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14-02-1 – I AM NOT THE BODY - AND YET ‘I AM’

Om chants begin…

So much love...so much love...and what is love really ? When the ‘i’ ‘me’ falls away and you abide as the ‘I Am’ - when there is no separation of ‘you’ and ‘me’ – and no the me’s versus you and its needs and fears.  When you abide as ‘I Am’- love is a natural state of being! That is why you experience so much love in this group even though meet not for the remainder of the week because  it's one place where the ‘i’ ‘me’ is at its minimal... it is the ‘I Am’ and its boundary less which you experience here which creates that bonding. So today we will focus on ‘I Am’ not the body, and no coincidence that it’s VALENTINE’S DAY because the love you celebrate is not the love between two bodies. As we started with above, as one moves from the i/me/body into I Am… love truly is.

In our previous gathering with you we took you through a summation of this process from the i/me to the I Am:  ‘I Am’ not the body and I Am’. I Am not the mind’/ thoughts and feelings and yet I Am’. I Am not my life events and yet I Am’. ‘I Am’ not the ‘me’, in fact the ‘me’ is all that ‘I Am’ not, because all that I consider making up this me is what I am not! And just this awareness, the awareness that the ‘i’ ‘me’ doesn’t exist, is what’s called the ego dissolution.

BUT TODAY WE WILL FOCUS ON THAT VERY FIRST STEP ‘I AM’ NOT THE BODY- because the body is the most physical and seemingly tangibly real feature of the ‘me’ and therefore the most difficult to truly dis identify and detach from to abide in the awareness that ‘I Am’ not the body. All of you are aware of this intellectually of course, but over time this awareness will become real - ‘I Am’ not the body and yet ‘ I Am’. A slight caress...a slight pain…whoosh…you are pulled back into the body identification. Even in our usual ANALOGY of actors -for them to really do their role well they adopt a costume, hair do, makeup, a physical body shape that they best need to feel part of that character and thus express it best! In the same way Consciousness adopts the body as the perfect vehicle for any current life purpose/expression.

Come now do the kriya to directly experience what we are saying so that they not simply remain academic words you understand: focus on your body, with all your awareness single pointedly on the body and see the body dissolve...fade away...disappear...puff...it’s not there! Do this, actually experience, direct experience/knowing of the body fading ...dissolve...disappear...puff...and yet ‘I Am’.

This is also the experience of those who experience ‘near death experiences’- they actually experience that they are not the body, the body has died, they are released and yet ‘I Am’.  But GRACE it is you do not need to go through a near death experience towards this awareness -  you can move into this awareness in meditation and  simply through sustained awareness - every day and every moment, till you finally abide in the awareness ‘I Am’ not the body yet ‘I Am. So every day for few moments see your body fade away...disappear...dissolve...puff...and be aware yet ‘I Am’.

Now a second kriya, see yourself in one of those modern sky-fi movies in which you need to travel over a vast cosmos and the technology offers you a simple push of a button by which you can deflate your body into a tiny little speck, which you put a tiny little case to travel across the cosmos! So see yourself deflate your body like a deflated doll ...packed up into a little case...but who is doing that? And even as the body is deflated yet ‘I Am’.

And so we come to kriya three: see your body crack open like armour which you have worn for many years - you remove the armour and  put it on its stand - and there you see there are many… many other armours that you have used and removed over what you will call lifetimes! In this not only does dis-identification with the body get enabled but your attachment to this particular body starts to fade- because you see there are so many bodies that you have had- and the moment you see the many many bodies the attachment to a particular body automatically starts to dissolve.

