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From My Heart to YoursFrom my energy fields to yoursReaching Out to the WorldDivination De-MystifiedDvyalok WorkshopsEurekaINTRODUCTION

Dearest all,
A refresher...
Live in the empowering beauty of knowing that...
The Whole, The Universe, God, All That Is, Consciousness…
... Call it what you may...
Has chosen to explore itself through its unique individuation that appears as  'you' ;
All That Is, seeks to see itself in unique ways
And one of them is through the vision that 'your' eyes behold
Existence chooses to be ever anew,
Through the contribution of whom you call 'you'!  
Rest in the knowing that you are not required to be like another; think like another, evolve like another
Not even like your Gods or Masters...
For what a waste of eternity if each individuation went back with the same view!
Gods and Masters; texts and religions are paths, beautiful each, already traveled
And in that they are vital markers and aids yes
But enabling ‘you’ to tap into the unique inviolate ‘you’
That arises!

As your desires
Your thoughts
Your fulfillment
Your completion


But rest in your truth that unfurls and rises
Revel in 'That'...  which is 'this' you.
Live 'That '... through 'this' life 
 If you want to see as God does, feel as God does, think as God does
For God sees,thinks feels through 'you'
The Universal   acts through the individual; and  the 'individual' acts only for the Universal...
'They' are one.
My favorite quotes on this subject:
Rav Zusha [18th century Polish Kabbalist] on his deathbed:
When i go to heaven, they will not ask you me why was i not Moses; instead
they will ask “Why was i not ,what only i could be…”

You choose to individuate as all of existence itself. Explore the entire cosmos by using your being as the entry point-ishdeep
It is a paradox that everyone is here for the same reason and yet everyone has an individual purpose.
Everyone is here to experience life as deeply as possible, and yet your individual purpose is to explore your unique character.

Everyone, therefore, has an unique function within the infinite variety of Creation.

If everyone were to be the same
there would be no use of you and me!Unknown

Love from my heart to yours

 Your destiny is not some enforced plan you must suffer through, but that unique exploration that You The Whole has chosen through 'you' the personalized self - Divyaa

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