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The shift from engaged participant to witnessing to Awareness rather than what you are aware of.

Come beloveds, from being the engaged participant to shifting into witnessing and over time abiding as Awareness…detached from the world you will live in the world. Step by step by step this process unravels…

Initially you are the engaged participant wholly identified and thus engaged in what you consider ‘your’ life – your thoughts, feelings, actions. You know other state of being! There seems no way out or beyond this! 

And then by the grace of your Higher Self you are made aware of a state beyond that engaged participant, beyond its up’s and downs and you move into what we call witnessing. In this, your focus and thus your state of awareness shifts - and you abide in the awareness that the Divyaa self (put your own name here) is doing this, divyaa is feeling that’. This is called witnessing, when you shift from being the engaged involved chaotic wholly identified participant to viewing that self outside you!   Then as you continue this witnessing there is another shift: the divyaa spontaneously drops and you become aware that the body/mind is doing this…the body/mind is feeling that’. And as you continue to abide here and allow that body/mind to do whatever the body/mind is doing there is another shift, from the ‘body/mind doing this and that’ to being aware that merely a  role is being played out…the seeming individuation is simply a  role -  playing out its role!. And as you continue to abide here even that drops…another shift…and you move into the awareness that all is just a flow of consciousness happening as it must…! And witnessing deepens. And as you continue to abide here even that drops…another shift…for eventually you abide simply as Awareness – rather than what awareness is aware of!  (At this point ‘you’ are not really aware of what you as awareness are aware of, it matters not…it loses its hold…it engages you not…it drops below your level of awareness!) You abide as Awareness - in the stillness or buzz of its higher frequency… spontaneously, effortlessly detached from the world and yet living as part of the world …

And of course, this is a process. Step by step by step it unravels and spontaneously unfolds - from being the engaged participant to shifting into witnessing and over time abiding as Awareness (where what you are aware of is below your level of awareness so in day to day terms not part of your reality). Let’s go through this meditatively in more depth:

-So, initially you are the engaged participant: ‘I’ Am doing this… I Am feeling up…I am feeling down…I am angry…I am hurt…I am happy’. At this point you do not even know of a state of being beyond this ‘I/me/my’ and it’s wholly engaged chaotic up and down self. And then by the grace of your Higher Self you are made aware of a state beyond this engaged participant happy/sad; angry /loving; up /down.

-Thus you move into what we call witnessing. Instead ofI’ am doing/feeling - it becomes “Divyaa” (put your own name here) is doing/feeling! From i/me to Divyaa (put your own name here).  Divyaa is happy, Divyaa is angry, Divyaa is feeling sad. Seemingly a small - but energetically a very major shift from the wholly indentified with ‘me/ I’ of the engaged participant and its ‘I am feeling’- to the ‘Divyaa’ out there is feeling/doing. Indeed if you do nothing but this sadhana, by itself it will take you a long way.  This first step is all it takes for the rest of the process/unraveling to happen! Practice it 24x7- be aware of that ‘Divyaa (put your own name here) doing this, doing that, Divyaa feeling this, feeling that…! What happens in this shift of focus/awareness - you are spontaneously not the ‘me’!  Not that engaged participant! You are abiding in a higher frequency of witnessing/awareness - automatically the disconnection from the engaged participant/ego self/ is happening!  Spontaneously, the ups and downs and woes of the ‘me’, don’t impact the higher state you abide in!! That state which can view and say Divyaa is doing this, Divyaa is feeling that - is the witnessing Self! Thus less and less engaged and more and more automatic distancing…detachment…a lack of identification with what i/me is going through: abiding in the sate called witnessing! As you keep at this, make it a 24/7 sadhana - dis-identification with the me increasingly ‘happens’!

-Then another subtle but major shift happens: The first shift is the shift from the wholly engaged I/me to witnessing the ‘Divyaa out there’. The second also seemingly subtle, but energetically important shift, is from even the ‘out there Divyaa’ to now witnessing self as the ‘body mind’- the shift from the personal to the impersonal! This is a spontaneous shift, it happens on its own when you abide in the witnessing state:  you begin to view Divyaa (put your own name here) as a body/mind! You view/witness the body mind is doing this and that! This shift from the personal to the impersonal is subtly important as even that little hook of your name (and its subtle degree of identification) starts to dissolve and witnessing deepens!   

-And as you continue to abide in this state of awareness and its witnessing, and allow that body/mind to do whatever the body/mind is doing, there is another shift: this time from the tangible to the intangible! From witnessing the tangible body/ mind - to witnessing a role that is being played out … a role within consciousness! You view self less tangibly as simple a role playing its role out! Again a seemingly subtle, but energetically important shift, from the subconscious identification with or reality of a tangible body-mind to the intangibility of a role which has nothing to hold on/identify with! This is also a spontaneous shift, it happens on its own when you abide in witnessing the body mind doing whatever it does. Thus a series of subtle shifts: From the engaged and wholly involved me /I participant who knows no other state, to witnessing the Divyaa out there, to the more impersonal witnessing of a body-mind to the witnessing of the less tangible role/function of consciousness!  One abides as awareness viewing/allowing the role to play out its role as any role/movie or story character must….!  Witnessing deepens.

