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From My Heart to YoursFrom my energy fields to yoursReaching Out to the WorldDivination De-MystifiedDvyalok WorkshopsEurekaINTRODUCTION

Again, from my reality to yours: If there is one gift that I would give you, it is the reflection of yourselves as I see you, returned to you so that you could sense, as I do, the miraculous joy and freedom, and trust it…. I give you each of you, my deepest regards; and through my knowledge of your integrity, reassure you of that integrity, when you are in doubt - for there is no need to doubt it.

But basically, you do no violence to no one. Basically you cannot hurt anything, but as long as you think that you can, then you must dwell within that reality. In your frame of reference no thing, in your terms, is hurt without giving acceptance to the hurt; without attracting it, and without bringing it to itself. You do not understand the holy sacred nature of life or energy and that you cannot misuse it. You are not allowed to destroy. While you live with these things, you must deal with them and their consequences. If you kill and believe that you kill, you will bear those consequences at this level of your development, but to think that you can destroy consciousness would make the gods laugh. You cannot destroy one flower seed much less a man!”

The idealization is one brotherhood, in terms of your species. Biologically, in your terms, such ‘brotherhood’ operates instinctively in the co-operation of your body cells, as they function together to form the private corporeal structure. At your viewpoint you lose appreciation for the great individuality of each cell. You take for granted that because the cells work so well together, they have no private uniqueness.In other terms however- social terms- you have yet to achieve the same kind of spiritual brotherhood possessed by your cells; and you do not understand that the experience of your world is intimately connected with your own private experience

A remembered dream is a product of several things, but often it is your conscious interpretation of events that initially may have been quite different from your memory of them. To that extent the dream you remember is a snapshot of a larger event, taken by your conscious mind.

Few understand that private reality is like a finished product, rising out of the immense productivity that occurs in the dreaming condition. You see the results of dream activity in physical life.

Your conscious intent is unconsciously brought into the dreaming condition, and that helps you sort out data. So, from other streams of actuality you choose those events that you want materialized; and you do this according to your beliefs about reality. A photograph is taken and you have before you then a picture of an event that has in your terms already taken place. In dreams you take many subjective photographs, and decide which ones you want to materialize in time .To a certain extent, therefore the dreams are blueprints for your later snapshots.

When you are ill, in the dream state you often have experiences in which you seem to be someone else with an entirely healthy body. Often such a dream is therapeutic. An ‘older’ reincarnational body has come to your aid, from which you draw strength through the memory of his health.

The gods appearing before you must always be ahead of your time, while expressing ideas and concepts that must shoot beyond your time into the future, and serve as psychic stimuli strong enough to effect future changes

You look for superior selves. You hope for senior selves, for spirits that know what you do not know, and yet I speak for the humblest cell within your body, to whom you do not listen…. I speak for the knowledge that you have! I speak for the strata of your own psyches. You are the superior selves towards which you struggle with such great seriousness, and you cannot understand that it is precisely that seriousness that cuts you off from the intimate knowledge of the playfulness of your own being.

If you become so frightened of realities that are not your own, if you take upon you tragedies that do not exist in your reality, in your moment, then you weaken your position and you weaken the position of those you think you are helping. You look about you and you see only hopelessness and helplessness. You organize your reality according to the tragedies of those around you!

For I am an un-teacher. And an un-teacher un-ravels you, or lets you unravel your selves, back to the truths of your being.  An un-teacher un-ravels you to un-learn your ‘discipline’. An un-teacher hopefully- and it is a difficult task I embark on, playfully-lets you lead yourselves back to the freedom of your own being. So when you are used to discipline, you may for a while, feel undone, or without a foundation. And then, when you let your disciplines go, you feel the great foundation of your own being, and its greater freedom.

The present idea of the soul, you see, is a primitive idea that can scarcely begin to explain the creativity or reality from which mankind’s being comes. You are multipersons. You exist in many times and places at once. You exist as one person, simultaneously. This does not deny the interdependence of the persons, but your inner reality straddles their reality, while it also serves as a psychic world in which they can grow.    

I do not want to get involved in a discussion of ‘levels’, in which progression is supposed to occur from one to the other. All such discussions are based upon your idea of one- personhood, consecutive time, and limited versions of the soul. There are red, yellow and violet flowers. One is no more progressed than the others, but each is different.

