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Dearest all,

Back to the Indian Epic Mahabharat… and the Hindi word ‘honi’ that often comes up in it… for it triggered off much within me which I will share 'briefly': the word first comes up when vyasa (its ultimate authour or channel) asks the 'Gods' in great anguish why the Mahabharat Battle took place...what was the meaning of this seemingly insane happening ... and the Gods ask him to 'write' the entire story for in that entirety only will he understand its ‘beingness’ and thus share it with posterity and mankind. And when vyasa starts the story ( he gets Ganesha to write while he 'speaks'...with ganeshas only rider being it must be non stop.... and this makes us realize its what we call channeling these days!!) he realizes how the 'causes' go so far back in time... indeed how seemingly difficult it is to trace cause and effect for there are so many seemingly disconnected causes and effects all leading to it...  how the Mahabharata indeed rests on these seeds planted over varying time and space so that the effect could be... what vyasa calls 'honi's.'

In lay man language (and alas it loses it true flavor in English so go beyond the ‘words’) it is used in reference to a past ‘happening’ …something that just ‘happens’…something that seemingly had to have happened; when we want to say “well that was just meant to be…”. Yet there is a subtle but vital difference in honi and kismet/destiny… though in common parlance, especially translated into English, they might appear the same!

Destiny is our free will plan; what we choose to experience in each life. Honi at a deeper level implies the causes we put in to this destiny for its plans to operate; the causes we put in for the effects we choose to experience; the causes we put into the 'past' of any 'future' event for it to lead there! ‘Triggers’ is a word that comes up in approximate translation!

So a honi can actually only be viewed retrospectively; when we are experiencing the future it led to; when we realize the past ‘happenings’ role in it that we might not have realized at the point of its happening; when we view through the larger pictures lens- certain events which we may have wondered about till we realize in their future (sometimes very distant future –eras also- as honi’s can have a cumulative effect way into the future of which they are the past!) that as causes leading here were they seemingly ‘unavoidable’!  In analogy like the seed you put for the fruit you want to eat!

Of course this brings up the old old point we have discussed very often on Tuesdays…the concept of simultaneous time… and how the linear past and future are not as disparate as they seem-  its all happening in the Now- so the seeming ‘future’ often puts in causes into the ‘past’- the future shapes the past! In simpler lay man examples this can be see in the Now of your goal  to become a doctor (future) and you thus joining a medical college (in the goals past!) In larger terms it can be seen from the overall experience consciousness chooses and thus seeds in causes to effect that !There are detailed articles on this concept of simultaneous time-a must read on my website in ‘My heart to yours’ section in the link ‘Core Concepts’.

The key point of a ‘honi’ however, as different from just any past event which leads to the future, is some degree of  non-volition in its ‘happening’; something that ‘just happens’ seemingly out of your hands; or you ‘just did’ almost non-volitionally-  almost as though something just made you do it, an unconscious choice would best explain it in English! This can range from something you do unthinkingly, spontaneously to what you may describe as a literal shutting down of what you will call your ‘brain’… making you do/say things you sometimes wonder how and why! I am going out on a limb here to explain this so go beyond the words: those spontaneous murders called crimes of passion for example- when all good sense seems to shut down and they find themselves having committed an action which even they are somewhere aghast about. This is a classic honi- an extreme example yes- but showing you the deeply compelling nature of honi’s…their inexplicability almost…. because they in your terms ‘had to happen’ … but in the larger picture terms they are the causes you put in for something you have chosen to experience/learn/expand/disempower! Without the cause there can be no effect and thus you often make these 'must have causes'/honi’s un-volitional, beyond your conscious choice! You encode them as a corner stones in your destiny/blueprint… unavoidable must happens or must do’s… thus at that point your subconscious unconscious mind takes over for the conscious mind could well balk! It is what you would call an action not of your free will! Your current conscious mind shuts down, not allowing that free conscious will to think or work! (In the deepest sense however it is true free / soul will at working- not allowing your limited ego will to come in!!!)

In the Mahabharat the word actually comes in reference to important triggers that lead to the Mahabharat (battle) ; and also refers to the Mahabharat (battle) itself- as an honi for the future of mankind! As a honi… where almost un-volitionally if you follow the story, events unfurl this family into the battle – for it ‘had to be’;  but from the larger picture lens  they were willful choices encoded by each who chose to play out their roles to play out in their lives in inexplicable ways! So, in Mahabharat examples we find bhishmapita taking that all important oath of bhramacharya! A honi indeed! Or pandav killing a sage’s wife mistaking them to be a deer, and thus getting cursed by the sage that he could never consummate his own marriage! Another honi indeed which became the cause of many things!! At the deepest levels of course the Mahabharat is symbolic of a choice that consciousness itself makes- for that turning point from adharma to dharma. So consciousness puts in the many causes …honi’s towards this effect!  You can call it destiny or corner stones or triggers; you can call it encodements in yr DNA; you can call it divine will; you can call it the unconscious/subconscious mind taking over for those involved in the drama-or - what they as the ‘Whole’ chose in surrender to the ‘Whole’s’ experience for its largest good!! 