- And as you continue to abide in this state of awareness and its witnessing, and allow the role to play out as it’s meant to… overtime even this drops and there is another shift: this time from any degree of individuation (be it the body mind or role you can identify with/hold on to) - to the abstraction and wholeness of a flow! You abide as awareness, aware of all as just a flow of consciousness… a stream with nothing to hold onto… the shift from self to Self!  One abides as awareness simply aware of the flow of All That Is!  This is also a spontaneous shift, it happens on its own when you abide in witnessing the role playing out its role as it must! So we repeat:  From the engaged and wholly involved me /I participant who knows no other state, to witnessing the Divyaa out there, to the deeper impersonal witnessing of a body-mind to the deeper witnessing of the less tangible role/function of consciousness to the deepened state of witnessing all as simply a flow of consciousness!   Witnessing deepens.

You have lived for thousands of years as the engaged and wholly involved me /I participant who knows no other state and no way out no matter what you may have tried!  And it is grace… it is grace indeed … that in this lifetime this awareness ‘happens’ and you become aware that you are not that engaged involved chaotic participant…!! Just this step - this one single shift of awareness is all it takes! This is important to understand- because the  rest of the (above described) states/shifts happen more and more and more spontaneously … based of course on your degree of sadhana. Thus a self unraveling…  unfolding process… journey…ripening…awakening call it what you may- from the engaged and wholly involved me /I participant who knows no other state to abiding as Awareness! And all one has to ‘do’ or become aware of -  is shift from being the   wholly involved me /I participant to witnessing the Divyaa self (put your own name here)!  From ‘I’ am happy… ‘I’ am sad…’I’ am miserable … ‘I’ feel all those emotions…you move to the Divyaa out there is feeling doing. The all important link/ circuit breaker…! ‘This (divyaa you so identified with) becomes ‘that’ (outside somewhere!  And ‘That’ (awareness which was an abstract concept) becomes Ah This – your state of being!  Thus there is an automatic detachment; you are able to witness whatever is without getting entangled!

So each next step/deepening of witnessing - ‘happens’- you do not enforce this…! We have only outlined a process, you do not have to practice each step- but become aware of each step as the deepening happens! You shift increasingly into lesser and identification, deeper and deeper state of witnessing! The very word witnessing by its very connation means to view something outside w/o identifying with it thus objective detached viewing!

We repeat, yes, to seed your subconscious:  One’s awareness  shifts from the ‘me’/ ‘my’, to the Divyaa self, to the impersonal body mind, to the intangible role, to the flow of consciousness and lack of any individuation to identify with … No tail to pin the donkey of self!


And as you abide in this state of being …another very vital shift/deepening:  We can perhaps call this the shift from engaged participant to witnessing - to Awareness! Because from witnessing- which is abiding as awareness of the self/or the body/or a role/or the flow - You finally abide simply as awareness - rather than what you are aware of! In all the above states you abide as awareness yes, but are aware of the self/body/role/flow…detached yes from them, distanced yes, un caught up yes but still aware of and thus witnessing them! In this final shift you drop what you are aware of also! You abide simply as Awareness!! Even in this of course there is a unfolding process but eventually when you abide as awareness you are not really aware of what awareness is aware of…it matters not…it engages you not…its below your level of awareness! The seeming ‘you’ and ‘the world’ goes on as it must, but you abide as Awareness rather than what you are aware of! This is where the Masters/sages abide, seemingly aware of everything, doing what they do or saying what they say - but truly they abide simply as Awareness!  So in witnessing yes you are still aware that the Divyaa self is feeling that or doing that - detached but aware, unidentified but aware - but when you abide as awareness rather than what you are aware of… even that starts to completely pale and dissolve and you simply abide as awareness…

And why is this? What’s happening in energy terms? What’s happening is that when you move into and abide as Awareness - Awareness is the highest finest –frequency; and thus when you abide in the highest frequency anything of a lower frequency cannot touch you…cannot come close to you…cannot impact you. When you abide as awareness you abide in this beautiful buzz/ calmness/stillness of the higher frequency where nothing else can intrude! Yes, the physical eyes will see…the ears will hear…the mouth will speak…the hands and feet will do the actions…but you simply abide as awareness not that which awareness is aware of…! This is also a spontaneous shift, it happens as the process of witnessing deepens…! You cannot try to come here or the you comes in the way!

