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From My Heart to YoursFrom my energy fields to yoursReaching Out to the WorldDivination De-MystifiedDvyalok WorkshopsEurekaINTRODUCTION
Beloveds all,

Today let's view another Krishna episode through the larger picture!

Krishna's sister is being trampled by an elephant even as Krishna and his wife are in the balcony viewing this, and Of course Krishna's wife is aghast, and going through all her emotions and tears; and as she glances at Krishna she is angered to see him serenely watching the whole scene… and seemingly not making any attempts to save his sister. However in a few moments Arjun, lands on the scene and not only saves Krishna 's sister, but they fall in love! And Krishna turns to his wife and gently tells her that when you view life, through His Larger Drishti (vision) – upheaval of emotions, anger, worry and the like doesn't arise! For he sees the larger picture!

And beloveds he does not refer to literally seeing the future; or having some mystical vision beyond the commons mans ability… as much as in operating from The Larger Picture- knowing thyself… and the other, life, god through the larger lens! In this, does he -and his message to us is that so can we become like him- remain serene and still and yet wholly participant and joyous in life…

-Indeed once you view self, others, life events and god through this larger lens…. witnessing 'happens' naturally! In analogy it's like seeing a movie, participating in its dramas and joys and ups and downs and yet as audience you do not need to make an effort to not get personally drawn into the characters lives and stories …!

-Thus does authentic detachment 'happen'… which does not mean running away from or leaving all family ties, beloveds, careers and ambitions….but indeed true detachment or vairagya is in remaining in the midst of it all, in the witness mode of the larger picture, wholly participating but not unduly involved ... knowing that whatever happens is for the larger good of 'you' and 'all'...

-And this is true surrender! You cannot 'try' to surrender, It happens! When life becomes like Krishna’s divine play… when you live in the moment to moment knowing that I KRISHNA... EMPOWERED WHOLE, bring to I individuated Self, what is best in every moment. In every moment are both these aspects of self in complete sync and tandem! In every choice is One Will being played out! (Like your ludo 'counter' and 'you'!) Indeed I am forever fixing it all for my individuated Self... indeed my individuated aspect need 'do' nothing ...( as in worry or fret- again think of your ludo counter) , but rest in this empowering beingness moment to moment...! Whatever is needed will come up or be desired.. Whatever outcome is best will happen...

-THIS COMBINATION-of being the WITNESS, LIVING IN DETACHMENT, BEING IN SURRENDER…is what brings that MYSTICAL SMILE on the faces of our 'Gods'… that sort of half smile… with both corners of the lips subtly twitched upwards!

-This is the posture of bliss… beyond the ups and downs, beyond even joy and pleasure and thus is opposite pain and sorrow; beyond right and wrongs!

-This is the posture of the 'physical being' operating as a chalice for universal consciousness in place of personal consciousness!

-This is what happens to 'your face' in meditation

-This is what increasingly remains on your face… the barometer of your inner joy and flow…

-This is the FOOLS smile…and yes indeed;-) you may feel quite foolish when it doesn’t go off your face!

-This is the mystery behind MONA LISA smile!

Love from my heart to yours
Divyaa Kummar

There is no need to run outside, nor peer through a window for better seeing. Rather abide at the centre of you being, for the more you leave it the less you learn." Lao Tzu


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