Instead of an armour you can do this with an outfit, all of you are used to wearing different clothes everyday...you choose your outfit to your mood and needs of the day- you wear shoes if you are going on a boat…you wear a coat if you are in winter...likewise beloveds you choose a body according to the life plan - and that’s simply what it is- a garment that you as ‘I Am’...as consciousness…adopts for that particular life experience. Indeed unknown to you every night in DEEP SLEEP you shed the body... exist outside the body and yet you are...you get up in the morning? When you discard your clothes you do not think you have discarded yourself…in the same way beloveds remove the body like an outfit you have removed before you go to bed…you are going to bed the modern way…without clothes…without a body…and yet ’I Am. Some of you have OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES but the grace of meditation...the grace of awareness is you don’t need near death experiences...you don’t need out of body experiences...you don’t need the glory of the mystical...simple day to day awareness. Live in day to day awareness that just like when you tear your clothes you do not feel you are torn...when you put your clothes in the wash...you are not in the wash...when you have to throw away an old outfit you know you are not throwing away yourself...in the same way beloveds become aware that your body is nothing but the sheath that you as ‘I Am’...as Consciousness...as God…wears or adorns or adopts as per the required life plan...to be shed when it’s time is done…much like you shed an older garment. So see yourself shed this garment that you call the body...and yet ‘I Am’

And so yet another kriya which are meditative exercises/analogies helping you subconsciously to help dis engage from the body: View the body like a car, a vehicle you use to go from one place to another, you know it’s simply a vehicle you are using! You send the car to the garage, replace the car when the time has come- you know you are not the car! And that person who perhaps has several cars will be less attached to a particular car…so park this body in the garage full of your other bodies over lifetimes! And yet beloved though you know you are not the car, you look after the car, both the inside and the outside - clean it…polish it…wash it…? So ‘I Am not the body’ does not tell you not to look after the body…it is a vehicle that you are using…that ‘I Am’ is using…look after it internally and externally…and yet ‘I Am’ not the body…and yet ‘I Am’.

We reiterate, do these simple kriyas till it starts to become your truth : first simply allow the body to dissolve…disappear…puff…actually experience  that…and be aware yet ‘I Am’; then become that cosmic traveler deflating the body like a rubber doll and packing it into a little cosmic suitcase…and yet ‘I Am’; third see it cracking open like a armour you have worn far too long and as you put that armour in its stand with many previous armours…all the bodies that you have used over the lifetimes…in that detachment to a particular body happens. Become aware that the body is nothing but a sheath like your clothes that ‘I Am’ adopts for a particular life experience, carefully chosen as per your life plan. And finally use the analogy of the car, a vehicle that you adopt to go from one place to another and yet you are not the car, you are fully aware of that …I am not the body and yet I Am.

Also do the sadhana… the sadhana you did with ‘I Am’ not the mind…you can do with ‘I Am’ not the body: when you get up in the morning be aware the body is waking up…the eyes are opening…the legs are going to the floor…the body is moving…the body is brushing IT’S teeth…the body is doing this…the body is doing that! Not ‘I Am’…! Not I am getting up…I am doing this…I am doing that…that is identifying with the body…the ‘i’ ‘me’. If you can incorporate this into your day…constantly becoming aware of what the body is doing and undergoing…then you are abiding in your ‘I Am’ présense…simply aware of the motions that the body is going through and therefore dis-identifying from the body.

Another beautiful tool to use:  Next time you feel physical pleasure…a caress, massage, sexual activity, food etc - at that point become aware that it’s simply the body experiencing that! View  the body outside you and see the body getting it’s massage/pleasure( difficult to do…because pleasure and pain are what sucks you back into the body… that was the reason that you don the body) but start doing it…start becoming aware…just aware

And the same when there is pain: I am not the body! Try it beloveds try it…it actually works - try it first with minor aches and pain -the body is feeling the ache…the body is tired…the body is…you will feel the distancing…the detachment…you will feel the ability to allow the body it’s pain and not get sucked into it. This is what happens in extreme physical torture -  the person loses the connection with the body and that is why they can undergo that torture - but GRACE it is you do not need to undergo that torture because  simply meditation…simply awareness…will help reach there! This may take time in getting established - but start with simple pleasures of the body…simple milder pains. This is where the SAGES abide - it is not that they do not have disease/pain but to the masters it’s the body that has the pain/ disease- it is not happening to them!