View this through analogy, it’s like when you are dancing…completely lost in the dance… nothing intrudes; even when you are exercising, truly…truly exercising, running or whatever it maybe …thoughts cannot intrude…that is why it’s called the sportsman zone; any activity that takes you to a higher zone, perhaps a creative pursuit…it’s as though everything else gets left behind…because you abide in this higher finer frequency (which you label as peace and joy and stillness  but these words do no justice to it at all) and the lower frequency cannot impact you!  

-And it’s not only activity! This is what happens in meditation too …you move into the higher/ highest frequency of awareness…therefore you leave all your worries and thoughts behind…that is why you like coming here week after week…you experience…you taste…you touch this higher frequency where nothing else can intrude. This also happens in the state you call deep sleep- indeed even when you are falling asleep…the twilight moment before you fall asleep…you shift from beta to alpha frequency …thoughts start to loosen their hold on you…your worries start to loosen their hold on you…because the frequency is shifting to the higher…from beta to alpha…delta…and in meditation perhaps you are often touching theta…and therefore you abide as awareness rather than what awareness is aware of.

Another way or analogy to understand this…when you abide as awareness you break through the thought barrier…! Thoughts are of a  lower frequency…they are present in the lower energy field around you …contained within a grid so to say…but when you abide in awareness you break through the thought barrier…you break through the net of thoughts …like a flight that flies above the clouds.

Thus when you shift from engaged participant i to witnessing to finally awareness you abide simply as awareness and not what  awareness is aware of! It’s called ecstasy or calmness or stillness or silence…because nothing can describe this state


And so we come to self enquiry…sadhana.  We have told you already that self enquiry is not a thought - so whenever you are engaged in self enquiry you have automatically moved into the higher self frequency- you have automatically broken the thought barrier- that is the power of self enquiry.

Self enquiry doesn't yield you answers…(Divyaa chuckles)…that is the paradox…you think self enquiry gives you the answer and that’s why self enquiry is important - but no beloveds - here is a little secret from us…there are no answers…all that self enquiry does is take you into this higher frequency where the lower doesn't exist…it takes you beyond the thought barrier…Self enquiry takes you back to the source that you are, to abiding as awareness  rather than what you are aware of! Thus when you practice self enquiry you reach this place of stillness- the calm - untroubled by lower thoughts orthe identity of self… you shift spontaneously from self to Self! (For the students of the cards the queen of swords…for the students of flowers all of the thirty eight flowers can enable you to move into and abide in this state.)

And there are many other tools ( chanting, prayer, mediation  etc) which we have explored and used over the years, each one plays its own role, but all work on the one principle of shifting your frequency to the higher; helping you move from self to Self! Now when you chant, add one new dimension to it, be aware of that self who is chanting…abide in awareness rather than what you are aware of…!

And of course meditation is like a pole vault into the higher frequency… breaking through the thought barrier…into abiding as awareness rather than what you are aware of! But even in meditation become aware of who is that mediates, who is aware of that stillness, peace etc you are feeling -  and focus on that!!!! And even the meditator dissolves. Simply Awareness is.


And yet let it be known the thoughtlessness is not having no thoughts - but  not identifying with the thoughts - so as you stop identifying with the thought-  they loosen their hold on you. And anther beautiful shift takes place: The thinking mind subsides and thus the working mind opens up…! We have touched upon this in several gatherings, the working mind is the Universal Mind, Self, Consciousness call it what you may - functioning through the Divyaa Self/the body mind/the role/the flow (these being used as they need to be used by the universe).  The prompts and clarity of the working mind….effortless action…doing without doing…surrender.. call it what you may .So again be aware in thoughtlessness, these seeming thoughts of the working mind will be present - what to do etc -  and yet they are not thoughts (of the lower frequency) but the flow of the higher frequency through a you!

This is important to understand: that when you abide as awareness you will not be sitting with your head lost in the cloud and a woozy state of being, lost to the world or your role in it – indeed the working mind will function optimally and  you will be most alert…functioning optimally… unhampered by the thinking mind! you will not need to go and sit on top of a mountain, detached from the world - you will live in the world…you will function as a functioning member…and yet over time…increasingly…gradually you will abide as awareness rather than what awareness is aware of.  The play will go on…!

And yet grace it is that even the first step has happened…the awareness that i am not the participant. That is all it really takes, the rest is a spontaneous process nothing to do with the seeker/you!

Like the lion that lived among sheep has seen his face in the river…never ever again can he be a sheep…! Yes living among sheep he may forget time to time…he may continue the habits of a sheep but he can never be a sheep again…he knows he is lion… and the more he sees his lion face or experiences his lion nature the more the sheep drops off! In this sense each of you know you are not that participant…you are not the angry/happy/joyful/sad self…you can never go back to that state of being… its done…its over…its finished…but the rest of the steps will depend on your sadhana…does that lion go back to the river time to time and see his face ? That is what you do in mediation…you come to the river to see your face.