Honi is thus not really just a word but a deeper spiritual concept- which has perhaps now become a little more apparent to you somewhere deep within -  for it cannot really be put into a single writing …spiritual texts would be required! It would cover many aspects like destiny, free will, divine will, preordained; the game of consciousness, the role of any individuation within this larger game; time and the paradox of the Now… etc

At an even deeper level, if you are with me beyond the words, it will be dawning on you that thus every thing of the so- called past, once something’s ‘happened’ was 'meant' to be – honi’s if you like-  as the  'causes ' you as God/Spirit/Consciousness chose to towards Its experience  or Beingness of All That Is.  It’s what ‘you’ as an individuated aspect of the Whole chose or did in that one nano second of the ‘big bang’ towards the Fulfillment of the Whole… for the Completion of this Divine foray! Thus paradoxically and please listen to this intuitively more than logically- your horoscopes only show you what you already did in that moment of all that is coming into being and experiencing itself and resting back in fulfilled completion! For your seeming existence itself is within that moment!  If they for example say you will meet or marry x…it’s on rewind…thus they are only describing what already happened in ‘That Now’! Those events which they describe as options and don’t happen are those options of ‘That Now’… which you didn’t take! Conjure them all those units of consciousness which were whizzing about or alongside or passing by ‘you’ the unit of consciousness!

If you really take this even deeper, its gnosis leads to true surrender- for you real-ize that all that has already happened through ‘you’ the chalice/individuation/vehicle of the Whole, is for ‘your’ and ‘It the Wholes’ highest good and WOW outcome ! In your terms for merger back with Divine Self, and from the Wholes point of view Its forays completion and Divine fulfillment at its beingness! This allows you to automatically let –go or accept the ‘past’; no matter what happened or ‘you’ did whether seemingly right wrong good bad ugly! Yet please note and listen well for when understood in depth it is not a cop out- for while you may feel it is so convenient to be so seemingly so ‘un-responsible’ for ( or I would say in surrender to) your past actions- you are in command, empowered, completely responsible in every NOW! And the Now is the only point that really is! The past has gone (doesn’t exist) and Future not come in (doesn’t exist)! In more day to day terms too the past has anyways happened and fretting about it is what keeps it alive and thus do you need to then 'complete' it -and it becomes karma and carries forward etc! But if you truly realize its what happened in that big bang moment, beyond traceable cause and effect for everything impacted everything for its ultimate fulfillment, IF THERE IS TRULY NO ENERGY SIGNATURE ABOUT IT- BUT AT-ONEMENT WITH IT- then it leaves no trace ...there is nothing to complete ...there is no  karma! And ‘your’ Now, every Now, is ‘That’ Now… the Big bang moment so to say…listen to this deeply…so what ‘you’ do in every Now is what the Whole did as you in that big bang now! Indeed in every Now you are in that power packed Divine will big bang moment…and thus does whatever you do in the now… is

Many concepts are hidden in the above writing: The Divine will to just be; its glorious big bang moment of Pure beingness –and what you view as existence-era and yuga’s- with a beginning and end –over time and space!

-Your role as an individuated aspect of the Whole, yet simultaneously remaining the Whole! Divine will and ‘your’ will in perfect tango as destiny or free will! Sometimes even operating seemingly not from your will at all- but even that 'no free will' experience/phase was paradoxically actually of your complete free will agreement! Like you choose to have no freedom to talk aloud in a class or movie; like you agree to not have the freedom to use yr cell in no cell zone! In this deeper understanding the two seeming opposites preordained and free will become one and the same!

-Time is a subject of its own; but if you think about it the Now is out of ‘time’ itself! You cannot really catch the now…the moment you say ah this is the Now it’s become the past and entered time!

- But focus on the honi for today… and surrender your past…rest in the knowing it is what you as the whole did for your and the whole’s highest fulfillment; use it especially to view those past events/occurrences in self or another which defy all logical sense…know they are honi’s…causes seeded in for perfect effects in its future…and in that is their perfection! In this surrender of your past will you automatically move into surrender in the Now…but that’s beyond the scope of this writing!

It is only in seeing any happening piece meal rather than its entirety that we loose sense of the larger picture, we lose sense of its split moment beingness…we see it in terms of past and future, beginning and ending… we lose the essence and wholeness and tap into the parts… him and her and you and me !  View  this in terms of an orgasm- its ‘goal’ or true reason to be is simply joy and bliss; Love simply experiencing and fulfilling Itself. And in that you surrender to the experience in the Now… knowing the ‘ah’ peak! If you had to break up the sexual process piece meal –in slow motion like existence- it may appear painful, abrasion, conflict etc…but as we see experience this in its wholeness- we all know it is not any of that… surely!

View Honi through the analogy of the board game! You put in the snakes and ladders for you to then come across them!!

Divyaa Kummar
Email; Divyaakummar@Divyaakummar.com
There is nothing in My Universe that does not bring you back to Me. Divyaa
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