And last but not least simply spend a few moments every day in this ‘I Am’ presence - becoming aware single pointedly of that physical body: the head….the back…the buttocks…the fingers…the hands…whatever; spend a few moments becoming acutely aware of the body - NOT of the kriya of the body dissolving or disappearing- simply awareness of the body as it is. And it becomes so obvious…so obvious ‘I Am’ not the body and yet ‘I Am’…and yet ‘I Am’…and yet ‘I Am’! Then even when you open your eyes and look at your body you may get this momentary strange glimpse ‘I Am’ not the body… the hand is moving but I am not the hand, you will actually feel distance…disjointed from it. Abiding in the I Am presence it becomes so obvious Oh ! My God! ‘I Am’ not the body… ‘I Am’.

The seeds have been sowed- your sadhana will determine the growth of this plant - do not hurry- and yet use every opportunity to practice: when you are ill I am not the body- the body is ill; even now as you all sit here in this awareness that ‘I Am’ not the body…feel it’s an empty room devoid of any physical bodies…and yet we are…yet ‘I Am’


All of you know this consciously and understand it intellectually- what we have told you is nothing new - but it hasn’t become your truth/your experience it hasn’t permeated to your subconscious mind.  Yes at the very unconscious this is all completely known as the unconscious is that part of you who knows All That Is. So you know it consciously and you know it at your very unconscious…but the level which is creating the block, which is creating the identification, which doesn’t allow this to become as real as it is - is the sub- conscious mind.  The sub- conscious rules ninety eight percent of what you think and feel - and what we are doing here in these gathering is directly addressing your subconscious mind! These exercises/kriyas/practices we give you – are all aimed at the sub conscious mind - because when the subconscious mind becomes aware of this.  it bows out of the way/or gets raised- the unconscious becomes conscious and that becomes the supra conscious awareness of ‘I Am’ not the body… and yet ‘I Am’…’I Am’ not the mind an yet ‘I Am’…’I Am’ not my life events or the doer and yet ‘I Am’…’I Am’ not the ‘I’ ‘me’ and yet ‘I Am’.

We are explaining this to you so that you know why we are doing these kriyas because you all may feel we already know all of thiswe have read about it…we have heard about it…we know it…! Of course you know it - your conscious mind knows it- but ninety eight percent…your subconscious still believes you are the body…still identifies with the body. It is when these truths percolate you your subconscious will you be freed from the ego identification!

And at the deeper level the body is simply a reflection of that mind, based on your mind on the sanskars (latent mind tendencies) you come in any given life and based on that does the body take the required shape and form and what you call genes even while you are a fetus. And as you go through life the mind is reflected in the body, as the body! But when you detach from identifying with the mind, you automatically dis-identify with the body, and it will simply run out its KARMA still left till then! You will stop creating new karma for the physical body! As long as you identify with the mind and its reflection.- the body- karma is still being created! But the awareness ‘I Am’ not the mind…I am not the body as its simply a vehicle playing out its role - no new karma! Think of the profound far reaching consequences of what we are telling you.

So yes why the sadhana when you have already read/heard know all this?  Reiteration helps the conscious become subconscious! And that’s why the kriya…that’s why the practice…that’s why the transcribes…that’s why the reading…simply knowing it consciously will not help - it must permeate into the subconscious which is every cell of your being.

And So It Is…And So It Is… And So It Is.

The eyes may open whenever they are ready.

See this gathering  as a garage where all the vehicles have been brought in for fine tuning and yet ‘I Am’





Another beautiful transcribe, this time it focuses on dis-identification with the body!

In our previous transcribe we took you through a summation of this process from :  i/me to the I Am:
 ‘I Am’ not the body and yet I Am. I Am not the mind’/ thoughts and feelings and yet I Am’. I Am not my life events and yet I Am’. ‘I Am’ not the ‘me’,in fact the ‘me’ is all that ‘I Am’ not,  because all that I consider making up this me is what I am not!
 This transcribe focuses in depth on the first step-  I am not the body yet I Am. Below is the synopsis


Love is not the experience between two bodies/i/me’s! What is love really? It’s a state of being, devoid of the separation that i (and it’s me, mine, you & yours) brings about. Thus no 'me/i/ego notion = Love!