And finally when you abide as Awareness it will just be natural effortless state of being like that lion living among the sheep knows he is not a sheep…he needs to do nothing towards that…you will live in the world that you are a part of…the universe will function through that body/mind or individuation or role as it must…but you will abide as awareness and not that what you are aware of.


You can call this dehypnosis…you can call it unconditioning…you can simply call it remembrance of who or what you truly are…and this remembrance that you experience in meditation helps you move into it quicker or abide in it longer and firmer…! You can call it Awareness…you can call it the Now…you can call it being centered…get not stuck in words and concepts. These are just outlined to you week after week (like self enquiry) to take you beyond them!  To abide in a state of being where thoughts loosen their hold on you… start to fade away and dissolve…not engage you quite as much as they used to!

We have given you several…several…several ways towards this ‘practice/sadhana/ of moving into the witnessing state… of abiding as awareness. Choose that which you resonate to but make it your constant sadhana through the day…whichever one you resonate to is that right for you in the now.  So maybe from the moment of waking up in your beds in the morning move into that sadhana… you will yes fall in and out but remember even when you abide as awareness /Self for a nano second the participant/ego self is being loosened! You cannot be Self and self; the higher frequency dissolves he lower..! So do this beloveds: Divyaa (put your own name here) does this…Divyaa does that…the body/mind does this…the body/mind does that…the role is happening… it’s the flow of consciousness…!

Or whenever you are sitting be aware… who is aware of your thoughts - you are that awareness! If you are aware of the sea you cannot be the sea!  Come closer…be aware of the room you are sitting in …but be aware that you are awareness not the room; come closer…be aware of the bed that you are sitting on but be aware that you are awareness not the bed; come even closer…be aware of the body and be aware  I am awareness and not the body; come even deeper…be aware of your thoughts and feelings but be aware that I am awareness not the thoughts…let awareness be the constant factor you keep coming back to. Awareness of the world around you…awareness of the environment in which you function…awareness of the things that surround you…awareness of the body…the mind…the feelings…the thoughts…in all of these you abide as awareness rather than what you are aware of. Awareness is the only constant factor.


Even now, as you sit here in mediation be aware of that  self sitting here…the body sitting here…that individuation role playing out its role of sitting here , of all this as  the play of consciousness…; be aware who moves who opens her eyes…and that you are that awareness. Let this light flood the darkness…let it bridge the separation…let it dissolve the identification with this imaginary self…abide as awareness…! Don’t label the awareness…don’t try and describe it …Ahh! Abide as awareness…in that frequency ideas and thoughts may be scuttling by,  but they will not impact you, they may be present somewhere below the line of vision so to say…you do not have to be thoughtless…you just don’t have to be caught up with those thoughts…it will scuttle by like little flies which can’t affect you.

And this is where we are taking you week after week…month after month…year after year…so that you will make the shift from participant to witnessing to   awareness quicker …abide there longer…firmer…with less and less gaps… till it becomes unceasingyour natural state of being. And therefore the world around you, the environment, the people, the things, the feelings…the thoughts…they loosen their hold on you. They are all there… everything is happening as it does, everything is the same but the shit within changes everything…! The world, the body mind, the thoughts don’t disappear -  you do!

We can meet here every week…every month…every year…there will be nothing new for us to tell you; but yes we will continue to meet at this river in which you can see your face…of Awareness! But what you do in the week after seeing your face will be your own sadhana…self enquiry…constant…constant…constant self enquiry…not for any answers…there will be none…you will lose interest in the answers and in the questions itself because self inquiry takes you straight into awareness…into the higher frequency.

And So It Is…And So It Is…And So It Is

This state of being…as your unceasing incessant state of being.


Divyaa spoke this after the medit…

Friends, I want to tell you that when we are in awareness it’s not that there will be no thoughts…thoughts will always be there below … I am going to say the ‘line of vision’…below the line of your conscious awareness! So usually we think our thoughts are those which are on top of our mind… our worries, fears  and desires but actually if you allow these to go by  then there are other thoughts…layers of other thoughts …ultimately even the world out there is just my thought form.

So as we meditate or witness so much clearance is happening, like the surface layer is being dispelled. O.K I am going a bit deeper… when you are abiding as awareness thoughts may be coming and going … but they are like there…they are not affecting because you are in this buzz !  That is what you have to try and experience…don’t try and say there should be no thoughts…they will come and they won’t matter…they will be like little ants on an elephant….

You will be above the clouds…clouds are there guys…and the more you abide as awareness the less awareness you are going to have of the clouds. For ultimately we always think of our thoughts as what we are thinking…our worries…our desires…our fears…but you allow all that…sit in a meditation sometime and allow that to go…then other stuff will come up…and so many things…actually everything is a thought form…the whole world out there is just my thought form or your thought form…that is why when you awaken there is no world.



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