the heart in deep embrace. Deep healing, cleansing, revitalizing, balancing and empowerment occurs trough out your energy field…

And then allow the violet tinged with silver (Mother Goddess/Love) and gold  (Father god/Awareness) … to flow seamlessly into your mental… your emotional… into the etehericsee the violet silver gold flood you bodies your energy field … and thus see the eteheric body come into its optimal state of being in the Now! And know - that then – this is what reflects as your physical body! Rest in this seeing your eteheric filled with all the attributes you choose to have in your physical.  (Understand that the eteheric body is the ‘real’ tangible body with the physical only its reflection!  Most of you think physical is the reality…and you also confuse tangible with physical …but there is a subtle difference - tangible is the energy form and what’s ‘real’ in energy terms, the very template indeed  of which the physical is only a reflection. Thus all healing is done in the energy bodies. 

So come beloved view in the mirror of the pool your energy field, your beautiful rainbow body… And now come back into physical – knowing it is the very altar to that Divinity.   A sacred altar. Honor the body for housing Divinity, God if you like while God explores Self through your body. (And of course while you have viewed each body ‘outside’ the other, all these bodies are actually one within the other in  Self/Creator/God… that you are!  So Self/Creator/God has within ‘him/her’ your soul, and within that soul is your mental, emotional body, eteheric, and within that you. You have never left home. You are not far away. You are completely enfolded within ME.)

Spend a few moments in this awareness, view it in the mirror of the pool…  experience it, know it deep withinand see your new aura… the sum of your energy field… your new resonance attracting to it like wise…your new visiting card so to say to the universe! Understand that the universe recognizes you , by your energy field, by its unique resonance, which is its unique signature. This is how you are recognized through existence! See the universe sending towards this new you whatever you require in the Now. Keep it alive… by meditation yes but also living life through these qualities, and taking actions commiserate to them  

 Feel yourself glowing… feel the expansion…. and with this image go out into your day to day life. Do this, moment to moment, wherever you are going, whatever you are doing… perhaps as you walk back into your homes - know it is this aura that is always present- that is you!   Walk into every room, into every situation, wholly conscious of how creator, soul, highest vision of you, is always walking along with you, as a part of you… feel safe, feel vibrant, feel beautiful, feel loved, feel at rest…

And so it is, so it is, so it is.




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