This transcript focuses on: ‘I am not the body - yet I Am’. This is often the most difficult dis-identification because the body is the most physical...and thus the body and its pleasure/pain seems tangibly real

Actually do these as a kriya, don’t simply read the words. They are meditative exercises/analogies helping you subconsciously to help dis engage from identification with the body.

1-Focus on your body single pointedly and conjure the body dissolve... disappears... puff... it’s not there...!  And yet…I Am! In near death experiences one actually experiences this, that they are not the body, and yet ‘I Am’. But GRACE it is you do not need to go through a near death experience -you can move into this awareness in meditation and then sustained awareness,

2- The second kriya: Conjure yourself as a advanced cosmic traveler, deflating your body like a deflated doll if you like to pack into a little bag...but who is doing that? Become aware of that and it dawns deep within -  I am not the body, yet I Am!

3 -Third kriya: Conjure your body cracking open like a armour which you have worn for many years- you remove that armour and put it on its stand – and there you see there are many other armours that you have used and removed over what you will call lifetimes. In this, the awareness I simply don a body permeates into you and also importantly the moment you see so many earlier bodies the attachment to a particular body automatically reduces! Become aware that your body is nothing but a sheath that you as ‘I Am’...as Consciousness...as God… adopts as per the required life plan...to be shed when it’s time is done…much like you shed an older garment.

4- Fourth kriya: Thus simply see the body as an outfit you have chosen just like you choose an outfit based on the days purpose. When you wash/repair/discard  your clothes you do not think you have done that to yourself…in the same way remove the body like an outfit you have removed before you go to bed (you are going to bed the modern way…without clothes…!without a body…!) and yet ‘I Am’. Indeed unknown to you every night in deep sleep you shed the body...you exist outside the body and yet you are...you get up in the morning? Indeed as long as you identify with the body (which is simply a reflection of the mind) KARMA is still being created’ but as you disengage from the body mind, no new karma is being created and old karma runs its course!

5- Fifth kriya: View the body like a car, a vehicle you use to go from one place to another; you know it’s simply a vehicle you are using! You use the car or send it to the garage- you know you are not the car! And if you have several cars, less attached will you be to t a particular car…so park this body in the garage full of your other bodies over lifetimes! And though you know you are not the car, you look after the car, both the inside and the outside – thus ‘I Am not the body’ doesn’t mean you don’t look after the body!

6- The sadhana must be a constant and the same sadhana that you did with ‘I Am’ not the mind…you can do with ‘I Am’ not the body: when you get up in the morning be aware the body is waking up …the body is moving… the body is doing thi/ that! Not ‘I Am’…! Incorporate this into your day, constantly seeing the body and what the body is doing and undergoing – thereby abiding in your ‘I Am’ présense and dis-identifying from the body.

7 -Another beautiful tool to use – use physical pleasure (a caress/ massage/sexual activity) or physical pain (try it first with minor aches) – at that point become aware that it’s simply the body experiencing that! Somewhat difficult to sustain because pleasure and pain are what sucks you back into the body but start becoming aware!  This is what happens in extreme PHYSICAL TORTURE -  the person loses the connection with the body and that is why they can undergo that torture - but GRACE it is you do not need to undergo that torture because  simply meditation- awareness…will help reach there! This is where the SAGES abide - their body has pain disease…but it is not happening to them…!

8- And last but not least simply spend a few moments every day in this ‘I Am’ presence -becoming aware single pointedly of that physical body: the head….the back…the buttocks…the fingers…the hands…( not the first kriya of the body dissolving) And it becomes so obvious…so obvious ‘I Am’ not the body and yet ‘I Am’. Then practice this with  open eyes through the day and bodies motions - and start to glimpse ‘I Am’ not the body…’I Am’

Practice  these simple kriyas - all of you know this consciously/intellectually- it’s nothing new- but it hasn’t permeated the sub- conscious mind which rules ninety eight percent of what you really think and feel –your truths on any matter! Thus it is the subconscious which is creating the block – still believing in the i/me/ego identification - and what we are doing in these gatherings is directly addressing your subconscious so when it is permeated with these truth…it becomes a raised subconscious – whereby the conscious becomes aware of the unconscious and becomes the supra conscious… ‘I Am’.