The concepts of God that you have, have gone hand –in – hand with the development of your consciousness. The god concept then was an aid, and an important one, to man’s emerging ego. In one way or another religions have always followed again, the development of your consciousness, and so they have served its purpose and yours; and they have always reflected, though distorted, those great inner realities of your being. In historic terms as you understand them, the ‘progression’ of religion gives you a perfect picture of the development of human consciousness, the differentiation of peoples and nations, and the growth of the ideas of the ‘individual’.The gods served, then, as stimulators of development. Seemingly outside of the self, they were meant to lead the self into its greatest area of fulfillment.A people’s recognized god represents a psychic plan, projected out as an ideal. Because you dwell in time, however, your god image will also reflect the state of your consciousness as it ‘is’, as well as point towards the future state desired.

If you hate evil beware of your conception of the word. Hate is restrictive. It narrows down your perception .It is indeed the dark glass that shadows all of your experience. You will find more and more to hate, and bring hated elements into your own experience.Now: for example, if you hate a parent, then it becomes quite easy to hate any parents. A generation that hates war will not bring peace. A generation that loves peace will bring peace.

You are not fated to dissolve into All That Is. The aspects of your personality as you presently understand them will be retained. All That Is is the Creator of individuality, not the means of its destruction.My own ‘previous’ personalities are not dissolved into me anymore than your ‘pas’ personalities. All are living and vital. All go their own way. Your ‘future’ personalities are as real; as your ‘past ones’. After a while this will no longer concern you. Out of the reincarnational framework, there is no death as you think of it.

…rigid concepts of right and wrong. There is only one way to avoid this problem Only true compassion and love will lead you to an understanding of the nature of good, and only these qualities will serve to annihilate the erroneous and distorted concepts of evil. The simple fact is that as long as you believe in the concept of evil, it is a reality in your system and you will find it manifested. Your belief in it will therefore seem highly justified. If you carry this concept through succeeding generations, through reincarnations, then you add to its reality.

A man who finds some thing ‘wrong’ always believes himself justified. He never hates something that he believes to be good. He thinks he is being just therefore in his hatred of whatever, but the hatred itself forms a very strong claim that will follow him through his lives ,until he learns that only hatred itself is the destroyer.

Whatever you do, wherever you go, or whatever you think, no one can go where you go or think what you think, in the same way. In certain terms, the truth is not the same for each of you.Is it true to say that sunlight falls on one corner of the yard, and false to say that it falls in another corner of the yard? But when you insist that truth is one thing, and must be said or experienced in one way, your way, then you saying that one patch of sunlight is true and the other must hence be false!

You have the freedom to do what you want, and also fulfill the ideas you have about responsibility .As long as you believe that you are caught between two conflicting beliefs, then so you are.

Perfection is not being, for all being is in a state of becoming. This does not mean that all being is in a state of becoming perfect ,but in a state of becoming more itsel

“Moment Point” – in your terms – the phrase is necessary – the moment point is the present, is the point of interaction between all your existences and realities. All probabilities flow through it, though one of your moment points maybe experienced as centuries, or as a breath, in other probable realities of which you are a part.

It is not enough to listen to me: you must look within yourself. It is not enough to play games. It is not enough to squint at yourself!…to look at one motivation… to accept partiality. You will not get it by making exceptions, or running away from yourself. You will find this freedom by learning to look inward, and by realizing that you create the reality that you know. There are no exceptions to this rule. Your successes and your failures alike, you yourselves have created. If you could but understand, this is the truth that would make you free.

Amid the mad scramble, you do make your own reality. I admit that this sounds too simple, but you will not be caught in an earthquake if you do not want to be; and no one dies who has not decided to do so. You make your own reality: or you do not. And if you do not then you are everywhere a victim, and the universe must be an accidental mechanism appearing with no reason….

Quite without any inductions, you have hypnotized yourself into all the beliefs that you have. This simply means that you have consciously accepted the focused upon them, excluded data, to the contrary, narrowed your interests to those specific points, and accordingly activated the unconscious mechanisms that then materialize those convictions through physical experience.Formal hypnosis merely brings about an accelerated version of what goes on all the time. It is a perfect example of the instantaneous results possible ideally-but not usually practically-as present beliefs negate past ones…”Your beliefs act like a hypnotist, then.  As long as the particular directions are given, so will your “automatic” experience conform…The one suggestion that can break through is this; “I create my reality, and the present is my point of power.” If you do not like the effects of a belief you must alter it, for no manipulation of the exterior conditions themselves will release you.  If you truly understand your power of action and decision in the present, then you will not be hypnotized by past events

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